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Kid Rock "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" By Cliffton X

Kid Rock "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" By Cliffton X

The reason why racist are so dangerous because they try and defend that their not racist when they make racist comments or engage in racist symbols. My mother said actions speak louder than words! Kid Rock is just another white artist part of a long line of white artist that steal black beats and soulful rhythm. Yet he wanna parade around with a Confederate flag which is a symbol of racism and hate, and try to detach himself from the inherent racism because he's to coward to face the political fall out and lets not forget Rock saying “Fuck Colin Kaepernick" which can be interpreted as meaning "Fuck Black People" who protested by not standing while the United States national anthem was being performed before the start of games, motivated by what he viewed as the oppression of people of color in the U.S. Instead of Rock who stole his Soul from black music, refusing to acknowledge blacks being victims of racism chose to go on the attack against Kaepernick political protest last year for refusing to stand for the national anthem before NFL games.

So let’s take an honest look at what it ultimately means when someone considers the term “Confederate” to be interchangeable with “Southern heritage.”
Confederacy Vice President Alexander Stephens explained this eloquently on March 21, 1861, when he gave his Cornerstone Address, in which he discussed the key differences between the newly formed Confederacy’s constitution and the United States’ own.

“Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.”

That’s pretty definitive. No matter how much Kid Rock and other Confederates might hide behind the valor of “heritage pride,” the historical legacy of the Confederate flag is rooted in racism, slavery and oppression.

Kid Rock who has worked alongside several black artists, and help raised money for black causes been known to double back and write lyrics like these, from his song ‘Black Chick White Guy:”

“Black chick with a real white accent/Pretty girl in the ghetto go figure/yeah she got macked by some dope dealin’niggah.”

And also proudly declares in his hit “Lowlife (Living the Highlife):”

“I think racist jokes are funny.” And Rock booked David Alan Coe to open for him in 2000, co-wrote with him, and covered his music on tour.

Coe has spent much of his career trying to distance himself from two albums he released in the ’80's, which included songs like “Nigger Fucker,” and were described by the New York Times’ Neil Strauss as “among the most racist, misogynist, homophobic and obscene songs recorded by a popular songwriter.” Coe still sells these albums via his website, plus a boxed set that includes country artist Johnny Rebel performing tunes with names like “Ship Those Niggers Back” and “She Died a Nigger.”
So you can only imagine why hypocrisy still loom around Kid Rock with his upcoming six-day stint at the Detroit publicly funded Little Caesars Arena in September and like many wonder why the venue is allowing a singer who embrace the Confederate flag onstage to be the first performer at the arena in a city that is more than 80 percent black.

Lets take a brief look into Kid Rock relationship with the black community, and the debate whether or not Little Caesars Arena should drop the singer in wake of the Charlottesville tragedy — which he has yet to condemn.
1980s-1990s: Before he was known as Kid Rock, Bob Ritchie learned how to DJ and perform at parties in urban areas like Mount Clemens and parts of Detroit. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Ritchie describes being the only white guy at parties and how different he was for dating and having a child with a black woman.
1990-1996: Ritchie releases three hip-hop albums under the name Kid Rock.
2002: In an interview with the Detroit Free Press, Kid Rock is asked about his use of the Confederate flag and he defends his use of it as a symbol of Southern rock and rebellion.

2005: Metro Times interviews former MT music editor Brian Smith writes that "Rock and Em are two cultural sponges who swooped in on Detroit ghettos, appropriated black music and its aesthetic, and raced straight past Go to Park Place. So it is, as history has taught us, that it takes whites to popularize black music."

May 2011: Kid Rock receives the Great Expectations Award from Detroit's NAACP at the Cobo Center. A spokesperson for Kid Rock tells the Free Press that getting the award humbled Kid Rock, and he quietly decided to stop displaying the Confederate flag at his shows. At the time, Kid Rock's reps said that he hadn't used the flag on stage in over a year before to the NAACP event. During his speech, Kid Rock says he "never flew the flag with hate in my heart," adding, "I love America, I love Detroit, and I love black people." While the ceremony was going on, protesters outside of Cobo burn Confederate flags.

September 2016: During a concert at Fenway Park in Boston, Kid Rock performs the song "Born Free" and said in the middle of the song, "Man, fuck Colin Kaepernick." Kaepernick, a football player for the San Francisco 49ers, made headlines when he silently protested the National Anthem before football games due to what he saw as unfair treatment of people of color in America, especially when it comes to police brutality. At the time, many question Kid Rock's words after he built a career off of black culture.
January 2017: Kid Rock is photographed with Trump in the Oval Office alongside Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent, who has called for both President Obama and Hilary Clinton to "be tried for treason and hung" and once called for Obama to "suck on my machine gun." It is announced that Kid Rock will be the first performer at Little Caesars Arena in Detroit with a string of six shows.

August 20, 2017: During a concert at the Iowa State Fair, Kid Rock announced to the crowd halfway through his song "Born Free" his distaste for Colin Kaepernick again. Kid Rock said, "Football's about ready to start. You know what? Fuck Colin Kaepernick."

If these statements don't validate Kid Rock is a flipflop racist I guess you among those who believe that white cops don't kill unarmed Blacks.

This post first appeared on X URBAN MUSIC MAG, please read the originial post: here

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Kid Rock "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" By Cliffton X
