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That Bright, Beautiful Shining Light

This is the first I’ve written about it, but I talk some about the process of spreading Light worldwide. One of my favorite activities is to get into a relaxed state and visualize the Earth being illuminated with golden light, then the green light of love and healing, and finally violet light, which has an amazing ability to transmute negative energy on a number of levels. Because of its selfless nature this practice produces a wonderfully gratifying personal experience. It can also be done in groups, although personalities can have an impact on group effectiveness. What’s really beautiful is this procedure is being done by tens of millions of people worldwide, both alone and in groups. Since everything is comprised of energy, from gross matter to thought, and energy effects energy, this bringing-in of Light energy is having a profound effect upon what’s happening in the world and world consciousness in general. There’s a new energy and new consciousness forming, right here and right now, and it’s being assisted by people working with Light.

Darkness is simply an absence of light and light displaces darkness. Open the door between a lighted room and an adjoining dark room, and what happens? The darkness does not spread into the lighted room. Instead the light illuminates the darkened room. This is the phenomenon that is rapidly spreading worldwide and soon the people who operate from darkness will have no dark places left in which to hide. Isn’t it wonderful?

Corrupt people and institutions are being exposed for what they are, and can no longer sustain themselves in the new consciousness. Compare how long it took during the Vietnam era for the Pentagon Papers to surface — uncovering the real reasons behind the Vietnam war and leading to its end — with how long it took the lies and deceptions behind the Iraq war to be exposed. See how little confidence people have in government and how government can’t seem to avoid eroding that confidence even further. Look at what’s happened on Wall St, where the greed and incompetence of so many bankers has come to light and institutions are crumbling. Look how many corrupt politicians are being put on trial. It’s a wonderful time, isn’t it?

The world economy is collapsing due to greed, and although it will be a rough ride for a while, the end result will be downright wonderful. Why do I say that? The worldwide financial system — the century-old pyramid scheme of fractional banking and the debt it’s founded upon, is going to collapse. The US and other countries will no longer be able to sustain their mounting debts to the central banks and will have no choice but to cancel their debt and issue their own money once again. This will effectively spell the end of the central banks and their control over national economies. Light is coming in and these institutions simply cannot survive the exposure.

(For excellent explanations of how the current monetary system works, see Paul Grignon's animated Money as Debt or Peter Joseph's just-released Zeitgeist Addendum)

As people become more aware, and more and more are becoming aware, things are going to change. Look at how the American people screamed at their representatives to NOT give $700 billion to bail out the people responsible for the economic mess we’re in. A few years ago this wouldn't have happened; the majority of people would have blindly agreed with any plan the government proposed. Predictably, the corrupt leadership of the Senate completely ignored the wishes of their constituents and pushed the bailout through anyway. And they may have done it illegally by attaching it to another piece of legislation that had already passed the House. In their corruption they couldn’t help themselves, lol. It’s too late for alternative candidates to take to the field for next month’s elections, but in two years? Oh my. The times they (truly) are a-changin’. Whoopee.

Just five years ago fear was a powerful and effective tool for manipulating the masses. Not anymore. Although fear is still useful for manipulating people stuck in lower states of consciousness, the majority have become inured to it. The government did their best to play the fear card once again in selling their “solution” to the financial crisis, and the people recognized it for the manipulation it was and said NO. One could pun-fully say they’re seeing the Light.

Who are these Lightworkers, the ones bringing in the Light? It’s not only people creating Light energy through visualization and illuminating the planet with it. That’s just part of it. Many, many people are Lightworkers and don’t even know it. There are countless degrees of consciousness and corresponding levels of Light Work. If you’re conscious and aware of what’s happening around you and communicating what you know to others and waking them up as a result, you are a Lightworker! It’s amazing the effect a well-placed comment here and there can have on people. You’re shining Light on how things work. If you’re intending a better future for humanity, you’re a Lightworker. If you use Light energy in healing work, you’re a Lightworker. If you have transmuted negative and fearful thoughts into positive ones, you’re a Lightworker. If you help others in any way, you’re a Lightworker. Each and every one of us who works to raise our own consciousness is raising the overall consciousness of humanity in general, and thus bringing in Light.

One of the most important tools for Light transmission is the internet. The internet has enabled worldwide communication within and between groups of Lightworkers, who are now able to work together in unison.

Research at Stanford University has shown how the focused intention of a handful of people can have a significant, measurable effect on matter. The energetic power of the simultaneously focused intention of millions of people is beyond description, and has been a key factor in the ongoing transformation of our world.

We live in the most astonishing times. Nothing like what’s happening today has ever happened before. All current events, no matter how negative some may appear to be, are helping to create an evolution in human consciousness unlike anything we’ve ever experienced. We’re right on track for more amazing changes as we approach the 2012 galactic alignment and the transformational Shift of the Ages: the mass human ascension to the fifth dimension.

Stay tuned. Peace to all.

This post first appeared on Metaphysician In The Matrix, please read the originial post: here

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That Bright, Beautiful Shining Light


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