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Abortion Methods: The safe pregnancy termination procedures

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A warm welcome to all readers! In case you have landed on this page, probably you may be wanting to learn more about Abortion methods. And it may be possible that you are looking forward to having one in near future.

This post intends to guide you into safe abortion procedures. Also, you will learn how your pregnancy length and location can determine your abortion method. If you worry about your abortion procedure, please relax and calm down!

Abortions are highly safe medical procedures provided you choose to visit the best abortion hospital. Do not attempt a self-abortion since it carries immense risks. Unsafe abortion can lead to several complications and side effects that can affect your life in the long term.

But if you choose to visit the right abortion clinic, you can obtain a safe, legal and confidential abortion. Your health and life will be safe and all side effects prevented.

For residents in and near Bangalore, you can schedule an appointment for safe abortion at the abortion clinic near you.

Coming next to some terms that you need to know before we jump to abortion methods.


Abortion refers to pregnancy termination. It is different from a spontaneous miscarriage. When all methods of birth control fail, any girl or woman in India can obtain a legal abortion in India. However, since legal abortions are available only up to the first 20 weeks of your pregnancy, try not to delay.

If you have any doubt about making the abortion decision, you can speak to our abortion team. Having an abortion is a very personal decision and as a couple, it is your choice. Just in case you are having any doubts, please relax since an induced abortion is terminating a fetus before it attains a viable age. So, relax and take time to process your feelings.

Delay in abortion can also change your abortion method. Since the choice of abortion method depends largely on pregnancy length.

Last Menstrual Period (LMP):

The starting date of your last menstrual period is taken as the first day of your pregnancy. It is known as the Last Menstrual Period date.

When you visit the abortion hospital, the doctor may ask you for your LMP for reference. Further diagnosis and treatment will depend on that. To check for the exact length of pregnancy, the doctor may advise you to undergo an ultrasound.

Pregnancy length:

Call it pregnancy length or gestation period, this is the time that you have come ahead in your pregnancy. The gestation period in humans is nearly 40 weeks. And you can obtain a legal abortion in Bangalore for normal reasons like a contraceptive failure for up to the first 20 weeks only.

For some special reasons like fetal anomalies, you can obtain a legal abortion in India for up to 24 weeks also.

If you have any doubt about your pregnancy length, please leave a message or drop a comment with your LMP date. The hospital’s abortion team shall get back to you with your estimated pregnancy length and also your unwanted pregnancy termination options accordingly.

Pregnancy location:

Well, to most readers, it may come as a surprise since the majority of the population is unaware of ectopic pregnancies. And this is a very important thing not to miss since the complications with ectopic pregnancies can be life-threatening.

So, as soon as you discover that you are pregnant, whether wanted or unwanted, you must consult a gynecologist. A simple ultrasound test can tell the exact location and length of the pregnancy.

Most pregnancies are normal and the embryo implants in its destined location, the uterine cavity. However, in some rare cases, it may misroute to the cervix region or abdominal cavity. Or it may remain in the fallopian tube where the fertilization occurred. Those are the cases of tubal pregnancies where fertilized egg fails to travel down the fallopian tube to reach the uterine cavity.

In a case, pregnancy continues in such a case, the embryo and the tube can rupture leading to internal bleeding and shock. Immediate medical attention is necessary to save the patient’s life.

Even taking abortion pills in such a case will be of no help. So, please seek an early consultation to rule out the probability of an ectopic pregnancy.

Coming next to the safe abortion methods.

Safe abortion methods for normal or intrauterine pregnancies:

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends three safe abortion methods for terminating early pregnancies. The choice of each method depends on pregnancy length and the patient’s medical condition.

These are:

  1. The medical abortion method
  2. Vacuum aspiration abortion method
  3. Surgical abortion method

Let us learn about each method in detail.

The medical abortion method:

When abortion pills help in terminating a pregnancy, the method is known as medical abortion.

Gestation age:

It is an available option for very early pregnancies, i.e., the ones less than 6-8 weeks.

The abortion procedure:

The two approved safe abortion pills are Mifepristone and Misoprostol. They work together to end a pregnancy and remove pregnancy products. This happens in the two stages.

Stage 1:

When you first arrive at the abortion hospital at the scheduled time, the doctor shall give you the first pill, Mifepristone. Its dose and mode of administration will depend on your specific medical condition. Either the doctor will give it to you to take orally or may place it in the cervix region.

This medicine will stop the production of the hormone, Progesterone in your body. In the absence of progesterone, the embryo will stop growing further. And this is where the pregnancy halts. But its removal is also essential to complete the abortion process and that you are no longer pregnant.

This is the job of the second abortion pill, Misoprostol and will complete in the second stage.

Stage 2:

The doctor in most cases hand over the second set of abortion pills to the patient in the first appointment itself. In some rare cases, the patient may have to visit the clinic for vaginal administration.

But in most cases, the doctor gives you the pills to take orally after 24-72 hours of taking the first pill. This is an abortifacient, which means, it will cause the expulsion of pregnancy products just like a heavy menstrual period. The medicine will contract your uterine muscles. These contractions are similar to the menstrual period; however, some women claim it to be more intense.

Then, the pregnancy products release from the womb through the natural route. You can expect to bleed moderate to heavy for a few hours. Bleeding will start decreasing after the miscarriage. However, approximately 10 in 100 women may bleed for more than a week. And 5 out of them may have an incomplete abortion.

So, just in case you are bleeding ranging from spotting to heavy bleeding beyond day 10, you should schedule an appointment with your gynecologist.

Most women start to bleed out pregnancy in less than 6 hours. So, after taking the second pill, you should stay at home. The doctor will tell you when and how to take the medicine exactly. It is specific for each patient.

Who can take abortion pills?

Since abortion pills work differently on different women. So, never administer abortion pills without a doctor’s consultation. After a proper consultation, there is a better probability of preventing the occurrence of risks and side effects.

The abortion pill method is the earliest available abortion method. However, it is not suitable for all women alike. When you visit a registered abortion hospital, the doctor shall provide you with guidance and help you decide whether abortion pills are a suitable method for you or not.

Women who are eligible for medical abortion:

  • Have an intrauterine pregnancy that is not more than 8 weeks.
  • They are not taking any medicines for chronic medical conditions like Hypertension, Diabetes, Lupus or some others.
  • Are not allergic to any ingredient(s) of abortion pills.
  • They are okay with abdominal cramps that may last longer.
  • They are looking forward to having an abortion in the comfort of their bedroom at home.

Deciding on your abortion method:

If you choose to visit Bangalore Genesis Hospital, the only 100% private abortion clinic, you can also have your abortion by Gentle Care procedure in case abortion pills are not an option for you. And even if you are eligible for a medical abortion, you can choose the Gentle Care abortion procedure for its several advantages.

When the patient first arrives at BGH for consultation, her vitals are checked and she is made aware of all her available abortion options. If there is any confusion regarding choosing the abortion method, you do not have to decide it alone. You can receive all the help you need from the BGH team.

Schedule a consultation appointment today.

Do not delay since the hospital slots get filled up quick and personalized one-on-one consultation needs proper time than just filling up the gap of doctor to patient ratio.

9 out of 10 women who are early in their first trimester visiting BGH opt for Gentle Care suction abortion. They prefer it for its several advantages. If you too have any difficulty in deciding, one of the physicians at BGH can help you explain both the abortion procedures and what to expect from each one.

Here’s more about Gentle Care suction abortion.

Vacuum Aspiration abortion method:

This is another early abortion option for women who are in their first trimester. However, different hospitals may use a slightly different approach for suction abortions. This variation comes because the technique and methods have been recommended by the WHO.

But different hospitals use different quality of equipment, methods and may vary a lot when it comes to holistic abortion care.

Through this post, we are going to enlighten our readers with the approach that Bangalore Genesis Hospital (BGH) uses as a part of Gentle Care suction abortion.

Gestation age:

All intrauterine pregnancies that are less than 12 weeks are eligible for a Gentle care suction abortion.

The procedure:

Either you can choose to get a Gentle Care suction abortion at the same appointment as the consultation. Or if you have decided already, you can directly book your slot for the abortion.

When you decide to undergo your abortion through a non-invasive Gentle Care method, it can be a great choice. The nurse will help you get ready in comfortable clothes and position on comfortable furniture unlike cold stretchers in operation theatres.

She will clean your cervix region for disinfecting and preventing any infections. A local anesthetic may numb the cervix region and make the procedure painless for you.

When you are in a comfortable position, the doctor shall gently insert a soft and flexible tube inside your womb through the cervix region. BGH uses high-quality disposable tubes. One end of the tube connects to a small device that fits in the doctor’s hand. When the doctor seems it fits and is in place, she will turn on the device to create manual suction.

This varies from the electric vacuum aspiration suction procedures used by most hospitals. In this case, the doctor can gently control how much pressure she has to apply to suck the pregnancy products from the womb. Whereas, electric vacuum suction uses an electrically driven motor for creating suction. It may be difficult to control how much and when to apply the pressure. Therefore, BGH uses Manual vacuum aspiration to create exactly the needed amount of suction and pull out the pregnancy gently.

The procedure is very short and quick lasting no more than 2-5 minutes and you can leave the hospital premises with the resolution that you are no longer pregnant.

Gentle Care suction abortion Vs Abortion pills:

It is quite normal for many women to opt for the abortion pill method since they prefer having an abortion in private at home. And for them, if they are eligible, medical abortion is a good choice. However, for some valid reasons, many women visiting BGH looking for their early abortion options prefer Gentle Care suction abortion. Let’s see the differences.


Abortion with pills induces miscarriage. The pain usually accompanies abdominal cramps. For some women, it may be mild to moderate like menstrual periods, but some women may feel intense cramping and pain. Besides, the pain lasts for longer until all of the medicine does not get eliminated from the bloodstream.

Whereas, Gentle Care suction abortion is absolutely painless. It is as simple as a Pap test; a short procedure that does not cause any cramping or pain.


Abortion with pills causes moderate to heavy bleeding for a few hours that wean away slowly in days and sometimes weeks. This may cause discomfort to women in their routine activities. So, they may prefer to choose Gentle Care suction abortion.

Most of the pregnancy products get sucked during the procedure. So, there is less cramping and bleeding afterwards. Many women may bleed lightly for a few hours. But most women feel normal within 15 minutes.

You may rest for a few minutes and recover in a private room until you feel like taking discharge.


There are certain chances that abortion pills may result in an incomplete abortion. In such cases, abortion completion may need surgical intervention. However, Gentle Care suction abortion offered exclusively by BGH is nearly 100% efficient.

Patients happily return with the joy of a painless, stress-free, quick and efficient abortion procedure. They go back home knowing that they are no longer pregnant. Besides, the pregnancy symptoms start resolving soon after the Gentle Care procedure.

Waiting period:

With a medical abortion, you may need to wait to be sure that your pregnancy has been completely terminated. And for that, there is almost a waiting period of about up to a week. Whereas, with a Gentle Care suction abortion, your abortion can get completed within the clinic itself.

Surgical abortion:

Surgical abortion procedures also vary from hospital to hospital and from performing abortion team to team. This post discusses the exclusive Gentle Care surgical abortion method used by the abortion team at BGH.

Gestation age:

Surgical abortion is the method of choice for abortions in late-stage pregnancy, i.e., beyond 12 weeks but up to 20 weeks.

Gentle Care surgical abortion:

Similar to the Gentle Care suction abortion, BGH offers its surgical procedure also gently. And that’s the reason why they call it Gentle Care surgical abortion.

If your pregnancy is intrauterine and is between 12-20 weeks at the time when you seek an abortion, your treatment shall be more likely by a Gentle Care surgical abortion.

Unlike conventional surgeries, where doctors used sharp curette to scrape off the uterine lining, the BGH approach is different. Even in many hospitals to date, the dilatation method is variable. They may ask the patient to stay in the hospital overnight. They use dilatants that expand the cervix over hours and when the cervix dilates enough, uterine cleaning is done.

Whereas, at BGH, abortion procedure is mildly invasive. But unlike traditional dilatants and overnight hospitalization, you may not need to stay for long at the hospital. Yes, you may have to follow some directions for eating and drinking before the procedure.

This is because anesthesia use makes abortion painless. And for your gastric contents not to affect the same and cause nausea and vomiting, you should stay on an empty stomach before the procedure. However, even if you have eaten something, the doctor may use an enema to empty your bowel before the procedure.

This makes sure that you obtain the abortion on the same day of the appointment. Latest cervix dilation technology helps in easy and early dilation of the cervix. Then gentle spooning of the uterine lining detaches all pregnancy products. The doctor may then use an aspirator just like in suction abortion to suck all the collectables and empty your womb.

The entire procedure is not more than 30 minutes long and you can then rest in a private room until discharge.

Schedule an appointment:

If you are facing any difficulty in deciding your abortion method, you do not have to do it alone. Just relax but do not delay. Delay may narrow down your abortion options. Earlier you are in seeking an abortion, more are the options available at hand.

Moreover, certain complications like ectopic pregnancy may need early detection. There are many other complications with the self-administration of abortion pills or self abortions. So, never attempt a self-diagnosis. If you are facing any trouble, you can speak to the best doctor for abortion at BGH.

Schedule a consultation appointment.

If you have already decided on the method of abortion as per your knowledge, speak to a healthcare professional to have an affirmation and get the procedure the same day.

Schedule an abortion appointment.

Please check for the earliest spot before showing up since you may not want to wait.

Hire an Uber to the hospital’s location or you can visit by any convenient means of transport. 


Like many other medical procedures, there are different abortion methods available to many women who are considering the procedure. What these options are and how long they are available to the woman depends in large part on where she is and where she is going to have the procedure done. However, before even going to the doctor for the first consultation, it might be a good idea to learn the bare basics of the different methods in order to have a small understanding of what is going on as you talk to the doctor.

There are medical abortions and surgical abortions, and with the surgical abortions, there are early pregnancy surgical abortions and late pregnancy surgical abortions. None are offered very far along in the pregnancy in most places, unless it is being done to preserve the life or health of the mother. Knowing a little about these abortion methods will help you make an informed decision.

The three safe abortion methods:

  1. Medical abortion: A medical abortion is performed by the prescription of special medications that are intended to make the woman force her body into self-abortion. The medication is taken at the doctor’s office, but the procedure can take place in the comfort of your own home.  It has to be done very early in the pregnancy, and it also might come with a lot more cramping than the other methods, but it is also less invasive.
  2. Early pregnancy surgical abortion: This outpatient surgery is given without general anesthesia and takes a couple of hours, including recovery time: the actual process takes around twenty minutes. The doctor dilates the cervix and then suctions out the pregnancy. He or she might need to cut out any remainders.
  3. Late pregnancy surgical abortion: This process is similar to the early pregnancy surgical abortion in most ways; however, it is more in depth. The dilation of the cervix will likely have to occur at an earlier appointment, a few hours or a day before the procedure. The actual procedure might also take a little longer.

What you need to know?

If done in a safe and legal method, most abortions are performed without complications or issues. While it is always important to talk to a doctor before you make any decision, it still helps to know a little bit about the different abortion methods before you go into the appointment. However, you should also remember that what your options are depends on how far along you are and where you are having the procedure.

If you want to learn more about the different abortion methods out there, then you should visit the Abortion Clinic in India’s website. You can find this site at 

Schedule an abortion appointment.

Related links:

  1. What is the abortion pill cost in Bangalore?
  2. MTP Procedure cost in Bangalore: All you need to know!
  3. Abortion clinic in Bangalore for unmarried girls
  4. Abortion price in Bangalore: All you need to know!
  5. Read this before you buy abortion pills in Bangalore:

Quick links:

  1. How to find the best doctor for abortion in Lingarajapuram?
  2. What’s the procedure for unwed girl abortion in Kammanahalli
  3. Best Doctor for abortion in Frazer Town, Bangalore
  4. What is the cost of abortion in Indiranagar, Bangalore?
  5. 9 Criteria To Use While Choosing Your Gynaecologist for Abortion in Bangalore

The post Abortion Methods: The safe pregnancy termination procedures first appeared on Genesis Hospital | Abortion Clinic | MTP | Circumcision Surgery .

This post first appeared on Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Abortion Methods: The safe pregnancy termination procedures


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