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For Like the 75th Time!


Hello Kind Reader.

Yes, I know. I've been away for 6 weeks. But I've been busy. Honestly. Really busy. Doing what?

Editing - Yes, I know I've used that excuse before but it's true!

Liaising - Bet you didn't know that was a word did you? What is it? Basically, I've been helping a couple people get their books read by beta readers, creating a list of agents specific to their genre, and writing query letters. If you're not into writing what I just said probably doesn't mean a hill of beans to you but it's part of 'the biz' - HA! That sounds so cheesy when it's put that way. So, let's just say I'm helping them get all their ducks in a pretty row before sending letters out to agents in their quest to get representation. Yes, that's it.

Cover creating - I KNOW, RIGHT?!?!?! Who'd a thunk it? But believe it or not, I actually can draw - especially when I've got a set of defined proportions. I'm not one of those people who you can ask to sketch anything under the sun and BOOM they do it. Nope. I'm not one of them. Rather, I'm one of those people who, if given an exact set of specifications, I can create pretty much anything. I'm pretty darn good with pastoral landscapes and cityscapes. I can also come up with fairly interesting looking people - but I've got a real issue with hands. Oh, how I hate hands.

Writing - I have to throw that one in because it's something I do whenever I get the chance. Only items 1, 2, & 3 above have taken a lot of that time away from me.

However, the one thing that has taken the most time away from me is my book reviews - I've created a whole new, really cool site that I've not been able to launch yet because I've got a few more little kinks to work out. AND I've started doing video reviews, too. You'd think they'd be easy. Read a book, write a review, then read the review. But it's not that easy - especially when you're presenting the review on behalf of another reviewer!

I've done 3 of them now and each one has taken at least 2 hours to film (for various reasons - you'll understand why in a little bit). And then it takes about 4 hours to edit them. Thankfully, I've got some reviewers at The MBR who are now creating their own video reviews which is awesome because it opens up my window a little bit more.

Now, as I said above you'll find out about what I mean when I say 'various reasons' but in order to do so, you have to watch my blooper video. It's of the latest review I presented.

And all these things I've mentioned my dear Kind Readers is why I've been AWOL from WASWR for 6 weeks. Let's hope I don't have to wait another 6 weeks to get back here!

Until next time.

This post first appeared on When A Southern Woman Rambles, please read the originial post: here

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For Like the 75th Time!
