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Nov 25, The Beautiful Truth Almost Everyone Is Missing


Kratom is a wonderful natural gift to the human race to help us live with our pains, our anxieties, our depression, our PTSD. At the same time, the pharmaceutical industry is in a multi-million dollar race to duplicate and patent at least some of its benefits, which are blessedly inexpensive now.
The effort to keep this herbal "people's medicine" available to the millions who could benefit is important for compassionate reasons, but there is a bigger question we should be addressing -- but few of us seem interested.
The bigger question we should be dealing with is, "Why are our bodies and minds breaking down at younger and younger ages?" What can we do to reverse our declining health?
Our medical mafia have very successfully distracted us from even considering this question. They want to sell you expensive remedies that will treat your symptoms, especially pain, but they never let on WHY you developed the disease you suffer, whether it is Degenerative Disk Disease or Depression or even a birth defect.
Kratom may partially help the nutritional deficiencies that are at the root of all these medical issues. I suspect it contains higher quantities of trace and major minerals because of the rich virgin jungle soils most of it flourishes in, but nobody (that I've found) is studying Why and how kratom is doing the wonderful things it does when used with care.
I address this blog especially to those with serious back and joint pain -- anything bone-related. Kratom isn't fixing the cause of the pain. You may be out of pain, when you have dosed recently, but the issue that is causing the pain is still there and getting worse.
According to the doctor and veterinarian who opened my eyes to this issue -- that our medical mafia try so hard to keep you from considering -- our bodies are breaking down due to nutritional deficiencies in our food.
The simple answer to diabetes, to back problems, to low energy, to obesity, premature aging, Alzheimer's, and depression is nutritional supplementation. But, like kratom, that is another thing doctors are generally taught to discourage you from doing.
I write this especially for those who suffer from DDD and arthritis because it worked for me when Dr. Wallach filled in the final piece in my quest of understanding what we should be doing for our health. It's so simple, painless, and relatively cheap insurance against the need for surgery, which rarely solves the problem (as many of you have learned).
I highly recommend listening carefully to the following video presentation. It will answer many questions of why we're not enjoying our best health and what we can do about it.
See it HERE

This post first appeared on Diabetes Symptoms Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Nov 25, The Beautiful Truth Almost Everyone Is Missing
