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Baby Boy XII

Baby Boy XII

Dear Baby Boy,

You've made it to ten months! I'm a little late in posting this, but I'm trying to cut myself some slack.

About you : Still talking a TON! Sometimes, you sit down in a corner of the room and just go on and on while playing with your toys. I am SURE the conversation is very interesting and I love hearing all your thoughts. Also, YOU'RE WALKING!!! Right now, it's just short distances, but it's happening. When I applaud your skills, you clap back! Pretty soon, I know you'll be going everywhere on your own two feet!

You've met more people and since the weather is warm, we get out and about. You love dogs that we meet. You also love music and will dance when it comes on tv or when I play music throughout the day. You make everyone smile, because you're so damn cute...but you're also very personable. You're fun to be around.

You've got five teeth and you like to use them to bite HARD. This is often funny but painful. You seem to have settled into just a couple of naps a day and many hours of being awake. We spend this time going out to the library or to the mall, to check things out where you can't put every thing in your mouth. 'Cause baby boy, you really love to put every single thing in your mouth and it drives me a little bit crazy!

You're growing every day and you seem like such a solid little person. Sometimes, we all sit around the table and you even eat solid foods. Sometimes, we lie in bed or sit on the couch and have a little snuggle. You're very strong and curious and adventurous, and I spend a lot of time making sure you're exploring the world safely. Lulu (our cat) seems to really like you. She lets you chew on her tail! And Ozzy (your uncle's dog) thinks you're a puppy who should run around and play with him. You find delight in all animals, even if they're licking your face.

It's fun to watch you grow and to see the new things you learn every day and to figure out how to communicate with you as you learn different gestures and sounds. I think this summer is going to be a great time to have adventures with you and I'm excited to show you the world.

Hey Mama,

Life is starting to feel really good...and you're starting to feel really good.

The apartment is settled, though there is always something to add. You've really taken over the garden in the apartment and it's a fun job, even if it's tiring. You've started sewing again and I know that you're getting ready to run. Not everything is perfect and I know getting a schedule seems like an impossibility, but take your time, it will come.

Look, people are always going to misunderstand. Honestly, it's like they choose to misunderstand. This is not your fault. You are as honest as you can be, and if people want to listen only to the thoughts in their head, that's not your fucking problem. Embrace the new people who come into your life and be unafraid to let go of those who can't distinguish fact from opinion and want everyone around them to agree with everything they say.

Summer is that time of year when the entire world is talking about how fucking great it is because of all the summer things to do. The attitude is one of happiness and enjoyment. This is a good attitude even for you. Life is pretty fucking good. Things are happening and all that chaotic shit seems to be settling down. Enjoy this, 'cause you totally fucking deserve it.

This post first appeared on The Honest Badger, please read the originial post: here

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Baby Boy XII
