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5 ways to Make Life More interesting Everyday  

%sitename% | The Self Improvement Blog | Self Esteem | Self Confidence

Would you like to make life more interesting? You were not just born to pay your bills and die. There is more to life. Most people just tend to exist, not live life to its fullest.  Ponder what Alan Watts said

It is better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way”

Alright, we will leave such quotes and lines aside. But the message they are trying to deliver is really meaningful. You need to find happiness in real life. And believe me, it is not as difficult as you think it might be.

No, I don’t mean your daily routine is not doing the job right! It is. The only thing I am asking you to do is add a little spark to it. And how would you do that? Here’s a list of 5 ways, that will definitely add flavor and spice in your life which you’ve been missing all this while—some things that might make life more interesting

How to Make Life More Interesting

1. Do not completely stick and abide by your daily routine

Like we discussed before, following your daily routine is fine. Completing your day to day activities, like office, work, and other daily chores is very important, and unavoidable to a certain extent. At the end of the day, no one is going to pay your bills but you.

So, the idea is, doing the same things, but differently. Like, going to the same workplace, but taking a different route some days. If you go for grocery shopping, some days, do not shop from your regular dealer, instead, visit some different stores. Also, minor changes back at your home, like the arrangement of your apartment or bedroom will make you feel happier and bring the desired change in your monotonous life.

There are endless numbers of possibilities you can use to rekindle the lost spark in your daily life. These minute changes to break the monotony, will keep you going, push you to achieve more and look forward to another day of life.

2. Breaking out from your comfort zone and doing at least one new thing daily

You must have heard people saying, there is no growth in your comfort zone. Absolutely, correct! Then why do it and hinder your growth? When we stick to the same lifestyle for a long period of time, we get so habituated to it; we fear, don’t feel like or do not wish to break through the bubble we have unconsciously created around ourselves. And if you want the adventure in your daily life, act like a brave woman/man and step out of it.

So how do you do that? Here’s a quick and easy technique—Try something new every day. It can be anything, literally ANYTHING! Like enrolling yourself for some weird workshops or working on the long-lost hobby or resorting to daily exercises routine. All this will not only make your life more happening but also make you a more courageous person. You can even create your own motivational chart to hang in your room for your daily dose of inspiration.

You can either opt for a DIY board or can take the help of an online tool like Canva to create some motivational quotes for you. Maybe you can make a list of things you want to do to make life more interesting.

3. It’s time to reconnect with your old friends you lost in the way of life

Some of us after school, but most of us after college, part ways in life. We do not do that intentionally, but life brings such turns that we are meant, forced or destined apart. But you know what? Just one text or a call and you can bounce back right from where you left. That’s the thing about true friends, they are away but never apart and they do make life more interesting.

Connecting with your old buddies is a feeling, which I cannot explain in words, in fact none of us can. But if I try, in simple words, I can say your eyes are going to well-up out of joy. There is no better feeling than connecting with your friends with whom you haven’t spoken in a while. You would not only relive the innocence of childhood but will also realize how far you have come in life!

4. Life is very short, live it to the fullest

We would keep this short, simple and crisp. Just, do whatever makes you happy. Every now and then, we hear stories where people regret NOT doing things that they wanted to. We do not want you to be one of them. Take chances, even if they do not work out, you would at least not regret, not taking a chance.

5. Never doubt yourself, you are yours to keep, not anyone else’s

I repeat, never, ever doubt yourself. Never be afraid, it would hinder you to achieve what you want. Push your limits, say yes when you can’t and just go ahead. I am sure you will reach where you want to. But, on the contrary, if you listen to the world’s opinion and underestimate yourself, nothing in this world can help you achieve your desired goals.

On an ending note, I would like to wrap up with one final statement— find happiness in the little joys of life, stay away from negative thoughts, and do things which make you happy.

%focuskw% | 5 ways to Make Life More interesting Everyday  

This post first appeared on The Self Improvement Blog - Helping Those People W, please read the originial post: here

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5 ways to Make Life More interesting Everyday  


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