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Bullet Journaling: July - August

Bullet Journaling: July - August
Sharing with you all my layouts for July and August, and how I've been using my bujo. 

Here's a week in July^

Here's my July highlights wherein I doodle and write about memorable things and small personal victories I've had throughout the month:

I have a separate notebook for work and which I leave at the office, so I figured it wouldn't be useful to write about work on my personal bujo. Maybe a general schedule of some sort, but not really my specific tasks anymore. I plan to write more about my budget and expenses on my bujo. Goals, events, and schedules will still be here of course. 

Here is my layout for August:

I started some new habits on July as well, so I'm carrying them over for the rest of the months. I made a page for my 'habit goals', which is basically a tracker for myself.

I heard about the term 'habit goals' through this podcast by Kalen Bruce of Money Mini Blog. It does make sense, that in order to be consistent, and to be intentional with achieving our goals, we have to form effective habits.

I'm going to start adding more goals such as learning more practical uses for Microsoft Excel and financial management. #Adulting

What I've been enjoying lately with my bullet journal is when I write down my plans to go out, or when there is a special event. It's a way for me to have something to look forward to everytime I open my journal. I also get to share important events with others such as when they simply ask me how my weekend went, I can tell them in detail about it because I know I wrote it down. 

It has also helped me in keeping track with my expenses; however I failed to write about what I spent on, I just wrote how much. This time around for August, I want to to be consistent with keeping track of my expenses, so that I can manage my resources better. 


Please do share with me your experiences in having a bullet journal! :-) 

This post first appeared on Hello Anna Jo, please read the originial post: here

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Bullet Journaling: July - August
