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The Red Squirrel, a New Visitor to My Garden


I have recently seen a Red Squirrel in my garden, and on the other side of my house. I must say that I have never seen one in all of my years in this area. Has the Red managed to take over the territory of the ubiquitous Grey Squirrel?I began to see a Red Squirrel several weeks ago, after the first snow (that stayed on the ground). Yesterday we had a substantial snowfall. Today, I saw a Red Squirrel running up my tree. I was amazed at how much smaller it was to the Grey squirrel--half the size. My Red has a gorgeous red tail. Like the Grey, the Red squirrel is a Tree Squirrel. I was also surprised to read in some places that they are an endangered species. Other places say no. Apparently the Greys carry a disease for which the Reds have no immunity, so I hope my little squirrel survives.I read that the Red Squirrel is a solitary creature, unlike the Greys who run up and down the the trees chasing one another. The only chasing done by the Reds, is when the female is in estrous, and is ready to mate. She gives off a scent the males recognize, and they chase her until one of them mates with her. She might have multiple males in her short period of reproduction. She would produce one litter a year and have up to three or four offspring. I understand there might be only one Red squirrel in a large territory. Among other things, they eat spruce buds, needles and cones. Perhaps that is what attracts them to my area now, since I have a number of pine, spruce, and even fir trees not far away.How exciting to have a small Red Squirrel running around my house and garden! I hope the squirrel can establish a territory. I am weary of looking at only Grey squirrels. Let's have a little Red. Have they found a territory among the Greys? Or is it a passing moment or two?Do you have Red Squirrels in Your Area? This photo was taken by D.Gordon E. Robertson, 2008-03-30 and the source is: The file is licensed under

This post first appeared on Floras Fauna, please read the originial post: here

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The Red Squirrel, a New Visitor to My Garden
