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Make up and Beauty Tips for Teenagers

  • Teenage years are the most fascinating years in a girl’s life. Surfing through various beauty magazines and trying out almost everything around is the type of adventure that almost every teenage girl would love to experience. Little do they realize that teenage years are the time when the skin is very tender and delicate and utmost care is required while trying anything on it? Every teenager is fascinated towards having a complete makeup set and takes utmost pride in possessing one.
Beauty and makeup tips
Innumerable beauty care products are available in stores, and you have to be very careful while choosing one to suit your skin type. Here is a complete list of makeup and beauty tip for the teenagers.
  • Teenage skin is not fit for harsh chemicals. So take care of the products that you are using. They should not contain the chemicals which may cause rashes, acne or pimples.
  • If you have pimples or acne, which is a very common problem during teenage years, you can hide them by using concealer. Remember to pat only and never to rub it. Take a little bit on your finger tip and pat on the acne’s spot. The best treatment for acne is actually seeing a dermatologist and following whatever he advices.
  • Foundations are considered as the base of all type of makeup, but this should not be a part of your makeup set. Foundations are generally recommended for women above 35. Foundation on a teenage face would actually hide the natural, pure beauty of the skin.
  • At this age, your makeup set should contain the least burden, because natural beauty is the best beauty! Never try overdoing your makeup by wearing foundation, liner, mascara, lipstick and all other things in the list. The best you need in this phase of your life is a bit of mascara, concealer (if you have blemishes and acne) and a little gloss on the lips.
  • Take care not to put heavy makeup on your eyes and lips together. If you are going for a dark lipstick, wear least of eye makeup and vice-a- versa.
  • Talking of eyes, make sure to take enough rest and not over strain your eyes. This leads to nothing but dark circles under your eyes. In case you have developed one due to some reasons, trying using eye cream for dark circles on regular basis to get rid of them.
  • So much so about the facial make up. But what about your hair? Again, natural hair is always the best. But if you are so keen to color, make sure you go for a very safe coloring agent.
  • If you are looking for a haircut, there are uncountable options open for you. Let it be one of the styles that suit your personality.
  • Sun screen is a must for a teenager to protect the skin from the harmful effect of the sun rays. Sun’s UV rays are actually very harmful and protecting your skin from it would help you have great skin even at later stages.
  • Nails also are very important part of your beauty. So take care and do not neglect them. Too long toe nails are also not advisable.
  • If you have dry skin, especially during winter, scrub it out in a bath tub. Don’t forget to put moisturizer afterwards.
  • Try highlighting the best feature on the face.
  • While creating your own make up set you need to buy certain necessary things like foundation, powder, lipstick, blush and mascara. Always test them before trying. Pick up the best and the branded ones only.
Well, these were the few tips that would help a teenager like you to judge for yourself, what type of makeup you should wear. But using a complete make up set is just not enough. The real beauty lies in the confidence that you have in yourself. Real beauty lies within you. So be confident and enjoy the teen age years to its fullest.

This post first appeared on Beauty Products, please read the originial post: here

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Make up and Beauty Tips for Teenagers


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