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Changing Our Thoughts

We’ve all known people who are chronic complainers. They complain about this, they complain about that. It seems that they never run out of things to complain about. Of course there’s a reason for that, and the reason lies in how our thoughts and the words we express them with bring what we think and talk about into our lives. By complaining, we create more to complain about. Conversely, if we express gratitude we bring ourselves more to be grateful for. Have you noticed?

We’re powerful creators, all of us. For most of us it’s an inadvertent process; we aren’t aware of the mechanism that causes these things to happen. What we put out to the universe in the form of thought and verbal expression will inevitably come back to us, and when there is emotion behind it, what comes back is even more powerful than it would be otherwise. It’s Law of Attraction.

Give you an example: I had a friend I met with for breakfast every month or so. She is very intuitive and to some degree a kindred spirit. I really like this lady; she is very loving and has a huge heart. Unfortunately, she also has a very challenging life and would complain constantly about how unhappy her life is, and the complaints manifested in (guess what?) a miserable life and fibromyalgia. I don't normally see energy, but one time I actually saw blackness emanating from her. Another time, when I was at a particularly high vibration, I was inspired to walk her through shifting her thoughts and frequency right at the restaurant table. She was wide-eyed with amazement at the result. Still, she wouldn't subsequently apply what I had shown her because she is, I’m sorry to say, addicted to her misery. I bought her books and counseled her to no avail. Why? She’s seen herself as a victim for so long it’s become her comfort zone, and creating more misery is so habitual she can’t break the habit. Even though we met infrequently I could very accurately predict what our conversations would be like. It became very tiresome.

One day she called me to describe more negative experiences, and I told her I didn't want to hear any more of it. I told her not to call me until she could describe what she was doing to change her life, and how she visualized it changing. Well, that was over two years ago and I haven't heard from her since. We really do get addicted to our misery, and create more of it through focusing on and talking about it, and sometimes we just don't want to change it because doing that involves leaving our comfort zone.

OK, so your life is a bucket of shit, your breath is bad, your dog ignores you, and all these nasty experiences keep befalling you. But you really, really want to change all that! How do you do it?

When we strive to change our lives and/or our health, we first need to fundamentally change our thought patterns and the emotions that spring from those thoughts. So take a look, a very hard look, at your thinking and how you feel as a result of the thoughts you have. How often do you think about the situation you’re in? How does that make you feel? Take a look at your talk. How often do you verbalize your unhappiness?

Every time you think about it, every time you talk about it, every time you allow yourself to feel like a victim of it, you affirm and empower it. By doing that, you continue to create more and more of what you don’t want. In order to break that pattern, you’re going to have to change your thinking. By changing how you think you’ll also change how you feel. The emotional charge that is such a powerful element in creating what you don’t want will begin to diminish as a result, and so will the level of crap in the bucket.

The thought patterns you have are literally hard-wired into the synapses of your brain in what are called neural networks, or neuronets. If you change the thought patterns to something else, something positively affirming, the old neuronets will break down from disuse and be replaced by the new ones you create. This is scientific fact. However, accomplishing this requires you to vigilantly observe your mental state, and when you see thoughts and feelings that don’t serve you begin to surface, you need to immediately shift them to something positive.

What do I mean by “something positive”? Make a list of your negative thoughts. Next to each negative one write a positive substitute. For example:

I’m fat and ugly — I’m thin and beautiful
I do stupid stuff without thinking — I deliberate before I act
I have this ___________ illness — I am vibrantly healthy

Note the absence of terms like “not” and “don’t” on the positive side. Law of Attraction doesn’t differentiate between your thinking or saying you “are” something, “aren’t something, “do” something, or “don’t” something. The universe only sees the “something” and brings that something to you. In other words, if you express you’re “not fat”, what the universe sees is “fat”, and brings you fat! The key is to use words only for what you WANT, and not use words for what you don’t want.

Memorize the list of substitutes and watch your thoughts. When the negative ones begin to surface QUICKLY replace them with the positive substitute.

Do NOT give thought to diseases or illnesses. By giving thought to illness you empower it and dis-empower yourself. Give thought only to health.

Imagine what it feels like to have what you want, and FEEL it. Bring that powerful element of emotion into it.

It’s going to take some practice and a lot of work for you to alter your thinking. Didn’t you say you really want to change your life? If that’s actually true and genuine then you won’t give up. Changing our thinking is not an easy task; we have to keep working at it. In many cases the existing neural networks have been in force for years, or decades, and even lifetimes, so you’re not going to dissolve them overnight. Over time, though, you will find yourself beginning to naturally go to the positive thought, rather than the negative one, as your new neuronets form. You will also become aware of other negative thought patterns to work with. And your life will improve as you see and confirm the sheer goodness of it.

Find things to be grateful for. Even if your life is a bucket of shit you have things to be grateful for. For starters be grateful for the opportunity you have to shift the shit to something better. Be grateful for every day you’re alive. Be grateful for the opportunities you have to learn something, anything. Express your gratitude, feel your gratitude, and the universe will automatically bring you more to be grateful for. That’s how it works.

So much of life comes down to the choices we make in response to the challenges we face. Do we choose to be a victim of circumstance? Or do we recognize that there are no accidents, that everything happens for a reason, and the reason is to provide us with opportunities for personal growth? It all comes down to attitude.

I’ll share more techniques for life-changing with you in later articles.

It's Christmas Eve. Peace and happiness to all.

This post first appeared on Metaphysician In The Matrix, please read the originial post: here

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Changing Our Thoughts


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