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After 3 years and 8 months, Finally A Good News About Dr. Mary Joy Duroy’s Case


Finally, after 3 years and 8 months of painful waiting, I finally heard what we’ve all been praying to hear all these years!

The suspect in the brutal murder of our dearest friend, Dr. Mary Joy Duroy in January 2008 is now finally behind bars! Joy’s mother, Tita Cora told me in a message on Facebook on October 20, 2011 that the suspect has been behind bars since September 9 and that day was the scheduled 2nd hearing in Lipa City. The next hearing will be on November 10. The suspect has also been kicked out of the military.

The Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption (VACC),  a non-stock, non-profit non-government organization (NGO) which envisions a relatively crime-free and corruption-free Philippines is helping the family regarding Dr. Joy’s case. It aims:

  1. to eradicate criminality and corrupt practices
  2. to assist victims and
  3. to work for the improvement of the criminal justice system.

Let us keep praying for Dr. Mary Joy Duroy…..

Let us help Dr. Mary Joy and her family and loved ones finally attain justice!

Justice for Mary Joy!

Kinder St. Vincent, 1986
Sr. Belen, Miss Cuna, Tintin, Doris, Mary Joy, Sharmila, Baby Shieryl
Grade 5, St. Mark, 1991
Canossa Academy, Lipa City, Grade 6,  Batch 1992  (thanks Neil Cantor for the photo)

De La Salle Lipa High School,  Batch 1996 (thanks Neil Cantor for the photo)

Dr. Mary Joy M. Duroy (photo courtesy of ABS-CBN)

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After 3 years and 8 months, Finally A Good News About Dr. Mary Joy Duroy’s Case
