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Movie Trailer: ‘Wicked’ [Starring Ariana Grande & Cynthia Erivo]

Movie Trailer: ‘Wicked’ [Starring Ariana Grande & Cynthia Erivo]

The full-length trailer for ‘Wicked’ – the movie – has been unleashed!

Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo star as Glinda Upland and Elphaba Thropp respectively in the eagerly anticipated Jon M. Chu production.

Premiering worldwide on November 27, 2024 (with a sequel arriving a year later), the masses have been granted an extended glimpse of the big-screen incarnation of the award-winning stage showing.

What are you waiting for? Check out the first-look trailer for ‘Wicked’ after the jump…

We’ll be watching! Will you?

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Movie Trailer: ‘Wicked’ [Starring Ariana Grande & Cynthia Erivo]
