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Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you.                                                                                                                                    Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Live in present
      Most of us stay unhappy in our life because of our thinking habits. We either worry about the future that is yet to come, or we keep thinking about the good or bad time of our past. Worrying about the past of future gives us nothing but worries and unhappiness in our life. we can change this situation just by living in the present time. Appreciate and enjoy everything that we have right now, stop worrying about the past because that time is already gone and we do not have any control over it. Also, we do not have much control over your future as well, and our current actions will shape our future
      So try to do everything assuming this is the last day of our life. When we have this attitude for life, then we will not have regrets for things that we failed to do in the past, and we will not have painful expectations as well from our future.

Decide what actually matters in our life
     If we want to know about the things that matter most to us in life, then we should picture our self on the deathbed. When we will do this, then we will realize happiness, love, and peace always matter at the end of the life. With this thought, we will not get angry on small things, we would treat others with love and respect, and will avoid fighting over silly matters. Needless to say, we will have happiness as well in our life.
      Also  to stay happy all the time we should learn to ignore small things. Holding on small things will transform it into bigger issues, it will waste our time, and we will lose our happiness as well.
Stop Procrastination
      There are several things in our life that we don’t want to do, but we have no escape for that. If you do not move forward from this kind of situations, then it is of no use to procrastinate the task. Procrastination of the work will reduce your energy level, it will exhaust your mind, and it will give you stress as well. These problems will make you unhappy, and finishing that task can help you get back your happiness easily.

Stop comparing 
     No one has everything in the world, and same applies to you as well. If you compare yourself with others, you will always stay unhappy, and you will not be able to enjoy what you have in your possession.  But if you do not compare yourself with others in any way and you enjoy what you have, then it will make you a happier person
Learn to say NO
    If you have a habit of saying yes to everything or every question, then I bet you are not happy in your life. To have ultimate happiness in your life, you should say no to all those things that do not matter to you. Also, if you want to say no to something never say yes to it. This simple action can keep you away from many terrible situations, and you can preserve your happiness.
 Trust me i have too much experience in this case...😌😌

Appreciate all of your important relationships

         We all have some meaningful relationships including friends, married partner or someone special in our life. However, most of us do not appreciate these relationships until we lose them. To have real pleasure and joy in life, it is important that we always appreciate all of  our valuable relationships. This simple action will keep us motivated, and we will always have someone on our side in our good and bad time
Express your Emotions
      When people face the annoying situation, then most of the people bind their emotions instead of showing their anger or reaction to the world. This binding or holding of your emotions will increase your blood pressure, stress level and it can lead you to several health problems as well. So, if you encounter a situation where you need to register a reaction, do not hold yourself, register your complaint and take action to have the desired happiness in your life. And if you cannot do anything for a situation, then don’t keep it to yourself, share the agony with your friends or loved one, write it in a journal or post it on the internet. With this action, you will feel relaxed, and you will be able to get over with the situation easily.

This post first appeared on , please read the originial post: here

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