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Heavy Rain Continues
the streets in Manila are flooded, and there is flooding in much of nearby Pampanga and Bulacan. We are northwest of the areas that have had heavy rain: So we have rain but no major… Read More
Philippine News: Rain Rain Rain
 two tropical low pressure areas nearby have sucked the monsoon rains to cover the Philippines, and Manila (whose sewer/drainage system is suboptimal) is flooding a bit. so Manila… Read More
Don't ask me what is going on in the USA. I had the TV on in the background when they were interrogating the Secret Service director, and she was so bad that even the Democrats were blasting… Read More
Philippines: Getting Back To Work
State of the Nation report today:education was shut down with covid (home school) and so the education system was harmed greatly.Sighin the meanwhile, our irrigation ditch is being cleaned s… Read More
Shades Of 1933
Shades of 1933, when the shooter missed FDR and killed the mayor of Chicago at a rally in Miami.I first saw this on my Cspan feed: looks like it came very near to his head. No, I don't usual… Read More
Fear The Kittie
 Lots of hysteria on line about a case of Bubonic plague in Oregon.Uh, hate to tell you,  but doctors in the IHS (Indian Health Service) in the Navajo or Pueblo areas see a couple… Read More
Catholic Scandals
the background on why Archbishop Vigano was quickly thrown out of the Catholic church, you have to realize he was willing to name names (McCarrick) and threatened to expose the lies that the… Read More
The Chinese Mayor Conspiracy
 this is big news in the Philippines, and I posted about it before. But here is a political site that summarizes the story if you don't have time to watch the 4 hour committee meeting I… Read More
Adoption And Foster Care
A new film highlights how churches have encouraged the adoption of older children, and Jordan Peterson discusses this. why are there so few good stories about Foster care and adoption?… Read More
Yum. Gobs.
Aka whoopie pieKuya brought this up yesterday as we were eating a chocolate cupcake, where the cake part was very dense and sweet, and the icing melted in your mouth.When he was a kid growin… Read More
The Boy And The Heron
 Like a lot of Japanese films by Muyazaki, to understand the Boy and the Heron requires cultural background so will need several watchings, but visually it is beautiful.and many of… Read More
Family News: Time To Plant The Rice
 Our granddaughter is in the USA teaching a summer seminar for high school kids about economic matters. She loves teaching and is hoping to teach at an international school in Thailand… Read More
The New Religion Of Woke And Perversion
Father Leo expresses his concerns about Catholics celebrating Pride Month due to the changing meaning of pride as a deadly sin associated with debauchery and immorality. He encourages humili… Read More
A Biblical Father;s Day
 Garrison Keillor ponders on Father's day, and Solomon.Just read the whole thing. A wise old man ponders on real life (as opposed to the screeds we tend to see posted on the internet/tw… Read More
Happy Flag Day
HAPPY FLAG DAY From Wikipedia:Flag Day is a holiday celebrated on June 14 in the United States. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution o… Read More
 So two Knights of Columbus who were helicopter pilots rescued over 100 Americans from violence in Haiti.It was the first call for Marinello since he started a helicopter air medical se… Read More
Propaganda Lesson For Today
when the Islamic terrorists took over a small city here, to fight their propaganda the Philippine military took and posted lots of videos to explain what they were doing.But when reporters a… Read More
Cat V China
Move over Garfield; the cartoon cat that broke open Chinese censorship of the covid lockdowns in 2022.A Chinese dissident - who is behind a popular X account fronted by this cartoon cat - sa… Read More
Drone Wars
  more information HERE: they spy, they drop bombs on you, and then there is this: LogisticsCommercial cargo ships can carry hundreds of armed UAVs equipped with satellite communication… Read More
Tea at Trianon links to a xenotransplant, where a man was given a pig kidney.  He later died, cause of death not mentioned, and the family says thank you to the doctors for giving… Read More
Rice, African Style
 We grow organic brown rice here in the Philippines, but a lot of rice is grown in West Africa, and originally that rice , Oryza glaberrima was a slightly different type than Asian rice… Read More
Iranian Mullahs Vs Women
quick: How many Hamas loving protesters recognize that Hamas is an Iranian proxy? And how many know about the woman who won a Nobel Peace prize for her activism to promote women's rights?&nb… Read More
 Here in Asia, there has been a lot of bird flu for years. And about 100 people infected with this because of close contact or from eating infected meat. About a decade ago the epidemic… Read More
POGOs And Guo The Spy Scandal
the casinos and on line gambling (POGO) were supposed to be a money maker for the government and provide jobs for locals. These organizations started under President Aquino but expande… Read More
 lots of conspiracy theories about solar storms and the Carrington event.Lots of hysteria.So the latest solar flare gave us lots of lights in the sky, but no disaster. WTF? We were told… Read More
Fat Is Beautiful
We docs spend a lot of time encouraging our patients to lose weight and exercize, but all the kerfuffle about fat models on magazine covers sort of misses the point. Example One: wben JP sai… Read More
Are We Now Allowed To Be Catholic?
 The Pope is busy pushing the environmental dogma and something called synodality instead of Jesus Christ, and even the catholic bishops here seem to be embracing the same psychological… Read More
Art Vs Reality
 when I saw the new portrait of King Charles, I thought it was a it bad art? Yes of course it is. The background swallows the subject, and the colour reminds one of blood. Or ma… Read More
Discussing The Material World
 This podcast by the Met is really really interesting.about the material in the world around us: But not from a scientific point of view but the point of view of art and culture.these l… Read More
Robots In War
 Mainly posted so I can watch it China is attempting to build one of their artificial islands within the borders of the Philippines Read More
 this is a follow up on several posts on the war on farmers, the latest one is here if you wish to read it.World Bank launches first global framework for agri-food emissions"to halve cu… Read More
 RFK Jr said he had a brain tapeworm. He did not say what kind of a worm it was, but these doctors thought it was a pork tapeworm.Medical treatment usually consists of a two-d… Read More
Teaching About Farming
A lot of the nonsense about global warming seem to be oblivious to how their policies affect farmers: I read about bureaucrats shutting down farms in Europe, and the activists who rejoice wh… Read More
 Ann Althouse writes about a bigshot who recognizes that DEI is being ridiculed at various levels as racism, so decides instead of clarifying the criteria they use, they will merel… Read More
History Lesson For The Week
the defense of Western civilization. I just read it isn't politically correct because it doesn't include other cultures. But it is about western civilization: You want your culture discussed… Read More
Cabrini In The Slums Of New York
 when the movie Gangs of New York came out, it was about the Irish trying to survive against prejudice in the slums of NYC. The irony? A lot of the stars and the director (Martin S… Read More
Family News Baptism Time
 So yesterday, the staff was busy scrubbing the courtyard behind our house, and cleaning up the fish pond/fountain so the water is now clear and all the water plants were removed.Here i… Read More
 I have posted Dr Campbell about conspiracy theories on hiding the side effects of the covid shot.' Here is his latest discussion.these were indeed a lot of side effects reported in the… Read More
our city's patron saint is Mama Mary, under the name Divina Pastora (holy Shepherdess). The church held her procession a few days ago to celebrate that the local church is now a minor basili… Read More
 With Shogun being the big hit on TV right now, the myth of the Samurai is being discussed. Hiroyuki Sanada points out that most of the Hollywood  films about Japan and Japa… Read More
Dog Movie Of The Week
................the real Sweden, not a Yank. And the race was in Ecuador, not the Dominican Republic. But like most fiction, the facts were changed, but the essence of the story w… Read More
Disease You Always Have With You
the next big epidemic we are worried about is bird flu.See this discussion. So far, no air borne spread from person to person although there have had a couple dozen cases over the last ten y… Read More
Queen Of Tears: Or Why K Dramas Rock
Everyone here is watching the K Drama Queen of Tears, which is available on Netflix also. It is a regular rollercoaster ride of romance that could give the cliche ridden Hallmark channel ro… Read More
 a follow up from a post I did a few days ago about CIA corruption and what seemed to be getting funding to manipulate the news to destroy Duterte, who hated drugs and hated the CIA who… Read More
Voyager 1 Back On Line
,,,,,,,more here. and UKGuardian article HERE.Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 was designed with the primary goal of conducting close-up studies of Jupiter and Saturn in a five-year mission. Howe… Read More
The Stuff We Keep
an essay on the simple things we collect and cherish.Moving a lot, I lost a lot of stuff, but the special photos and clippings I put inside my bible.When I was babysitting my granddaughter… Read More
This Doesn't Sound Good
 translation: Marcos is making nice with the US against China, who is threatening our resources.China, of course, is also planning to invade Taiwan, meaning they can block the sea lanes… Read More
Fraud In Medical Reporting?
....................The pressure of big Pharma, not just by their advertisements, but because they fund the studies that get published in journals, was pointed out by former editor of the NE… Read More
Happy Tax Day To You Yanks
actually I did my tax with Turbotax six weeks ago and have gotten my refund.When we were in the US, we had an accountant but he said don't waste our money on him after retirement since we on… Read More
Deception In Medicine, Alas
 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,his website has been following the documents for awhile. Here is an example: March 20,2024: even before the details of the treaty was released, the usual suspects approve… Read More
The Making Of The LOTR
The irony? An unknown director did it. (Unknown except to geeks who loved Braindead). And no big stars. But they worked with folk who knew the story, and had a lot of input from the fans.hmm… Read More
Can  You Forgive The Unforgivable?
 Lots of lies, propaganda and hatred out there about Gaza: Much of it coming from Hamas, Iran and the left. I take Israel's part, not because I don't think the Palestinians don't h… Read More

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Finest Kind Clinic and Fishmarket
