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Robotic to Rock Climbing: 10 Amazing Summer Camps For Kids in India

After two years of classes, social meet-ups and even birthday parties being conducted online, children finally seem to have a chance to return to offline activities.

If you are looking for fun summer activities to enrol your child in, here are a few:

Speech and Drama Workshop

This two-week course being conducted by OpenHouse will focus on helping students write impactful speeches and improvise on stage and deliver monologues in an impactful manner. The session will also work on enhancing body language and dialogue delivery skills.

Extempore, speechwriting, stage performance and body language are the skills that will be worked on. Multiple batches are running and one can choose a timing based on their convenience.

Location: Bengaluru

Dates: The sessions will go on until 26 May 2022.

Age group: Students between the age group of five to seven will be in one cohort and those between 8 to 10 will be in another.

Cost: The fee for the course is Rs 3,540. To register for this course, click here.

Science and Robotics Workshop

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Kids of all age groups enjoy problem-solving and conducting experiments. Evolving minds Science Summer Camp is looking to ignite young minds through a 10-day programme that will teach kids to sharpen their scientific thinking, troubleshoot and solve problems. This summer camp will allow kids to interact with peers, express their thoughts, and discover and conduct experiments.

Location: Bengaluru

Dates: 2 May to 13 May 2022

Age group: Students in Classes 2 to 5 will be in one batch while students in Classes 6 to 9 will be in another batch. Each batch will accommodate only 16 students. Registration will take place on a first-served basis only.

Cost: The fee for this session will be upwards of Rs 10,000. To get more details call or Whatsapp message on +91-9945275572 / +91-9900084641.

Photography Workshop

Why not try something different this summer? The Delhi Photography Club (DPC) has announced their summer photography workshop, which will be conducted in two batches. With a group size of 10, this workshop will allow each student to get individual attention from the mentor.

The workshop will include both indoor and outdoor sessions. It is meant to kindle an interest in photography and will be best suited for beginners. Certain techniques like photography in low light, editing in Snapseed and picture composition and framing will be taught during the workshop.

Location: Delhi

Dates: The workshop will begin on 9 May 2022.

Age group: Students between 9 to 11 years of age will be eligible to enrol for this workshop.

Cost: Each session will be held for 1.5 hours. The fee for this will be Rs 6000. For more details on registration, you can call on +91-8826712162.

Rubik’s cube Workshop

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The thrill of solving a Rubik cube puzzle is one that children of all age groups enjoy. This workshop is conducted in the capital and is perfect for all those thrill-seekers. One needs to have a 3×3 Rubik’s cube for the session. While one can enrol for this from the comfort of their homes, the option of one-on-one sessions is also available.

This will be conducted by coach Bany Sadar throughout eight sessions. Once completed a student will be able to solve the puzzle in under a minute. There will be no more than two students per batch.

Location: Delhi

Age group: This workshop is being held for beginners and participants above the age of eight.

Cost: For more details on the fee and registration process, you can call on +91-8921236653.


Pugmarks is an organisation that curates outdoor camping experiences for children and parents. Depending on the age of the child, they can either attend the camp independently or with one or both parents. The camps are for two or more days and the cost depends on the location and number of days. This is a great way to make new friends while one enjoys participating in various team-building exercises.

Location: Mumbai

Dates: Most of the camps begin on 1 May 2022 and go on until the end of the month.

Age group: Children as young as four years old can enrol for this camp but along with parental supervision.

Cost: For more details and to register click here.

Ad-Mad Workshop

A rather unique workshop is being offered by Summertime at Small Tales. The participants will understand the essential elements of creating their own advertisements, by analysing character behaviours, developing a script and original jingles, understanding production and costume design, and also the concept of storyboarding and performances.

Participants will be required to spend a total of five hours learning these skills.

Location: Mumbai

Dates: The workshop is scheduled to take place on 28 and 29 May 2022.

Age group: This workshop is meant for children between 8 to 11 years of age.

Cost: The fee for this workshop is Rs 3499. For any query you might have, please contact them via WhatsApp at +91 9867899698.

Adventure Sports

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This programme by Inme offers various options for parents and kids to choose from. From exploring Naukuchiatal to rock climbing in Coorg and a deep-sea adventure in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, there’s something for everyone.

Location: Multiple locations across India

Dates: There are different start dates for each program and the batch size also differs.

Age group: The programmes are open to children above the age of nine and one can enrol depending on the level of the programme. There are three levels – one for beginners, the age group between 9 to 11, an intermediary level between the age group of 10 to 17 and the advanced level for the age group of 13 to 17.

Cost: To get more information and check out the programmes, click here.

Outdoor Adventure

The camp aims to develop self-reliance, independence, courage, life skills, value education and a spirit of adventure in the participants.

From pitching your own tent to participating in rock climbing, rappelling and even raft building activities, one will be exposed to various outdoor activities. The camp facilitators range from experiential and outdoor educators, adventurers, naturalists, army officers, outdoor facilitators and teachers.

Location: Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Panchgani

Date: Beginning in May 2022

Age group: Varies according to the outdoor activity chosen.

Cost: For any further queries, you can reach out at 7729988781 or e-mail: [email protected].

Social Impact Workshop

If solving global challenges and deliberating on various social justice issues is something that your child enjoys then this programme by Tribes for Good is tailor-made for them. In this programme, students will have the chance to interact with other like-minded peers and discuss issues of social relevance. Students will have the chance to understand the intricacies of the social impact space.

Students will also get a chance to work on a live project collectively that impacts urban communities with a particular team.

Location: This is an online programme.

Dates: This is a four-week course.

Age group: Students from Classes 9 to 12 are eligible to apply for this programme.

Cost: If you wish to get more details on this, click here.

Yoga Workshop

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The Sivananda Yoga Institute is organising a three-week yoga camp for children. Participants will not be permitted to leave earlier. Participants will be provided lodging and food at the centre. Once the course is completed participants will be provided with a certificate of completion. One of the USPs of this course is that the participants never complain of boredom.

The day starts at 6 am and the participants are busy until 8.30 pm. Parents will not be permitted to visit the children during their stay at the camp. Participants will not be permitted to carry any electronic devices with them.

Location: Andhra Pradesh

Age group: Students between 7 to 11 years of age

Dates: The camp is scheduled to take place between 12 June to 25 June 2022.

Cost: For more information about this camp, click here.

(Edited by Yoshita Rao)

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Robotic to Rock Climbing: 10 Amazing Summer Camps For Kids in India


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