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Email Marketing Jobs: Everything You Need to Know

Email Marketing Jobs: Everything You Need to Know

Email Marketing Jobs have become quite popular in recent years as companies are more inclined towards online marketing and getting in touch with their customers via emails. If you are someone who has recently lost his/her job and looking to start working again then you should consider Email Marketing Jobs, as this field has ample opportunities and offers the flexibility of working from home while still earning the same salary you used to get while working full-time. In this article, we will take a look at everything you need to know about Email Marketing Jobs including what they are, how you can find them, and most importantly how much they pay.

What Is Email Marketing

E-mail marketing is a form of advertising and promotion via e-mail messages sent to a list of people who have either subscribed or expressed interest in your product or service. It can also be thought of as direct mail via email, where like with direct mail, the recipient has given their contact information explicitly for you to use. Email marketing may also refer to sending commercial messages, both with permission (permission based) and without permission (spam), to an identified or unidentified audience. 

What kind of software is used to do Email Marketing?

Kartra is an example of software that can be used for email marketing. Kartra has a variety of features that help make email marketing much more efficient and less time-consuming. These features include;

 – Automated emails, which means you don’t have to manually send individualized messages each time you want someone to hear from you.

– Intelligent split testing, which means you can automatically test different subject lines or call to actions on the same list and see what works best without any additional work from you.

– Personalization, so people feel like they’re getting a message directly from you instead of just another automated email in their inbox. 

– Analytics reports that tell you exactly how your campaigns are performing and where your audience members are clicking.

– Lead Tagging is also a very helpful feature because it tags leads so you know who to follow up with later if they didn’t click through on one of your links.

All these awesome features make Kartra one of the most widely used pieces of software by companies wanting to do Email Marketing. The fact that it’s cloud based (so no need for expensive servers) and can be accessed anywhere on any device is another reason why Kartra is perfect for Email Marketers everywhere. Click the logo below to learn more about Kartra.

What does an Email Marketer do?

The main objective of an email marketer is to get someone to do something by sending them an email message. For example, if you want someone to subscribe to your business newsletter, you send them an email that contains a call-to-action (CTA) button. It’s the responsibility of the email marketer to make sure that the CTA button has compelling text so they can convert their audience into customers and followers. Email marketing jobs often involve A/B testing campaigns and determining which subject lines work best. They also track open rates, click rates, and other KPIs to measure how successful they are at converting prospects into leads. If a campaign isn’t performing well, it’s up to the email marketer to find out why it isn’t working and fix it.

Why do we need people to do Email Marketing Jobs?

We need people to do Email Marketing jobs because as the number of email subscribers goes up, so does the number of emails you have to send. We’ve all been in this situation before, where you’re at your computer and there’s an endless stream of emails waiting for you. To avoid this from happening or slowing down your progress, we need people who can handle sending those emails out for us. An email marketer is somebody who finds subscribers that would be interested in what you’re offering, send them a compelling message to get them on your list, then sends them periodic messages with content that they might find valuable or entertaining.

Where do you find Email Marketing Jobs?

Some of the most popular places for finding Email Marketing jobs are Indeed, Simply Hired, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Upwork. These sites have a wide variety of job listings. Searching with relevant keywords will help you pinpoint positions that most closely align with your skillset. For example, if you’re looking for an entry-level position then keywords like entry-level or entry-level marketing may be helpful. Or maybe you want to work from home? In that case, search terms like remote or telecommuting could turn up some options. 

Once you find some companies you want to apply for, check out their websites for more information about what they offer in terms of salary and benefits packages. Do they offer any opportunities for professional development? 

When applying, make sure you highlight all of your past experience so that it is obvious why you’re qualified for the position. List previous work experience, coursework completed, certifications obtained (if applicable), volunteer experience, and anything else that is relevant to show employers how well-rounded your skill sets are.

Is remote work possible for someone doing Email Marketing Jobs?

The great thing about email marketing jobs is that they can be done in a remote office, and many people work from home. Being an email marketer for most companies, you will need a computer and internet connection. So as long as you can connect your laptop or desktop PC to the internet, then it is possible that you could do this job remotely. In some cases, depending on the company’s policy, there may be times when working remotely may not be allowed; so before taking a position with any company always inquire about the possibility of remote work first.

Can I be a freelance Email Marketer?

Yes! As a freelancer, you can work with clients as well as only for yourself with affiliate marketing. Freelancers also have the flexibility of choosing which country they want to be based on what clients and jobs are available in that area. It is best to go through sites like Upwork and find jobs by searching keywords like email marketing or email marketer. However, it is important to note that there are scams out there when it comes to freelance jobs so be careful.

What do I need to start an Email Marketing Job?

To get started with an Email Marketing Job, you’ll need a computer and internet connection, some basic office supplies, and a home office. If you are working for an employer, you will need to use the software that company uses. If you are working as a freelancer you can choose what software to use, we suggest using Kartra.  Kartra is the most user friendly and includes the most tools. 

If you are a person that likes to travel and still earn an income, then the minimum you will need is a laptop and software. You will need to find an internet connection while on your travels. Most laptops today have cameras built into the top of the screen. If your laptop does not you may need a camera for virtual meetings.

How much do I earn as an email marketer?

The salary of an email marketer could range from $30,000-$100,000 per year. But this will depend on various factors including;

1. Experience

People experienced with email marketing may earn more than someone new in the field because they have skills that are in high demand. However, a beginner’s wage could be much more per year depending on how much experience they have with their job search and the type of company they are looking for. 

2. Employer/Company

The size of the company will also determine how much an email marketer can earn. If you are working for a large corporation, you may be able to earn up to $100,000 per year or more because larger companies have a lot of budgets and they want their employees to be happy with their salaries and benefits. On the other hand, if you work for a small startup company, your salary may only be about $30,000 per year or less. It all depends on what your employer is willing to give you and what your goals are as an employee.

3. Location

Where you live will affect your salary as an email marketer. For example, if you live in New York City or California, your salary may be higher than someone who lives in Chicago or Mississippi because these areas typically have higher costs of living. When comparing salaries with those in different regions, it is important to keep in mind where each person lives and makes comparisons based on that.

Is email marketing a good career?

It’s a great career! You’ll be in charge of creating and managing email campaigns, which means you’ll be able to work remotely if you want. In fact, many companies only hire remote workers. If you’re looking for a job with flexible hours, this may be the perfect opportunity for you. Email marketers often have a set schedule but they can also work whenever they want as long as they fulfill their quota each month. Some people might think it would be difficult to balance working from home with their personal life but most professionals say that it was never hard for them because their family is usually very understanding. Even if your spouse or partner doesn’t understand, there are tons of online courses available for learning about time management, so find what works best for you. Plus, since email marketing jobs are not always full-time positions (many times they last on average three months), it will be easier to adjust your work schedule when your partner starts a new job or has a vacation coming up.

The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, the best way for any company to increase revenue is through email marketing. Email marketing gives companies a chance to interact with their clients and customers on a more personal level than ever before. If you’re interested in an Email Marketing job, make sure you are aware of the different kinds of software used and what they do as well as what an Email Marketer does and why they need people to do these jobs. Finally, know where you can find these jobs, and if you want to work in an office or remotely.

The post Email Marketing Jobs: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Autoresponder Profit.

This post first appeared on Email Marketing Autoresponder Software Information, please read the originial post: here

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Email Marketing Jobs: Everything You Need to Know


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