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Watch Gospel Musical 'Renew Ya Hallelujah'

Watch Gospel Musical 'Renew Ya Hallelujah'


Renew Ya Hallelujah is a Gospel musical about a strong middle aged African American woman preacher Mamma Lula Washington, a single parent of three boys and head of her household that she rules with an iron hand.

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Renew Ya Hallelujah -London Production from Teddy Hayes on Vimeo.



Skeet, early thirties, the eldest is strong willed and has just returned from a stint in jail and is living back at home and is unemployed without many prospects.
Clayton, late twenties, the middle son is following in his mother’s footsteps and has plans to become a millionaire preacher.
Raymond, early twenties, the youngest is sweet and has cerebral palsy, he is unable to express himself because his mother is overprotective and rules his life.
…And the young student minister Valentine who has come to undertake her live-in apprenticeship for her ministerial career with Mamma Washington.
The situation is complicated when Valentine inherits three million dollars from a distance relative and the Washington family starts to plot and scheme trying to get her money to their own use and their own dreams. Of course, Mamma Lula justifies her controlling and money-grubbing attitude by saying that Valentine’s good fortune is a blessing from God that was meant to be shared with the Washington’s family, but Valentine has other ideas.
Valentine is not as easily influenced as everyone hoped she would be and retreats to her heartfelt position which dictates that money has no place in her quest for true Christian values. She chooses to take inspiration from the words from an old gospel hymn. “When the dollar is in the pulpit, the devil is in the pews.”
It is her defiance and Christian faith that causes her to fight against the materialism that is shown by the Washington family that transforms the family and heals them of their dysfunction makes them recognize the true value of the Christian way of life. This play has both pathos and humor as well as 13 original songs.

Theatrical Producer

Teddy Hayes, born in Cleveland Ohio has enjoyed a 40-year career in show business working in New York, L.A California, London U.K, Rio De Janeiro Brazil, India and Germany. Cleveland, Ohio. He has worked with Quincy Jones, Melvin Van Peebles, Roberta Flack, Byron Cage and many others, His writing directing and producing credits have included feature films, music videos and he been nominated for a Grammy. He has written 14 books, written and produced 7 musicals, and 4 stage dramas, and he says he is just getting started. Teddy resides in London U.K.
Hayes would like to now share this play free as part of our Covid19 effort to bring something positive to the Gospel community during these uncertain pandemic times.

Useful Links

Official Website
Youtube Music Videos
Heart Of Stone

This post first appeared on Gospel Music Public Relations, please read the originial post: here

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Watch Gospel Musical 'Renew Ya Hallelujah'
