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A few thoughts about Singapore

I'm mostly recovered from the long flights home and wanted to write down a few little things I discovered about Singapore...

First, there are virtually no bugs.  How can that be in such a tropical climate?  I think I saw three flying insects during the week I was there.  They must have been very lonely.

There are absolutely NO electrical outlets in bathrooms because "it's not safe."  (So how safe is it going to be when I string an extension cord to the bathroom from another room?)

No matter how many times I read or heard about the food/restaurants, nothing in my head imagined how many there really are and what a variety of food there is.

I know that Singapore has one of the highest population densities in the world, and it DID get crowded at times, but it seems to me that it's a much more organized crowded-ness.

It's a hot climate.  I've heard that over and over again.  It's hot here, too.  Pool water and the water in the Gulf gets very warm.  The pool water in every pool I tested over there was COOL and I'm sure it's not up to my minimum required temp of 86 F.  ;-)

I'll write down some more thoughts when they come to me but overall I think Singapore is going to be a great place to live for a while!

This post first appeared on Now & Again, please read the originial post: here

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A few thoughts about Singapore
