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Anxiety & Depression: Ways to Deal With Bad Days

Having a Bad Day?

The easiest thing to do when a bad day rolls around is to get back (or in my case, stay) in bed alllllll day just sulking in misery. That does you no good and will make your day worse. Now, there will be days when staying in bed may seem like the best thing to do; we all have the right to be sad and break down from time to time. That's okay. However, we can't let our thoughts dictate the way we live.

5 Ways to Deal With Bad Days

1. Get out of bed

I know, I know. How dare I? This is the hardest part, though the most crucial to get yourself going through the day. Get out of bed. Now, it's your choice whether to make it or not. Personally, it depends on how much motivation I've acquired, so I don't always come home to a made bed. (It would be nice though haha.)

What we all overlook: personal hygiene. Having depression can definitely contribute to the shortcomings of this. Force yourself to do so not only for your health but for the sake of others. Something as minor as brushing your teeth and taking a shower can immediately affect your mood (for the better). It will make you feel refreshed and in turn will make you feel "brand new."

Some people recommend getting out of pajamas/lounging clothes so you can feel more motivated to be productive. For me, after taking a shower, putting on a new set of pajamas makes me feel better—lighter in a way, as if weight has been lifted.

Just lounging around :)

2. Leave your sanctuary

When I'm down, I prefer to stay home. I leave my bed and my room and hangout in the living room. This way, I'm not obligated to lay down in bed... in a dark room... buried in sadness. Environment is key. Surround yourself in bright settings to uplift your mood. Open the blinds and let sunshine in; open windows and let fresh air in. A peek into nature will go a long way.

If you're brave enough, actually leave your house. Go to some place peaceful. For me, it would be a coffee shop. I take my laptop and/or a book with me and just hang out. Most of the time, I prefer to be myself; other times I invite a friend to come along with me. Another place I love going to is Barnes and Noble. It's right next to my beloved Jamba Juice (I often joke with my best friend that they should sponsor us bc we go there allllll the time). I order my usual drink (PB Chocolate Love) and head over to Barnes. It's quiet but not too quiet; I really enjoy their music. I can roam around and read any book I want. I sit on the floor in a corner and escape from the world.

02.11.2018. "Think happy, be happy."

3. Alone time

An important factor for regaining peace is having alone time—whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. Take a bath. Read a book. Enjoy the fresh air. 

Life is hard but it's beautiful. Reflect on your life and count your blessings.

4. Listen to Music

If you don't already have a playlist that brightens up your mood, create one! Google uplifting songs and add songs that you enjoy. Honestly, I can spend hours doing this. Discovering new/old songs is one of the most amazing feelings. Sit back and listen to every lyric.

(If you would like me to list some of my favorite songs, please let me know!)

5. Pamper yourself.

    Sure your mental health should be prioritized, but do not neglect yourself physically. And no, I do not mean to exercise (but that's also good). I mean do something for yourself, something you would neglgect doing because of time. For example, I like to focus on my skin and nails. Doing my whole skincare routine, applying a face mask, pore strips, cleaning and polishing my nails, and applying Crest 3D Whitestrips to whiten my teeth. These are things I wouldn't do on an everyday basis. However, when I do do them, it makes me feel a whole lot better. Take advantage of those little things.

    There are many ways to go about handling bad days. Find your peace.
    You know what they say, "There's always calm after every storm."

    "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning
    to sail my ship" -louisa may alcott

    This post first appeared on A Glass Of Gianna, please read the originial post: here

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    Anxiety & Depression: Ways to Deal With Bad Days


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