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Home Remedies for Appendicitis – You See What Happens to Your Appendix


When it comes to the appendix, most people have a negative impression. It is a little organ you can find in your abdomen. Even though it does not have any particular purpose (many experts say that it is what remains after centuries of evolution), it might turn into a nightmare with severe Pain.

Let’s find out more about Appendicitis – an issue happening when your appendix does not want to leave your alone and more importantly, top natural home remedies for appendicitis! Are they useful enough to help you get rid of this problem?

What is Appendicitis?

Appendicitis is the term for calling the inflammation occurred in the appendix. To be more specific, the appendix is located near the end of the large intestine with the length of approximately 3 ½ inches. It is in the shape of a tube which is mainly made up of tissue [1].

Its function is known to be manufacturing antibodies; however, whether its contribution is essential or not remains arguably. In fact, you can even live your life more comfortably without its appearance.

Appendicitis is often treated as an emergency case that requires surgery. If you neglect the problem, the inflammation will continue to the point when the appendix will explode, and due to the location near the end of the large intestine, the main content of the appendix is infectious and harmful materials. Therefore, an exploded appendix will let harmful substances out into the abdominal cavity. It will create another inflammation in the abdominal cavity which can become fatal.

Rarely, there will be a case which the appendix is covered inside a pus-filled abscess. Its advantage is that the abscess will keep the harmful materials from leaking out into the abdominal cavity. In this case, the inflammation is not as dangerous as usual, however, it is difficult to identify without surgery. Overall, all appendicitis cases will be needed to have surgery.

What Causes Appendicitis?

You should bear in mind that there might be no specific answer for your possibility of appendicitis. The reasons remain mysterious because too many factors can be responsible for your condition at one time.

The primary reason for appendicitis to happen is often some feces get caught in the appendix. Not only fecal matters, but other materials and even tumors can cause the blockage.

Those materials will build up and harden and become the habitat for bacteria and viruses to grow and attack the appendix. In the end, the appendix will get infected and might rupture which cause further infections in the abdominal cavity [2][3].

Junk foods, infected foods and unhygienic foods are also the causes of appendicitis.

Symptoms of Appendicitis

The best way to diagnose appendicitis is through a professional expert or doctor. You can tell something wrong with your body as well, but if you notice one of the following signs, it is an excellent idea to contact a doctor for more detailed diagnosis.

  • The first obvious symptoms will be the dull pain in the upper abdomen or navel. Then, the pain sharpens and starts moving toward the lower right of the abdomen.
  • Poor appetite
  • Feeling nauseous and even vomiting when in pain
  • Having fever at around 38 to 39 degree Celsius
  • Unable to perform gas-passing
  • Feeling pain while urinating
  • Even more pain after vomiting
  • Having cramps severely
  • Having either constipation or diarrhea together with gas

The pain of appendicitis often begins with mild cramping. Throughout time, you will experience steady and severe pain which tends to be more targeted. In most cases, you do not see any sudden changes in the bowel movements. Nevertheless, your urination might be affected.

Once you are suspicious about appendicitis, you had better stay away from laxatives. They will burst your appendix and worsen the situation. Try to contact your doctor immediately, or you might want to use some natural home remedies for appendicitis.

Home Remedies for Appendicitis

Even though appendicitis requires surgery, there are some natural home remedies for appendicitis, relieving the symptoms temporarily. However, it is essential that you have your condition checked by the doctors to make sure it is not severe and fatal.

Here are top 17 most effective home remedies for appendicitis which are easy for you to apply for relieving at home in case you are experiencing some symptoms of appendicitis.

1. Castor Oil

The first place on the top of list home remedies for appendicitis is castor oil. With the ability of clearing blockages and anti-inflammation, taking castor oil can encourage bowel movements which decrease constipation effectively [4][5].

Castor Oil

How to use:

  • Take a large piece of cloth (flannel is preferred) and drop 2 tablespoons of oil onto it.
  • Put the piece of cloth to cover your abdomen.
  • Apply this remedy 3 times per week for few months.

For more information about the benefits of castor oil, please read Home Remedies for Loss of Smell and Taste and Gallstones.

2. Garlic

For its anti-inflammatory property, garlic makes an excellent appendicitis treatment as it can assist you in relieving pain as well as inflammation from appendicitis [6][7]It is one of the most available home remedies for appendicitis because we can find garlic in most kitchens around the world.


How to use:

  • When your stomach is empty, consume 2 to 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Add garlic into your daily cooking.
  • Take garlic capsules after consulting the doctors.

Garlic is an extremely popular remedy which you can find out more about its benefits at Home Remedies for Tuberculosis and Water Retention.

3. Ginger


Among the best home remedies for appendicitis, ginger also has anti-inflammatory property. Moreover, ginger can help to stop the feeling of nausea and vomiting from appendicitis [8].

How to use:

  • Consume ginger tea for 2 to 3 times per day. Take 1 teaspoon of grounded or sliced ginger into hot cup of water for around 5 to 10 minutes and then drink.
  • Use ginger oil for massaging your abdomen.
  • Take capsules made from ginger’s ingredients after consulting the doctors.

For more benefits of ginger as a home remedy, please read Home Remedies for Lupus and Stomach Ache.

4. Fenugreek Seeds


With the ability to clearing waste in the intestine as well as stopping mucus from building up, fenugreek seeds can help prevent not only those harmful materials from accumulating but also the symptoms from getting more severe and painful.

Whenever you notice symptoms of appendicitis or need some home remedies for appendicitis, immediately use fenugreek seeds to make an appendicitis treatment to reduce the problem.

How to use:

  • Take 2 teaspoons of the seeds into 1 cup of hot boiling water and let it simmer for around 10 to 15 minutes. Have it strained and consume once per day.
  • Add fenugreek seeds into your daily cooking.

5. Lemon

Citrus juice of lemon is acknowledged for pain-relieving as well as reducing constipation and indigestion. Also, vitamin C in lemon is an excellent boost for your immune system to fight back infections.

Accordingly, lemon can make one of the most excellent home remedies for appendicitis, which can reduce the symptoms of appendicitis in adults.


How to use:

  • Take lemon juice and mix with some honey.
  • Consume few times per day.
  • Keep doing every day for couples of weeks.

6. Basil

For its effects against indigestion as well as gas in the intestine, basil can also help lower down the fever, a symptom of appendicitis.

How to use:

  • Take some basil leaves with one teaspoon of grounded ginger into 1 cup of boiling water. When water remains half, have it strained and pour some honey. Consume twice per day for couples of day.
  • Take five squeezed basil leaves and ¼ teaspoon of rock salt with some black pepper powder into couples of plain white yogurt spoon. Have them twice per day.
  • Another option is to use fresh basil leaves every day.

7. Mint

As an excellent treatment for appendicitis, mint is useful for controlling pain as well as preventing nausea and vomit together with gas in the intestine.

How to use:

  • Take one tablespoon of fresh mint leaves into 1 cup of boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. Have it strained and drop in some honey. Consume 2 to 3 times per day for couples of weeks.
  • Have fresh mint leaves for better effective at preventing vomit and nausea.

8. Ginseng

With anti-inflammatory property, ginseng is very effective at control the pain as well as inflammation, which makes it a perfect ingredient used in home remedies for appendicitis.


How to use:

  • Take 6 to 8 slices of ginseng into 3 cups of hot boiling water and let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Have it strained and drop in some honey.
  • Consume when it is cool twice per day for couples of month.

9. Fiber

Fiber-rich diet can help prevent constipation effectively which is one of the main causes of appendicitis. If you have already experienced appendicitis, fiber-rich foods are excellent home remedies for appendicitis you can make use of as well.

Another option is taking fiber supplementary pills, but you should use supplements only after consulting the doctors.

10. Fluid Intake

Besides the ability to detoxify, water can also promote the bowel movements and reduce constipation significantly. No matter what home remedies for appendicitis you intend to use, drinking a lot of water is necessary to make them work.

Remember to drink regularly even when you are not thirsty, also appendicitis people will need to drink warm water. Juices from fresh fruits and vegetables are also recommended.

However, other fluids such as alcohol or beverages with caffeine should be kept out due to their negative effects.

11. Green Gram

Also known as mung bean, this is one of the top home remedies for appendicitis used to quickly get rid of the symptoms.

Green Gram

How to use:

  • Purchase them from any grocery stores.
  • Wash them thoroughly and keep them soaked overnight.
  • When absorb enough water, they will sprout and plumb.
  • Consume them either raw or processed (often put together in salads).

12. Whole Wheat

Rich in roughage, whole wheat is very effective in preventing constipation which occurs due to the over-consumption of refined flour. Whole wheat is often used in breads, therefore increase in consuming brown breads which are made of whole wheat instead of white bread which is from refined flour in order to reducing the symptoms of appendicitis in adults.

13. Buttermilk

It is fluid and its nutrients are effective against symptoms of appendicitis. Therefore, you can use buttermilk as one of the best home remedies for appendicitis. It helps to stop the bacteria growth in your appendix, reducing the risk of appendicitis.

The normal consumption of buttermilk should be at least 1 liter per day. Some other options are mocktail with ginger, cucumber and mint with some coriander or smoothie with your choice of fruits.

14. Turmeric

Known for anti-inflammation property, turmeric can be one of the most significant home remedies for appendicitis to ease the pain as well as some other symptoms of this problem.

How to use:

  • Add into your daily cooking.
  • Consume 1 tablespoon of ginger and turmeric paste every morning.
  • Add turmeric paste into buttermilk for double the effect.
  • Indian turmeric milk which has been famous for ages is also a great drinking remedy.

15. Beet and Cucumber

This combination is well-known for the ability to detoxify and cleanse which is a significant remedy for appendicitis.

Beets and Cucumber

How to use:

  • Include in your daily salads.
  • Make a smoothie out of those two vegetables.
  • Have them pickled is another excellent option. Take the beet boiling water and add vinegar, sugar and salt. Dissolve those substances before placing in beets and cucumbers. Consume them in your daily meals.

16. Pineapple

According to studies of the University of Texas’s Advanced Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration Laboratory, bromelain has positive effects on the healing of swelling or redness.

Fortunately, you can easily get bromelain from pineapple, which turns out to be one of the best home remedies for appendicitis. Furthermore, pineapple provides many other benefits, including combating cancer or cardiovascular problems.

You can eat pineapple to improve the treatment of appendicitis. For those who choose to have surgery, pineapple or bromelain supplement can be useful to boost their recovery. Therefore, you can consume it 3 times on a daily basis.

17. Agrimony

You might never have heard of its name, but it is super handy to help you get rid of appendicitis. In fact, it should be one of the top home remedies for appendicitis thanks to its effects on our digestive system.

How to apply:

  • Put agrimony herb (about 1 teaspoon) into water
  • Simmer the mixture in about 10 minutes
  • Steep and strain it
  • You can consume the mixture once it becomes warm or cool

The recommendation is to consume it twice every day if you want to notice improvement soon.

Extra Tips

  • Keep yourself out of constipation by all means necessary.
  • Keep out of foods from dairy, refined sugar or meats.
  • Take vitamin B, C and E supplementary pills after consulting the doctors.
  • Keep out of activities which pressure the abdomen. Restrain from taking any sports until the symptoms subside.
  • Try to reduce pressure on abdomen whenever you sneeze and cough.
  • Avoid running in a hurry.
  • Get enough rest and sleep.

When to See A Doctor

When severe pain suddenly appears in the abdomen, it is high time you needed medical attention by visiting the emergency room immediately. It might be a sign of ruptured appendix, and you need the help of an expert.

You should never be too optimistic and think it is not serious enough to ask doctors for diagnosis. In fact, prevention is always better than cure.

Then, when you meet your doctor, there might be some tests that you need to go through so that he or she can figure out exactly what happens to you. First of all, the doctor starts with seeing tenderness in your abdomen’s lower right quadrant. Then, it might be followed with blood or urine tests, a pelvic or rectal exam.

When the diagnosis is over, some doctors might recommend the use of antibiotics to help patients address their inflamed appendix. It is efficient to reduce the inflammation as well as your pain quickly. However, if you do not see improvements within 24 hours after using antibiotics, the likelihood is that you need surgery.

Besides, you should never try any pain medications without the prescription of your doctor. In many cases, pain medications only worsen your situation.

Is Surgery Necessary?

In addition to natural home remedies for appendicitis, there are other possible ways to cope with this problem. However, they have both pains and gains that you need take into consideration.

A few years ago, surgery seemed to be the most popular option when it came to appendicitis. Even though people are increasingly aware of home remedies for appendicitis, the operation is still ordinary because it helps to end the pain immediately after that. If you consider having an operation, it is imperative to consult your doctor.

Some people have ruptured appendix, which might develop into an abscess. Therefore, you should ask the doctor before the surgery to know whether you have one or not. In case you have an abscess, you might have to wait 1-2 weeks before the surgery to drain it.

Surgery has different types. You should spend more time on finding out which type is suitable for your condition. For example, if you are worried that traditional surgery is too invasive, laparoscopic surgery might be a better option.

In this method, your abdomen will have 1-3 small cuts and be filled with carbon dioxide. Then, the doctor will remove your appendix through tiny slits.

However, in many cases, laparoscopic surgery is not the doctor’s recommendation. You can think of an open appendectomy as an alternative way.

One of the essential things people need to remember after the surgery is to take care of the cuts and alleviate pain. Here are some tips to make you more comfortable with your surgery:

  • Give your body enough time to rest. In case of a laparoscopic surgery, you spend 3-5 days on rest. If you have an open appendectomy, 10-14 days is an appropriate amount of time for rest.
  • Pressure can be an excellent way to relieve pain, especially when you have to move a lot. When you have coughing, you can use a pillow to place on the abdomen and press down gently. It helps to support the appendix efficiently
  • Antibiotics might be recommended to help you relieve pain. Though there is no direct association between antibiotics and pain reduction, they prevent or address infection which is responsible for torture. You should follow the instructors of your doctor carefully
  • Imagining something you love when you use pain medications can be useful to help you get rid of the pain. Use your senses to stimulate your body to reduce pain quickly

How to Prevent Appendicitis

No matter how useful natural home remedies for appendicitis are, you still need to learn how to prevent this problem. Not only does it help save a lot of money and time on the treatment, but it also gives you a chance to be free from worries.

Following are some crucial tips that can help you stay away from appendicitis quickly.

  • Get enough water on a daily basis (typically 10-12 glasses per day)
  • In addition to plain water, you can enjoy fresh juice of vegetables or fruits
  • As fiber plays an essential role in the prevention and treatment of appendicitis, your diet should be full of this nutrient. It means that you should use more fiber-rich foods, such as black beans, whole grains, peas, or lentils
  • Probiotics, like buttermilk or yogurt can be an excellent addition to controlling your digestive system and the gut
  • Do not forget to do exercise regularly because it is useful to combat constipation


In conclusion, even though appendicitis is a complicated problem and usually requires medical attention, you can prevent or also reduce its symptoms thanks to simple natural home remedies for appendicitis.

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This post first appeared on Home Remedies For You, please read the originial post: here

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Home Remedies for Appendicitis – You See What Happens to Your Appendix


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