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Creating Earth Changes

Some form of Earth changes are always occurring; the Earth is perpetually "under construction". That's simply how it is and I expect we'll see more changes as geological time speeds up. However, people keep wanting to discuss cataclysmic Earth changes as a future scenario and it's time to explain why the topic holds no interest for me.

Long ago I realized the future is not chiseled in granite and that to a certain degree I can, through intention, create my own. As I walked further down the long and far-from-completed path of shedding ego I lost interest in speculating about topics I have no personal knowledge or intuitive knowing of. (To give you an idea, these topics include Atlantis, the Mayan Calendar and UFOs) I recognized this kind of speculation as ego-based, and since ego is what stands in the way of real consciousness, I no longer cared to engage in it. From my perspective, speculation in the forum of discussion is simply showing-off. Otherwise, what's the point? If you can't at least bring intuitive information to the table then it's all a game of vanity in the form of verbal expression, the goal being to gain the admiration of others. Also, isn't it wise, metaphysically, to be present in the present, instead of head-tripping about the past or future? So, rather than waste time joining in and speculating about whatever things people speculate about, I began to rely more upon what I feel than what I think. It became about getting out of my head and into my heart.

Coincidentally, this was about the time I stopped seeing myself as a victim of anything. It became clear that nothing "bad" has ever happened to me that I did not somewhere, on some level, somehow allow to happen. I intuited that it was time to formally declare full responsibility for everything in my life, past, present and future, with ritual to make the declaration more powerful. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. So I did it. I had no idea how much it would change things.

For me those realizations and ritual were the catalyst for a significant shift in consciousness. After that occurred, a different kind of information, some of it about a different kind of future, began to come to me. As a result of the shift my vibrational frequency had changed and so did the frequency of the information I began attracting. That's how it works. If information is outside your vibratory alignment it's not going to be visible to you until you align with it.

Some time later I read a wonderful book filled with revelations, Dr David Hawkins' Power Vs. (versus) Force - The Hidden Determinants Of Human Behavior. Hawkins is a clinical psychiatrist who has calibrated and quantified states of consciousness from the lowest and weakest to the highest and most powerful. He identifies the point where people take true personal responsibility, and stop placing blame on things external to themselves, as the point where they cross the line from being weak and unconscious to being conscious with power. That process is precisely what had happened with me, although I didn't realize it at the time. By declaring full responsibility for everything in my life, I had stepped into what Hawkins defines as the consciousness of Courage. It was a life-changing event that gave me an entirely new, and much different, perspective.

For those who are into Earth changes, I have a warning: it's quite possible your fear and sense of victimization will create cataclysms for you to contend with. If those things do happen it will be appropriate to pat yourselves on the back for doing such a splendid job of manifesting your fears into reality! You will have created the circumstances you fear by putting your words about Earth upheavals, as well as the aligning thought energy, out to the universe through speculation. Once you put it out there it's going to come back to you. Can you see that? Metaphysically it's Universal Law>Law of Attraction 101.

Discussing and fretting over how to "prepare" for these "changes" affirms that you see the potential of somehow becoming a victim of the whole bloody scenario. To avoid that one must be prepared, right? That's a victim mentality whether you care to acknowledge it or not. A victim or potential victim is still a victim. If Earth changes do occur in your reality, rest assured that you worked long and hard to create that scenario. You won't be a victim of it because the truth is there are no victims. "Victims" are those who refuse to recognize and accept their own responsibility for whatever event has "happened" to them. Events are not random. We create them, one way or another.

Sure, you can cling to the old, obsolete prophecies even though they can no longer come to pass. Have you noticed? What happened to Nostradamus' predicted millennial disaster? Were Gordon-Michael Scallion's apocalyptic visions realized? Are we sailing our way across a vast inland sea like he predicted we would? Did Mark Hazlewood’s Niburu/Planet X scenario ever materialize?

These people and others like them weren’t wrong about what they envisioned. They simply saw potential futures that they couldn't perceive weren't going to happen. Some even capitalized on those visions. Or others did and still are. Fear will always be profitable as long as there is a victim mentality to profit from. If I had a dollar for every “prophetic” dream someone has had, or every fearful apocalyptic fantasy some attention-craving hoaxer posts on a thread in an internet forum somewhere... well, it certainly would be easier to pay the bills.

The future is not set in stone and the recent past has not played out according to the prophecies. This is because the future is a flexible set of potentials, and as our planet reaches alignment with the galactic center (the astronomical event that will occur in 2012, predicted by ancient esoteric traditions worldwide, and heralding a major shift in human consciousness) the energy transformation will be such that we’ll likely get to enjoy whatever future we've been intending. If our intention is not focused on consciously creating a positive experience for ourselves and our world, we will attract whatever it is we've been focused on.

You can choose to ignore the fact that your own energy and the fabric of the energy around you has changed dramatically over the years, and continues to change. Are you the same person you were twenty years ago? Ten years ago? Your consciousness has changed, hasn't it? So has the consciousness of the planet you're on. Earth is a conscious entity also and has been evolving like the rest of us and even in response to us. Future potentials have been evolving in response to how everything else is changing. Human intention plays a big part in that dynamic. Experiments have shown that our intention can not only effect the state of matter, but can even alter what's happened in the past. Likewise, what we intend today effects the various potentials for what happens in the future.

My vibratory realignment tells me there is now tremendous potential for something quite different to happen, something not covered in the prophecies. Many of us are not vibrating to the likelihood of Earth changes occurring. Instead we are resonating with the possibility of an enormous shift in human and planetary consciousness, as terrestrial and human consciousness evolve to the next level.

The new potential is for ascension, the process through which one shifts to a dimensionally higher level, a higher frequency, in physicality as well as consciousness. The procedure for achieving the ascension state requires, among other things, consciously altering much of our thinking and focusing on a positive future. Positivity raises consciousness and vibratory frequency to a higher alignment, which further increases the potential for making a shift.

The potential for ascension is greater now than it ever has been. In the past, one had to achieve Mastership of all seven levels of dimensional consciousness possible while occupying a human body, thus acquiring the skill to physically vibrate beyond the three-dimensional world. That's the classic concept of ascension, the one the Ascended Masters achieved. The new ascension will be fourth-dimensional. One will still have a physical body, but thanks to its fourth-dimensional density it will be unaffected by any goings on in the three-dimensional world. It will be a profound vibratory shift into a world of spiritual consciousness, a world of peace.

From what I can see, information regarding this process as a likely scenario has been available from a variety of sources for at least twenty years. If, however, your personal frequency is not attuned to the concept, you’re not going to see it even if someone waves it in front of your face. (Which is why I didn't see it until I aligned with it) You have to be open in your mind to see it, and not view yourself as a potential victim of a future beyond your control.

Am I being speculative about this? No, I'm being intuitive.

That's the fourth-dimensional perspective. If in 2013 you're still living in a three-dimensional world your viewpoint could be quite different. Earth in the third dimension may still undergo geologically tumultuous events. The question is: would you rather have destruction and scarcity, or ascension to a higher level of Being where there is no lack? If you could indeed create your own reality, which reality would you choose to create?

By dwelling on Earth changes and pole shifts, and all the fear-driven lack and scarcity-related thoughts those scenarios encourage, you’ve chosen to put yourself way behind the curve metaphysically. You can’t, however, vibrate to anything higher than what you're focused on. Calamity is desirable in some lessons, and if that’s what you really want for yourself then keep focusing on it. In a free will universe there are no wrong choices.

Understand, though, that if Earth changes are your concern then the world you’re choosing to live in is not the same world I and others have chosen. We don't foresee that kind of future and likewise see no point in giving energy to it. Our focus is on intending peace and harmony.

In the interest of putting my mouth where my intention is, this is all I'll be saying on the Earth changes topic.

Peace to all.

This post first appeared on Metaphysician In The Matrix, please read the originial post: here

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Creating Earth Changes


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