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My Favourite Storytelling Formula

My Favourite Storytelling Formula
I have written extensively about storytelling formulas, but there is one formula that is among the simplest, most memorable and most powerful. I will explain how it works in three steps.

AND: Your goal should be to get your audience to agree with you by saying what they want and why they want it.

BUT: Describe, in detail, one of the obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilling that desire.

THEREFORE: Use your product or service as a way to handle the contradiction by explaining to people how they can achieve their goals in the end.

An example: People are lauding social media as a powerful free tool that can allow you to drive traffic to your company or cause without having to spend a dime. However, business owners have countless instances of social media backfiring. If you want to easily avoid those pitfalls, please download our free report entitled "Three Simple Reminders on How to Make Social Media Work for You".

Did you see just how simple and logical that pitch is? There is something particularly appealing about the way it starts with establishing rapport rather than hyping up a problem or invoking fear. 

This post first appeared on Just Minding My Own Business, please read the originial post: here

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My Favourite Storytelling Formula
