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Obsessing over: Crafting! I think buying a new house has turned a new corner in my creativity world. So far I've tried to teach myself to crochet, I've painted and distressed a bookshelf (tutorial soon!), picked out paint colors for my walls, and decorated for fall. I promise this will not become a craft blog--I'm a terrible crafter--but I might share my creations every now and then.
Working on: lists and data entry. I'm at work right now, but on a break, so it's okay that I'm blogging.
Thinking about: motivating myself to go do a lunchtime workout. And fighting the hungries.
Anticipating: pedicures on Friday with Miss Casey! Gosh, I miss that girl! Lots of girl chat will ensue.
Listening to: the typical office chatter in one of the conference rooms at work. But I also enjoy Jillian Michael's podcast when I'm doing easy no-brainer tasks.
Drinking: Market Spice ginger peach tea. I can't get enough of this stuff!
Wishing: this workday would be over. It's been a rough one, and its barely noon.

This post first appeared on This Is My Happily Ever After, please read the originial post: here

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