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Microsoft Blazor Tutorial: Everything You Need to Know

The realm of web development is constantly changing and growing, offering a plethora of frameworks and libraries, each with its own unique method for creating engaging and dynamic web applications. Among the ever-increasing assortment of tools available, Blazor has undoubtedly emerged as a frontrunner in recent times. In this comprehensive blog, we cordially invite you to embark on a fascinating journey through the enthralling world of Blazor web development.

What is Blazor?

Blazor is a robust open-source web development framework introduced by Microsoft in 2018, as an integral component of .NET Core 3.0. This framework empowers developers to craft cutting-edge, interactive web applications harnessing the power of .NET and C#. In a distinctive departure from traditional web development, Blazor replaces JavaScript with C# for seamless browser interactions.

At its core, Blazor adheres to a component-based architecture, fostering the creation of reusable, modular UI elements amalgamating the strengths of C# and HTML, skillfully utilizing Razor Syntax. While Blazor furnishes an array of pre-built Components for swift development, it also extends its horizons, inviting developers to expand its capabilities through the integration of third-party libraries and components.

History of Blazor

The story of Blazor dates back to 2017 when Steve Sanderson, a Microsoft employee, first introduced an experimental web UI framework called “Blazor” at NDC Oslo. The name ‘Blazor’ is a clever fusion of ‘Browser’ and ‘Razor’. ‘Razor’ is a Microsoft-based templating engine used for server-side rendering.

The initial experimental stage established a strong foundation for Blazor, but it wasn’t until the following year that significant progress was made. In 2018, Microsoft officially announced plans to invest in and develop the Blazor project. This led to preview releases throughout 2019, where developers eagerly tested its features and provided valuable feedback.

Finally, in May 2020, Microsoft released Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 – the highly anticipated stable version that included a myriad of enhancements and improvements based on feedback from the developer community.

Key Features of Blazor

  1. Open Source: Blazor is indeed an open-source platform developed by Microsoft, and it doesn’t have licensing fees. This allows developers to customize their applications freely without any licensing restrictions.
  2. Cross-Platform: Blazor is a cross-platform development solution, supporting various operating systems like Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and more. This versatility enables developers to create interactive and hybrid applications that can run on a wide range of platforms.
  3. JavaScript Interoperability: Blazor provides seamless interaction between .NET and JavaScript functions, facilitating the integration of JavaScript frameworks into applications. This flexibility ensures compatibility with existing JavaScript libraries and tools.
  4. Security: Blazor does offer robust security features, including Code Access Security (CAS), Sessions Management, and protection against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, which help enhance the security of Blazor applications.
  5. Support: Blazor benefits from an active and dedicated community of developers, and Microsoft regularly releases new features, enhancements, and updates for Blazor. This ensures that developers can keep their applications up-to-date and take advantage of the latest capabilities.

Limitations of Blazor

Blazor is one of the best cross-platform frameworks developed by Microsoft; however, it does have some disadvantages when compared to other platforms.

  1. Limited Libraries & Components: Blazor does offer a more limited set of libraries and components compared to well-established frameworks like React and Angular. Developers may need to rely on external libraries to extend the functionality of their Blazor applications.
  2. Server Load: Blazor applications can indeed experience longer initial load times, especially on devices with slower internet connections. This is primarily because the complete .NET runtime needs to be downloaded to run Blazor applications, which can result in increased loading times when compared to some other web frameworks.
  3. Learning Curve: Developers who are already proficient in .NET and C# will generally find it easier to learn and implement Blazor applications. However, for developers with different backgrounds and expertise, Blazor may have a steeper learning curve when compared to more established frameworks like Angular and React.

How Does Blazor Work?

At its core, Blazor operates using a combination of WebAssembly and Razor syntax. However, it offers two distinctive hosting models: Blazor WebAssembly and Blazor Server. Each model provides unique benefits and may suit a particular scenario better, depending on the developer’s needs.

What is Blazor WebAssembly?

In this client-side hosting model, Blazor applications run directly in the user’s browser using a WebAssembly-based .NET runtime. The application’s DLL files are downloaded to the browser along with the static assets (HTML, CSS, etc.). The advantage here is that it eliminates server dependency and enables offline support while delivering fast client-side rendering.

Blazor WebAssembly can be used for apps with low latency, such as real-time applications, social media platforms, and e-commerce solutions.

Benefits of Blazor WebAssembly

  • Greater client-side performance
  • Reduced server load
  • Works offline through Progressive Web App (PWA) capabilities

What is Blazor Server?

In contrast, this server-side hosting model runs the application on the server while maintaining a real-time connection with the client via SignalR – a powerful real-time communication library for .NET applications. The benefit lies in its reduced download size and compatibility with older browsers that don’t support WebAssembly.

Blazor Server is versatile and can be used for various types of applications, including server-based, real-time, hybrid, and progressive web apps.

Benefits of Blazor Server

  • Smaller app size
  • Fast initial load time
  • Seamless integration with existing ASP.NET Core applications

Setting up a Blazor Development Environment

Let’s discuss the process of setting up an efficient Blazor development environment so that you can hit the ground running on your next project.

1. Install Visual Studio and .NET Core SDK

Before diving into Blazor development, ensure that you have installed the following essential software:

  • Visual Studio 2019 or later: Visual Studio is an integrated development environment that provides comprehensive support for Blazor projects. When installing, don’t forget to check the box for the “ASP.NET and web development” workload.
  • .NET Core SDK 3.1 or later: Blazor relies on the .NET Core framework, so download and install the most recent .NET Core SDK.

You can get Visual Studio from this link: Visual Studio Download, and for the .NET Core SDK, simply head over to Dotnet Download. Be sure to install the latest version of both software packages to ensure compatibility with Blazor.

2. Create a new project

Once you have the prerequisites installed, launch Visual Studio and create a new project by clicking “Create a new project” on the start screen. Select “Blazor App” from the templates lists and click “Next”.

3. Select project options

Pick a name for your project and select a suitable location to save it on your computer. Click “Create” to proceed to the next window.

You’ll be presented with different types of Blazor applications: Blazor WebAssembly or Blazor Server. Depending on your preferences, either option can be used for developing Blazor apps:

  • Blazor WebAssembly: Produces client-side applications that run directly in users’ browsers using WebAssembly.
  • Blazor Server: Hosts applications on the server-side, using SignalR to handle user interactions and stream updates to the browser.

Choose one according to your application requirements and click “Create” once again to generate your new project.

4. Explore your newly-created app

Your new project now contains all the necessary files to begin Blazor development. Key components include:

  • Razor components: These are files with the “.razor” extension, comprising both C# code and HTML markup to create UI components.
  • Program.cs: This is the entry point to your application; it initializes the runtime settings for your project.
  • Startup.cs: Sets up essential configuration and services for your application.

5. Run the app

Press F5 or click “Debug > Start Debugging” from the Visual Studio menu to launch your new Blazor application. Visual Studio will compile the project and open a web browser window displaying your running app.

6. Customize and experiment

Now that you’ve set up a basic Blazor development environment, feel free to explore, experiment, and start building dynamic web applications. Blazor offers an extensive ecosystem of libraries, packages, and resources that can enrich your development process further.

Overview of the Blazor Project Structure

At its core, a Blazor project consists of several key components. These include:

  • Program.cs file: The entry point of your application, containing the Main method.
  • Startup.cs file: Handles the initial configuration and services registration.
  • wwwroot folder: Stores static assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images.
  • Pages folder: Houses all Razor components that act as pages/views in your application.
  • Shared folder: Contains common Razor components used throughout the application.
  • _Imports.razor file: Holds global import statements for namespaces and libraries.
  • App.razor file: Defines the primary layout and routing structure for your application.

1. Components Directory

At the heart of any Blazor application lies the Components directory, where individual components are stored. These are self-contained reusable building blocks representing parts of the user interface and can include HTML, CSS, and C# code all in one file. Components can be as simple or complex as needed, allowing you to construct your UI in a modular fashion.

2. wwwroot Folder

The wwwroot folder contains all static content for your Blazor application including CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, fonts, and images. By placing these resources within wwwroot, they become readily accessible by your application during runtime.

3. App and Program File

Two crucial files for any Blazor project are App.razor and Program.cs. The App component (App.razor) serves as the primary entry point where all other components are nested. You’ll also configure routing for your application in this file.

On the other hand, Program.cs is where you’ll find your application’s startup logic. Tasks such as configuring services and starting the host builder are performed in this key file.

4. Shared Folder

As the name suggests, this folder holds Razor components shared across multiple pages of your web application. Components such as navigation menus or reusable content blocks can be placed in the Shared folder for easy reuse throughout your app.

5. Pages Directory

The Pages directory holds components that constitute individual pages in your application. These page components serve as the primary foundation of your app’s navigation structure.

Blazor Components

Blazor Components have been creating ripples of excitement in the web development community, providing developers with a robust and versatile framework for constructing interactive web applications. Let’s delve into the essential features of Blazor Components and discover how they can enhance your web development journey.

1. Component-based Architecture

Blazor’s component-based architecture is designed to simplify complex web applications by dividing them into smaller, manageable pieces. This approach encourages reusability and modularity, allowing developers to efficiently build and maintain scalable applications. By clearly defining each component’s responsibility, logic, and appearance, you’ll enjoy increased productivity and easier code maintenance.

2. Razor Syntax

One of the standout features of Blazor Components is Razor syntax. Razor is a markup syntax that allows developers to seamlessly mix HTML with C# code in a single file. As a result, you can quickly create dynamic components with minimal overhead while keeping the component’s structure and appearance in one place.

3. JavaScript Interoperability

JavaScript has long been the go-to language for client-side scripting in web applications. Blazor Components enable seamless interaction between your .NET code and JavaScript libraries, giving you full access to existing JavaScript ecosystems without sacrificing the advantages offered by .NET.

4. Two-way Data Binding

Blazor Components support two-way data binding, which enables an efficient synchronization between UI elements and their underlying data models. This functionality saves you time and effort when coding complex data-driven interactions by automatically updating UI components as underlying data changes.

5. Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is a design pattern that encourages separation of concerns, testability, and maintainability. Blazor Components naturally integrate dependency injection through built-in features like constructor injection and service registration within the app configuration. This component-based approach allows for a more maintainable and modular application architecture.

6. Server and Client-side Hosting Models

Blazor offers two hosting models: Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly. The Blazor Server model hosts components server-side, while the Blazor WebAssembly model runs components directly in the browser using WebAssembly. Both models offer unique advantages, empowering developers to choose the option that best meets their specific requirements.

Razor Syntax in Blazor

One of the game-changers behind the Blazor framework is Razor Syntax, which allows you to write HTML markup alongside C# code effortlessly. Let’s dive into the world of Razor syntax in Blazor and unlock its full potential!

Razor Syntax

Razor syntax is a powerful server-side markup language used primarily for creating dynamic web pages with a .NET backend. It is the cornerstone of both ASP.NET MVC and Blazor, seamlessly blending HTML markup with C# code to create fast and interactive web applications.

The magic of Razor lies in its ability to mix HTML markup and C# code blocks within a single file, allowing developers to add logic directly within their views. With features such as IntelliSense support and automatic HTML encoding, Razor syntax offers an effortless and enjoyable coding experience.

Exploring Razor Directives and Expressions

Razor directives are used to manage aspects of your views like imports, layouts, or dependency injection. Some common directives include:

  • `@page`: Used for routing in Blazor applications.
  • `@using`: For importing namespaces.
  • `@inject`: Enables dependency injection within a view.
  • `@layout`: Designates an external layout file.

In addition to directives, you’ll often need to use Razor expressions within your HTML markup. Expressions are written using the “@” symbol followed by C# code. This allows developers to embed variable values or call functions directly within their markup:




Using Razor Layouts and Views in Blazor

Razor layouts are used as templates, holding the common content and structure shared by various views. By defining a layout once, you can maintain consistent styling and functionality across your entire Blazor application, making it both efficient and easy to manage.

To use a Razor layout in Blazor, first create a .razor file with a name such as “MainLayout.razor” containing the HTML structure and designated areas for rendering specific views using `` method. Then, simply assign this layout to individual views by adding the `@layout` directive:


@layout MainLayout


What are Reusable Razor Components?

ASP.NET Core enables developers to create custom, reusable components using the Razor syntax. These components are essentially self-contained chunks of UI and logic that can be easily plugged into any part of your application. By leveraging such components, you can create cleaner, more organized code, reduce duplication, and make future development more efficient.

Getting Started with Reusable Razor Components

1. Create a new Razor component

To begin, create a new .razor file in your project’s /Components directory (you may need to create this directory if it doesn’t already exist). Give your component a name that describes its purpose, such as “ButtonComponent.razor” or “HeaderComponent.razor”.

2. Define your component’s structure

Inside your .razor file, begin by adding the necessary HTML markup for your component and surrounding it with Razor syntax (@) tags. For example:


3. Add properties and event handlers

To make your component customizable, define public properties for any aspects that may need to be modified by the parent component. In our example BUTTON component above, we would need properties for CssClass, ButtonText, and OnClick:


    @code {

        [Parameter] public string CssClass { get; set; } = "btn-default";

        [Parameter] public string ButtonText { get; set; } = "Click me!";

        [Parameter] public EventCallback OnClick { get; set; }


4. Usage in Parent Components

To use your newly created component, simply reference it in any Razor markup file by including the component tag with its appropriate namespace, followed by any necessary attributes to set your defined properties:



Benefits of Using Reusable Razor Components

  1. Code organization and maintainability: Breaking down UI elements into self-contained components promotes cleaner, more organized code.
  2. Enhanced reusability: By creating components that can be used across multiple parts of your application, you reduce the amount of code duplication and streamline development.
  3. Easier collaboration: With a standard set of modular components ready to use, team members can work more efficiently and consistently.

Blazor Server-Side vs. Blazor WebAssembly

Blazor Server-Side runs on the server where the UI updates, event handling, and JavaScript calls are managed through a real-time SignalR connection. This means that the server is responsible for processing all client-side events and rendering the updated UI back to the client via SignalR.

On the other hand, Blazor WebAssembly runs directly in the browser by downloading and executing a .NET runtime alongside your application’s DLL files. The client-side events and UI rendering occur within the browser itself with no dependency on the server for these tasks.

Pros and Cons of Blazor Server-Side


  1. Faster initial load time: Since most of the work is done on the server-side, initial load times are often quicker due to smaller file sizes sent to the browser.
  2. Utilizes server resources: This model takes advantage of server-side processing power for complex operations, potentially offloading heavy lifting from clients with lower-end hardware.
  3. Easier debugging: Debugging is more straightforward in this model as developers can use familiar tools like Visual Studio for both client and server-side code debugging.


  1. Requires constant internet connection: Since all client-side interactions rely on continuous communication with the server, a stable internet connection is necessary for a seamless user experience.
  2. Server resource demands: The server has to handle all user interactions and UI updates, leading to potentially higher server resource usage, especially for large-scale applications with numerous clients.
  3. Latency issues: Depending on the quality of the user’s internet connection and geographic location, latency can become a significant concern with Blazor Server-Side deployments.

Pros and Cons of Blazor WebAssembly


  1. Runs directly in the browser: This model allows you to build truly client-side applications that run entirely within the browser, independent of any backend server.
  2. Offline capabilities: Since the application runs within the browser, it can be built to function even when users lose their internet connection.
  3. Scalability: With most processing happening on the client-side, the backend server faces reduced pressure, making it easier to scale up your application if needed.


  1. Increased initial loading time: Due to the requirement of downloading the entire runtime along with your application’s code, Blazor WebAssembly apps tend to have larger payloads than their server-rendered counterparts, leading to slower initial load times.
  2. Limited access to browser APIs: While Blazor WebAssembly provides access to many common browser APIs through JavaScript interop, some advanced features still may require custom JavaScript code in your application if not supported directly in Blazor.
  3. Security concerns: Running client-side code in an insecure environment like a user’s browser could pose additional security risks compared to traditional server-rendered approaches.

Working with Data in Blazor

Before diving into specific techniques for handling data in Blazor, it’s crucial to understand the different options available for accessing data. These options include:

  1. REST APIs: Blazor can interact with RESTful services using HTTP requests to fetch or submit data.
  2. Entity Framework Core: Microsoft’s object-relational mapping (ORM) framework can be used within Blazor projects for performing database operations.
  3. Local Storage: Client-side Blazor applications can use local storage to persist user data between sessions.

Using HTTP Requests to Fetch Data in Blazor

Blazor provides built-in support for making HTTP requests using the HttpClient class. This class allows you to perform GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations with ease. To make an HTTP request, follow these steps:

  1. Inject the HttpClient service into your component using the @inject directive.
  2. Use the async and await keywords to make asynchronous requests.
  3. Deserialize the response JSON into a corresponding data model.

Working with Forms and Validation in Blazor

In addition to fetching data, managing user input through forms and validation is another critical aspect of working with data in Blazor. Some essential tips for creating effective forms include:

  1. Use Input components (such as InputText or InputNumber) provided by Blazor for collecting user input.
  2. Add DataAnnotations attributes to your model classes for defining validation rules.
  3. Leverage the built-in EditForm component to handle form submissions and validation.
  4. Utilize the ValidationMessage component to display form validation errors.

Implementing CRUD Operations in Blazor

To create a fully functional web application, you need to support CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for your data. Here are some tips to help you implement CRUD operations in Blazor:

  1. Design a robust data model with proper data type and validation attributes.
  2. Make HTTP requests to interact with your server-side API or ORM for carrying out desired operations.
  3. Use Blazor components, such as tables and forms, for displaying and editing data.
  4. Implement event handlers to respond to user actions, such as adding, updating, or deleting records.

Blazor Security

1. Understanding Security Practices in Blazor

Blazor is built on a solid foundation of industry-standard security practices. Here are some key principles to follow when developing secure applications:

a) Always validate user input: This helps prevent security vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. Ensure that you validate user input server-side and consider client-side validation as an additional layer.

b) Encode output data: Encoding data before rendering it on the client-side helps prevent XSS attacks that could inject malicious scripts into your application.

c) Protect against CSRF attacks: Using anti-forgery tokens in your forms can help prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.

2. Implementing Authentication and Authorization in Blazor

Authentication and authorization are essential for protecting sensitive data and ensuring that only authorized users can access specific functionality.

a) Use ASP.NET Core Identity: Blazor seamlessly integrates with ASP.NET Core Identity, enabling authentication through various providers such as Google or Microsoft accounts.

b) Role-based authorization: Implement role-based authorization to grant specific access levels to different groups of users within your application.

c) Policy-based authorization: For fine-grained access control, consider policy-based authorization where custom rules can be defined based on user claims or other factors.

3. Exploring Secure Communication Options in Blazor

Securing communication between your application’s components is critical to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

a) Deploy your Blazor application over HTTPS: Always ensure your applications run on HTTPS, encrypting the data transmitted between the client and server.

b) Use secure SignalR connections: If you are using Blazor Server and implementing real-time functionality with SignalR, ensure the connections are secure by enabling Transport Layer Security (TLS).

4. Best Practices for Securing Blazor Applications

Following best practices when developing your Blazor applications will help create a solid foundation for security:

a) Keep third-party libraries updated: Regularly check and update third-party libraries and dependencies to ensure any known security issues are addressed.

b) Regularly review your code for vulnerabilities: Conduct code reviews to identify potential security risks and follow a continuous integration process that includes automated security tests.

c) Implement proper error handling and logging: Proper error handling can prevent sensitive information from leaking while logging can help identify any security-related issues during runtime.

Blazor Performance Optimization

Identifying Performance Bottlenecks in Blazor Applications

Before implementing any optimization techniques, it’s crucial to identify areas in your Blazor application causing performance issues. Some common culprits include excessive JavaScript interop calls, slow server-side rendering, and large component re-renders. Profiling tools such as the browser’s built-in developer tools or third-party solutions like Telerik JustTrace can help you pinpoint the sources of these bottlenecks. By understanding where your application is slowing down, you can prioritize which optimization techniques to employ.

Implementing Lazy Loading and Code Splitting in Blazor

Lazy loading and code splitting are powerful techniques that significantly improve the loading times of your Blazor applications. Lazy loading involves postponing the loading of certain resources or components until they are required by the user. This enables the initial content to load faster as only essential components are fetched during the initial request.

Code splitting divides your application into smaller chunks, enabling the browser to fetch only required portions of the code during initial load or navigation actions. Implementing these techniques in Blazor often involves utilizing third-party libraries such as Blazored.Toast and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Services.

Optimizing Data Loading and Rendering in Blazor

Efficient data loading plays a critical role in overall application performance. To optimize data loading in Blazor applications, implement strategies such as:

  1. Use pagination to load and display data in smaller, manageable chunks.
  2. Implement on-demand data-loading techniques to fetch data only when it’s needed.
  3. Optimize API calls by limiting the number of requests or bundling multiple requests into a single one.

Additionally, optimizing component rendering can improve your application’s responsiveness. Pay attention to the following guidelines:

  1. Reduce unnecessary component re-renders by using the ‘ShouldRender’ method, which allows you to control when a component should update.
  2. Use the Virtualize component to efficiently render large lists or large amounts of data by only rendering visible elements in the viewport.

Profiling and Debugging Techniques for Blazor Performance

Proficient profiling and meticulous debugging are indispensable aspects of upholding top-notch performance in Blazor applications. Browser developer tools serve as invaluable aids, enabling you to gauge performance metrics, gain a comprehensive grasp of component lifecycles, and adeptly troubleshoot issues stemming from JavaScript interop calls and WebAssembly code. To further enhance your debugging and profiling capabilities, consider harnessing third-party solutions like Telerik JustTrace, renowned for their extensive feature sets and enhanced profiling prowess.

Testing and Debugging Blazor Applications

Exploring Testing Frameworks for Blazor

There are several testing frameworks available that cater specifically to Blazor applications. The two most popular choices are bUnit and Xunit. bUnit is a dedicated testing library for Blazor components and allows you to test rendering output, user interaction, and component lifecycle methods. Xunit, on the other hand, is a general-purpose testing framework that can be used to test Blazor components when combined with other packages like AngleSharp for parsing HTML.

Writing Unit Tests for Blazor Components

When writing unit tests for Blazor applications, it’s crucial to focus on individual components. This allows you to pinpoint potential issues in a more granular fashion. To begin writing unit tests, you must first separate your application logic from your UI components. By following the principles of separation of concerns and dependency injection, you can create more maintainable and testable code.

With your application structure optimized for testing, you can then write unit tests for different functionalities like rendering output or simulating user interactions. Keeping each test focused on a specific component or behavior ensures that you can find and fix problems efficiently.

Debugging Techniques for Blazor applications

One vital aspect of ensuring high-quality Blazor applications is mastering debugging techniques. A primary method involves setting breakpoints in your code using browser developer tools or IDEs like Visual Studio. By strategically placing breakpoints in your code, you can pause execution and inspect the current state of components and variables.

Another helpful strategy is using conditional breakpoints to pause execution only when specific conditions are met, allowing you to focus on the problematic scenarios more effectively. Additionally, taking advantage of features like log messages can help you gather information about your application’s behavior during debugging sessions.

Tips for Effective Debugging in Blazor

  1. Understand your application architecture: Familiarize yourself with Blazor’s components, services, and data flow patterns to quickly identify potential issues and select appropriate debugging techniques.
  2. Use browser developer tools: Chrome and other modern browsers offer powerful developer tools that can be used to debug Blazor applications, enabling you to explore the DOM, analyze network activity, and interact with JavaScript objects.
  3. Monitor console logs: Use the Console.Write() method to log important information during runtime. This helps you analyze what is happening behind the scenes without interrupting the user experience.
  4. Test in multiple environments: Blazor applications can behave differently across various browsers or devices. Therefore, it’s essential to conduct thorough cross-browser and cross-device testing to ensure that your application performs reliably and consistently across a range of scenarios, helping you catch and address potential issues early in the development process.

Blazor Tooling and Ecosystem

Overview of Popular Blazor Tools and Libraries

As with any framework or technology, Blazor benefits from an array of tools and libraries designed to help developers streamline their work and achieve maximum productivity. Some popular Blazor tools include:

  1. Bunifu UI for Blazor: A premium UI library that offers various fully customizable components like data tables, buttons, input controls, etc., allowing developers to create stunning user interfaces.
  2. MatBlazor: A Material Design component library for Blazor that provides access to various Material Design components such as cards, dialogs, menus, etc.
  3. MudBlazor: A comprehensive library that offers numerous components based on Material Design principles. MudBlazor focuses on providing easy-to-use yet customizable components backed by extensive documentation.
  4. Oqtane Framework: An open-source modular application framework specifically designed for Blazor that allows developers to create multi-tenant SaaS applications rapidly.

Exploring the Blazor Ecosystem and Community Support

An essential aspect of the growing popularity of Blazor is its thriving ecosystem. The official Blazor website ( provides access to extensive documentation ranging from getting started guides to detailed API references. There are also various discussion forums (e.g., Stack Overflow), social media groups (e.g., Reddit r/Blazor), live coding streams on Twitch, and YouTube channels where developers share their experiences, ask questions, and engage in discussions.

Tips for Choosing the Right Tools for Your Blazor Project

When selecting tools for your Blazor project, consider these factors:

  1. Compatibility: Ensure that the tool or library is compatible with the version of Blazor you’re using – either Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly.
  2. Functionality: Identify your project’s requirements and choose tools that fulfill those needs without adding unnecessary complexity or bloat to your application.
  3. Community Support and Documentation: Opt for tools and libraries that are backed by active community support and well-maintained documentation.
  4. Licensing and Costs: Consider whether the tool or library is open-source or commercial and the costs associated with it.

Blazor Competitors

1. React

React is among the most popular JavaScript frameworks, initially developed by Facebook in 2013. Major companies such as Uber, Twitter, Netflix, Dropbox, and others have harnessed React’s capabilities to build their applications. React excels in performance and load time due to its utilization of a virtual DOM, which efficiently updates only the modified parts of the user interface.

  • React GitHub Repository – Stars: 213K, Forks: 44.6K
  • Blazor/ASP.NET Core GitHub Repository – Stars: 32.5K, Forks: 9.3K

[ Also Read: Blazor vs. React: Which is the Best Framework in 2023? ]

2. Vue

Vue, developed by former Google employee Evan You, bears some similarities to the Angular framework. It is an open-source MVVM framework that serves as an excellent choice for constructing custom and interactive web applications, particularly if you are well-versed in the JavaScript ecosystem.

  • Vue GitHub Repository – Stars: 205K, Forks: 34.3K
  • Blazor/ASP.NET Core GitHub Repository – Stars: 32.5K, Forks: 9.3K

3. Angular

Angular, founded by Google in 2010, is a JavaScript framework based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. It enjoys widespread adoption for developing dynamic web applications, thanks to its user-friendly nature, rich libraries, and robust feature set. Angular is a production-ready framework that provides comprehensive support for MVC/MVVM applications.

  • Angular GitHub Repository – Stars: 90K, Forks: 24.2K
  • Blazor/ASP.NET Core GitHub Repository – Stars: 32.5K, Forks: 9.3K

[ Also Read: Blazor vs. Angular: Head-To-Head Comparison of Frameworks in 2023 ]


What programming languages can I use with Blazor?

Blazor primarily uses C# as its programming language, allowing developers to write both client-side and server-side code in the same language. However, Blazor also supports working with other .NET-based languages like Visual Basic (VB.NET) and F#. Since Blazor leverages the extensive capabilities of the .NET ecosystem, developers have access to a wide range of tools and libraries that simplify application development.

Can I migrate my existing ASP.NET applications to Blazor?

Yes, you can migrate your existing ASP.NET applications to Blazor. While the migration process may not be entirely seamless due to differences in architecture and component structure, it’s definitely possible with some planning and adjustments. By progressively replacing ASP.NET components with their Blazor counterparts, you can achieve a smooth transition without compromising your application’s functionality.

Does Blazor support mobile application development?

Excitingly, Microsoft announced .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) as part of their .NET 6 release. This new cross-platform UI framework allows developers to create native mobile apps for Android and iOS using a single codebase with C#. It provides built-in support for integrating Blazor components into mobile projects seamlessly as well.

Wrapping Up

In closing, our exploration of Blazor has equipped you with valuable insights into this innovative web development technology. As you embark on your own Blazor projects, consider partnering with a trusted Microsoft Blazor development company like Gleexa. Our expertise can help you realize your web development goals more efficiently. For tailored solutions and expert guidance, reach out to Gleexa today and elevate your Blazor development journey.

This post first appeared on How To Advertise On Instagram: Complete Instagram Ads Guide 2023, please read the originial post: here

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Microsoft Blazor Tutorial: Everything You Need to Know


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