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I’ve made a few updates to the blog.  I don’t really have any new content to share for now, but there have been changes I’ve been wanting to make, particularly to the… Read More
While things can be read online by adjusting font sizes, contrast, etc., printed materials need to be handled differently. I have found a couple of ways to help me read print without overly… Read More
I first discovered a potential issue with overexposure to EMFs (electromagnetic fields) back in 2012 when I was dealing with chronic insomnia. My sleep improved when I moved my cordless phon… Read More
I think hearing aids have really helped with both my hearing loss and my vestibular symptoms. I’ve had them for almost a year and a half, so I figured it was about time to detail my ex… Read More
I have several posts across my blog discussing various things I had to change about my diet and supplements to get my iron and CBC tests normalized. I thought I would summarize the main poin… Read More
A few months ago, I tried something with flaxseed and did not have any reaction to it. It’s been wonderful to strike another ingredient from my “to-avoid” list! The grocery… Read More
Something else that has done even more to help keep my nails strong is wearing gloves in the shower. My nails have gotten even stronger since I started doing so late in the fall or early in… Read More
Earlier this month, I decided to stop doing VRT (vestibular rehabilitation therapy) exercises and attending VRT sessions for the final time. This was the fourth round, and I don’t plan… Read More
In October 2020, I decided to start using medicated acne washes instead of non-medicated cleansers with the leave-on creams. I’ve been very pleased that I’ve been able to control… Read More
I feel confident that the supplements I’ve added over the last several months to combat issues being caused by my inner ear damage are working well, so I’ve updated my suppl… Read More
What I suspected about a year and a half ago is now once again under consideration. Could I have inner ear damage on both sides, and could that be the cause of my continual symptoms? Af… Read More
I recently discovered that Total Care Listerine is perfectly fine for me to use. I’ve been using it daily now for around a month or so and have noticed no issues. It’s good to kn… Read More
In order to deal with the symptoms caused by the inner ear damage, I found I had to add supplements that target the stress response to what I was already taking to control the glutamate and… Read More
For years, I’d had issues with my nails. I’ve hopefully found out what I need to do to keep them strong, healthy, and looking great. Since childhood, I’d had a bad habit of… Read More
  I’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.  Below, I share my experience getting vaccinated and how things went afterwards. I had fully intended to get vaccinated against… Read More
I had an interesting situation happen on MeWe. A user there blocked me as a contact and from her page and the groups I joined. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, and it certai… Read More
I discovered recently that there are varieties of Lucky Charms that are safe for me to eat. I was very excited as Lucky Charms was one of my favorite childhood cereals. I can’t remembe… Read More
On October 1st, I decided to recheck my iron on my own to make sure things were improving. Three months after stopping the calcium + vitamin D supplement, my ferritin had increased! I was ha… Read More
On September 11, 2012, I started switching from foods with gluten to gluten-free foods in an attempt to clear my skin. I’ve come a long way since that time, even since my five-year upd… Read More
I had an acne resurgence last year and into this year which I feel was due to perimenopause. Fortunately, I’ve been able to control it with an Estroven menopause supplement. I’m… Read More
I finally got the COVID-19 antibody test done, and the results came back negative.  While this result may not mean absolutely that I was not infected, it was still good to get this answ… Read More
Last week, the CDC recommended that people wear some kind of face covering when going out to help curb the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Fortunately, I was able to put together stuff I a… Read More
I recently had my complete blood count (CBC) and iron labs rerun, and things are still looking really good! Since the results, except for my ferritin results, were good last time, I was expe… Read More
  I hadn’t had a milkshake in years.  I would see family and friends getting milkshakes with their meals at fast food restaurants and feel a longing.  I was concerned ab… Read More
It seems like today, many people are being turned away from synthetic supplements toward more “natural” versions, but are these versions necessarily better? They may have “… Read More
I’ve recently had some blood tests done that show promising results for the most part. I’m beginning to think I’m on the right track concerning my diet and supplements. My… Read More
One of the main manifestations of autism spectrum disorder is issues with social communication. These can manifest very differently in each autistic individual, and I’m sure that I&rsq… Read More
For the past several years, I’ve enjoyed going to the Nourished Festival (formerly the Gluten-Free & Allergen-Friendly Expo). It’s been a great opportunity to learn new thing… Read More
Over time, I realized several of the flours I kept on hand I either didn’t use or didn’t really need.  I decided to clean out (or use up and not replace) what I felt I didn… Read More
Since May 2018, I’ve been able to keep my skin clear except for a few very minor breakouts here and there that can easily be controlled. I’m hoping I’ve found out what I ne… Read More
In December 2018, I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder after several months of researching the condition and going over issues throughout my life that could be considered signs of t… Read More
Over time, stopping my multivitamin and other supplements last year caused me to become iron deficient and anemic. My iron deficiency also caused issues with my thyroid medication. Getting b… Read More
I recently discovered that I may not have an issue with gluten at all. What I thought were issues with gluten may have been issues from the wheat allergy all along. I’m thankful that I… Read More
Last week, I decided to leave almost all of my support groups or at least to stop visiting them. I had determined that they were just not meeting my needs and were becoming more and more unh… Read More
Insomnia can be a horrible thing with which to deal, especially when it continues for a long period of time and when its cause is unknown. There are things that I was able to do to improve m… Read More
Acne has been the bane of my existence for most of my life. Since my teenage years, I’ve had to deal with the waxing and waning of some pretty severe acne. I’ve been on strong pr… Read More
Shortly after going gluten-free back in 2012, I found the Glutino gluten-free breakfast bars. I really enjoyed them and thought they were similar to the Nutri-Grain bars I used to eat years… Read More
There are more label changes on the way. More and more products on the shelves are featuring the changes. The one change that doesn’t make sense to me is the required inclusion of vita… Read More
Although it’s hard to feel happy and thankful when dealing with various health conditions, there are things upon which I can reflect and feel very thankful as a result of these conditi… Read More
My first day gluten-free was on September 11, 2012. I recall the actual day itself being pretty uneventful. That night and the days following, I began to notice such a huge difference in how… Read More
Before I went gluten-free, I had found a delicious and easy baked beans recipe in one of my church cookbooks.  I made it several times, and everyone who tried the beans seemed to love t… Read More
I’m a cold-natured person, and I love warming up with a mug of hot chocolate. I’ve bought packets from mainstream brands like Swiss Miss and specialty brands like NibMor. For a l… Read More
Due to balancing copper and zinc in my diet, my body began rejecting my supplement regimen because it was now too much. I had to make drastic changes to my regimen in order to prevent the sy… Read More
This month, I celebrate ten years since I began my weight-loss journey.  Back in April 2007, I was disappointed in my body and the way I looked, and I resolved to find a way to change i… Read More
I was just fine on my thyroid medication for many years. However, first going gluten-free and then modifying my diet to have a better copper-zinc balance have caused quite a few struggles. S… Read More
In order to prevent copper toxicity from recurring, intake of copper and zinc need to be balanced once excess copper has been removed from the body. Making sure there is sufficient intake of… Read More
When I switched multivitamins back in December, it allowed me to uncover another significant and hidden health issue, copper toxicity. My multivitamin was not the cause of my iron deficiency… Read More
I recently discovered that my problems with iron deficiency were due to the multivitamin I was taking. It contained minerals in amounts that were preventing my body from absorbing iron. Swit… Read More
Christmas luncheons and similar events at the workplace can lead someone with celiac disease, food allergies, or other food issues to feel less than festive. It can be difficult to figure ou… Read More
A couple of things that I previously thought were not issues ended up being issues I needed to handle in order to keep from being hit with symptoms during the day at work. The two things wer… Read More
When I was trying to figure out how vinegar was making me react over two years ago, I did a lot of reading and research online about the gluten content of vinegar and whether or not it was g… Read More
I previously posted a favorite dessert recipe of mine, Crock Pot Caramel Apple Cobbler. After I decided to eliminate xanthan gum in prepared foods, I decided to check out cake mixes because… Read More
In one of my support groups, one of the members posted that she had symptoms after eating gluten-free flour tortillas. In response, I suggested that she consider xanthan gum if the tortillas… Read More
Dragon*Con is a sci-fi/fantasy convention in Atlanta, GA that takes place over the Labor Day holiday weekend every year. Attendees go to panels, meet stars, cosplay, and do much, much more… Read More
I Don’t React To Vinegar!
I discovered last weekend that I don’t react to vinegar!  I cut vinegar out of my diet almost two years ago when I began to notice symptoms after ingesting food items that contain… Read More
Crazy Contamination Issue:  Napkins
I recently started noticing more symptoms and issues with meals at work again. I had no idea what was causing them. I didn’t know if it was a food-handling issue or possibly something… Read More
Over the Fourth of July weekend, my dishwasher broke. I put dishes in it to wash Saturday evening and started the cycle. Over time, I noticed a smell of burning plastic, a smell I recognized… Read More
I use xanthan gum when making baked goods from scratch. Guar gum is a no-go since it’s one of my reactive foods, and other alternatives either are not readily available or are harder t… Read More

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I Hate My Gluten-Free Life - Making unwanted chang
