This year, I started to incorporate natural oils into my beauty regimen. One of my go-to oils is coconut oil, which has been lauded by beauty experts everywhere. I use it as a makeup remover and daily moisturizer. It has also done wonders for my keratosis pilaris — which are unsightly little bumps that form on the skin.
However, I began hearing rumblings of another oil with considerable benefits — grapeseed. Eventually, the buzz reached such a level that I felt compelled to include it in my regimen. And I'm so glad I did.
Here are five reasons you should be using grapeseed oil in your routine:
To reduce signs of aging
There's a reason why beauty corporations continue to list grapeseed oil as a primary ingredient in their face creams and toners. As it turns out, grapeseed oil contains polyphenols, an antioxidant that slows down the aging process.
To prevent acne
It may sound counterintuitive to add oil to your face, especially if you're prone to oily skin. But grapeseed oil is non-comedogenic — which is another way of saying it won't clog your pores. It's also rich in linoleic acid which has antimicrobial properties that aid in the prevention of acne.
To diminish the appearance of scars
Try dabbing grapeseed oil on those pesky blemishes and scars that you can't seem to remove. It's packed with beta-carotene, vitamins C, D, E and fatty acids — all of which are used to lessen the appearance of scars.
To replenish collagen
Grapeseed oil contains flavonoids called oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, or OCPs. OCPs help restore collagen at the cellular level, leaving skin firmer with less signs of damage.
To moisturize the skin
Grapeseed oil is light in consistency but really helps lock in moisture into the skin. And if you're sensitive to scents, you might want to give it a try since the brands I've used have little-to-no odor.