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Currently April 2017

Currently April 2017

Currently | 4.18.17

Watching | Fate of the Furious.
> Anyone who knows me really well knows that I am a Fast & Furious fangirl.  I have loved this franchise since the beginning and can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched all the series. No joke I even assigned it to my team at my last job. I love the action, the stories, the family.  Fast & Furious 7 was tough, with the death of Paul Walker they had to piece a lot of things together and so it wasn’ as good as it could be.  But #8 hits nearly all the marks for me and I will happily go to see 9 and 10!

We’ve been seeing all the Oscar releases as they come out (Fences, Lion) on video/streaming but we also got sucked into two series: Westworld and Veep. I resisted them for quite awhile, Veep longer of course. Westworld was so interesting, but it took about three episodes before I started liking it. The one thing about the show that depresses me is the depravity of humans. On the other side of the coin is Veep, which is hilarious but sometimes kind of painful to watch.

Reading | Blogs.

> I haven’t touched a book! I’ve been spending most of my time reading blogs. Travel blogs, lifestyle blogs, blogs on blogging. I’m fascinated by income reports! And while I am not ready to produce my own, I did share how I earn my blog income.

Working On | Freelancing.
> While I am looking for a full-time job, I can still bring in freelance writing income.

Feeling | A little sad.
>  April 1st would have been Jessica’s sixteenth birthday and I miss my baby girl.  We had a visit the day after from our RVing friends with their adorable labradoodle, Finn. It happened to be his 1-year birthday and I am glad I could get some puppy kisses to ease the pain.

Planning | An escape.
> Depending on how job opportunities go, Mr. Misadventures and I would love to have a little trip away.  The hubby has been studying like crazy for a certification and if he passes it would be a nice treat.  Nearly every day we go walking along the Columbia River near our house which backs against the Portland airport.  I see Hawaiian Airlines flights taking off to paradise all the time, and that sounds really good to me!

Loving | Impending possibilities.
> I am so thrilled to have been accepted into the BlogHouse program this year! I’m still in a cloud of happy.  It’s going to be a great opportunity to work with a handful of bloggers in a mastermind weekend in Indy, it’s just the sort of small-scale event I need.

My Favorite Photo | Daffodils.

> Spring in the Pacific Northwest means daffodils.  I haven’t taken a lot of photos this past month, but this one makes me smile. First, because it means better weather here in Portland and secondly it brings back memories of high school. There were daffodil queens and daffodil parades, it was a big deal.

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The post Currently April 2017 appeared first on Misadventures with Andi.


This post first appeared on Misadventures With Andi, please read the originial post: here

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Currently April 2017
