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Pink Is All Of Us Failing At Baking While Quarantined


Got a few baking disasters under your quarantine belt? Don’t feel bad — the struggle is real for Pink, too

ICYMI, Pink has proven to be a touchstone of humanity we all need amid the coronavirus pandemic. On March 11, she stress-cooked homemade ravioli. On March 23, she did pushups during her at-home workout with her 3-year-old son Jameson on her back. In recent weeks, she’s gotten vulnerable about her fears after she and Jameson were diagnosed with COVID-19. And now, she’s sharing what may be her most relatable quarantine post yet: an epic baking fail.

On Sunday evening, Pink took to Instagram to share a laugh-out-loud photo of her latest culinary adventure. “Why is my cheesecake exploding,” she rhetorically captioned a snapshot of — you guessed it — a cheesecake in the oven, mushrooming out of the top of its cake pan.

And, like, we feel this. Do you feel this? We’ve been botching our baking attempts left and right during self-isolation, so there’s something deeply comforting about knowing Pink’s kitchen is staging a quarantine coup, too.

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Why is my cheesecake exploding

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Also on the plus side, we can all learn a thing or two from Pink’s exploding cheesecake. In sharing it, she received some genuinely useful feedback from famous chefs and fans alike about successfully baking one of these beauties.

“Hey hey cheffy!!” commented internationally known chef Jason Roberts. “Could be the oven temperature… a lil too hot, every oven is different and cookbooks/recipes don’t seem to take that into account! Are you using a Bain Marie ‘water bath’? This helps maintain a moisture level in the over to help insulate the cheesecake as it cooks! Bet it taste delicious anyway.”

Fans suggested that perhaps Pink whipped the eggs too long (adding excess air to the mixture), that she used too many eggs, or that she should have opted for a springform pan. But mostly, everyone agreed with Chef Roberts: Cheesecakes need a water bath. We’ll go ahead and file that under useful life hacks we’ve learned while stuck at home.

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Strictly for my sourdough peeps HELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPP

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What would be really fantastic is if Pink would go ahead and screw up more stuff using sourdough next. She’s already shared one video showcasing her not-so-stellar results in this arena, but we need more intel. Because, you know, some of us are still fuzzy about how not to destroy the practically mythic sourdough starter trustingly bestowed upon us by a dear friend. Er, hypothetically speaking.

So, yeah, if you could add additional recipes like that to your stress-baking menu ASAP, Pink, that would be super. We eagerly await Chef Roberts’ more extensive feedback on your future failed sourdough starter attempts.

The post Pink Is All Of Us Failing At Baking While Quarantined appeared first on Scary Mommy.

This post first appeared on Scary Mommy, please read the originial post: here

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Pink Is All Of Us Failing At Baking While Quarantined
