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20 Webinar Invitation Emails Examples & Best Practices

Did you know that the average attendance rate for a webinar is 40% of all the registrants, including those who watch videos on-demand? However, some companies reach the 60% level. In this post, we're gonna share the greatest webinar invitation email examples, and best practices to help you reach the maximum number of attendants.

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What encourages recipients to attend your webinar

In a nutshell:

1. A deep insight into a problem

We can find a lot of information on the web, but sometimes we need more details. Promise a deep investigation of the problem. 

If you are about to hold a webinar for newbies in your industry, be sure to mention that in your webinar invite email.

(Source: Email from Similarweb)

2. A solution to a certain problem

Not only do we need an insight into a certain problem, but we’d also love to get to know the solution to it. 

(Source: Email from Pinpointe)

Promise to share your experience or experience of your client whom you’ve recently helped (of course, you need to have their consent for it) and all the obstacles that were on your way. Tell us how long it took you to get over it, or how much effort it cost you to turn the situation for the better. But if you have not experienced it, do not tell us you have.

Do not exaggerate your results. People appreciate honesty. 

3. A new topic for the webinar

You may either provide a deep insight into a problem or a new topic to consider. Be cutting-edge, and if your topic is interesting enough, you will reach the top in a short period of time. Clients cherish new trends and innovations.

4. An opinion leader as a panelist

The more famous speaker, the higher chances to get a bigger audience to come.

(Source: Email from Litmus)

It is a well-known fact that millennials trust people over brands.

5. The things attendees will learn

Be sure to enumerate the things your attendees will learn in your webinar and how this knowledge may affect their business.

(Source: Email from GetResponse)

Webinar email invitation best practices

Considering the results of our investigations, and judging from our own experience, I want to enumerate the things which a customer will really like in your webinar invitation emails.

1. Make the subject line meaningful

We all know that every email starts with the subject line. Persuade recipients to open your newsletter. Make the subject line clear, simple yet descriptive enough. 

Be sure to specify the topic of your email in the subject line.

(Source: Gmail)

Put some pieces of required information right in a pre-header as a preview text.

To sum it up

Your subject lines need to comprise:

  • the word “webinar” per se;

  • the topic of your webinar;

  • preheader where you outline the main idea of the webinar.

Note! The subject line also depends on the No. of your invitation emails. For the last email, it can be something like “Take your chance to…”,  “Last offer…”, or something like that.

2. Put all necessary information on a banner

Banners are perhaps the most noticeable part of the email. Be sure to put the main idea/subject, panelists, and time on them.

(Source: Email from GrowthHackers)

Building such banners with Stripo is not rocket science. It can be done in literally no time:

  • drag the banner block into your webinar email template;

  • upload a necessary image file;

  • click the “T” button above the template in the settings panel;

  • left-click anywhere on your banner image for activating the text panel;

  • enter your CTA text;

  • wrap it in any of the 40+ decorative fonts that Stripo offers;

  • if you want to put a “button” over your banner, in the settings panel click the “Additional picture” button;

  • add a link to your banner.

For more details on how to build banners for your webinar invite templates, please watch our video.

Build informative banners for your webinar invite emails
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3. Provide a complete agenda of your webinar

You need to mention all the smallest details you have regarding the webinar:

  • problem/theme you are about to highlight. Here you should also specify what subtopics and questions you are about to cover;

  • required skills — optional. If you are preparing a webinar for newbies, please mention it in your invitation; 

  • the things attendees will learn — we said more about it above;

  • date and time, including the timezone. The latter is important for those who are running an international company or are working in/for the US market;

  • duration — let your attendees know how long the webinar will last. If the webinar is going to last longer than 2 hours, then add the meeting plan;

  • speakers. Add links to more detailed information about them if they are guest speakers.

(Source: Email from Restaurant Business)

4.  Make your CTA button noticeable

When sending out a webinar email invitation, you expect or at least want to get as many registrants as possible. Of course, you have added a CTA button. Make sure it's bright, noticeable, pretty big and says “Reserve my seat”, “RSVP”, “Save my spot”, etc.

(Source: Email from MarketingProfs Resources)

5. Promise to share slides and a recording

Sometimes we know in advance that we wouldn’t be able to attend a webinar no matter how much we’d like to.

(Source: Email from MarketingProfs Update)

Notify recipients they will get a recording which they will be able to watch at any time.

6. Add timers to webinar invite emails

Apart from saying the date, it is important to add timers to webinar announcement emails. Recipients don't need to count how soon your event starts.

(Source: Email from Pinpointe)

You can easily add timers to your emails with Stripo. For the manual, please watch a short how-to video:

7. Build a series of webinar invitation emails

Building a series of webinar invitation emails is quite reasonable as we often just do not notice nor have time to check all emails in our inbox.

The more emails you send, the more chances one of your emails will be noticed. But please do not send more than 3 invitations in order not to annoy your audience. 

8. Include the "Add to calendar" link

If users register for your webinar, it certainly means they want to attend it. But they all are busy people. So, they can forget. Help users attend your webinar at the right time by adding the "Add to calendar" link.

(Source: Email from Stripo)

As you can see, we even add a link to Youtube where the webinar will be hosted. Of course, we do it because there users can set a webinar reminder, as well.

9. Work on the webinar description

Don’t focus on the webinar invitation email design only. Focus on the webinar description also. Make sure it's informative enough.

(Source: Email from Eryn, Pinpointe On-Demand)

Use professional fully responsive webinar invitation email templates to make your campaigns more effective

Features to add to your webinar invitation emails

The features, listed below, are optional. But for sure they will spice up your emails. 

1. Jargon or slang

Yes, newsletters should be polite, with the formal English used. But jargon, as a professional language, is a good thing to use in emails. Especially, if your target audience is experienced people, professionals. Étienne de Condillac, philosopher, mentioned that every science required its unique language.

Besides, it can be an indicator that you have deep knowledge of the subject.

(Source: Email from eSputnik)

Slang is a separate thing to talk about. The young generation prefers using informal words. For example, now some say “Sexy” instead of “good” and "excellent”.

However, we should use slang carefully, only when it’s appropriate.

I can hardly imagine the President saying “Our legislation is sexy”.

2. Video

A verbal message is sometimes better than a dozen emails.

Don’t hesitate to add informative videos when working on your webinar invitation email.

(Source: Email from Litmus)

Important to note: 

When adding videos to your emails with Stripo, you do not have to enter alt text and video name — we’re on it. And you can upload a custom thumbnail image to make preview images even more appealing and meaningful. It can be anything, even GIF.

Make webinar invitation emails more informative with videos
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3. Jokes

We all appreciate a good sense of humor. As Victor Borge said, “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people”. Besides, a little joke in your email invitation means that the webinar will not be boring.

4. Signature

A signature in the footer of an email invitation will make it more personal.

If you are writing an email on behalf of a speaker, be sure to put his or her photo at the end of email. 

(Source: Email from GetResponse)

Note! You can add your real handwritten signature. This will make you stand out!

Please read our blog post “14 Best email signatures for emails”. 

Webinar follow-up emails

A webinar invitation email is just the beginning of a whole series of messages.

1. Registration confirmation email

When your recipient finally signed up for your webinar, be sure to send a registration confirmation email.

This email is to sum up the details of the webinar, and to confirm that the registrant has his or her spot is saved, consequently, they can visit your event.

(Source: Email from Litmus)

Let attendees ask questions, leave comments and add this event to the calendar.

When should you send this email? — Immediately! We expect to see confirmation right away.

2. Reminders for the webinar

In a world, where everybody is quite busy and has lots to do, we might forget about certain events. That is why we do rely on reminders.

Be sure to include the Subject of this webinar and the “Add to calendar” option when building a reminder email for the webinar.

(Source: Email from eSputnik)

You can send a series of webinar reminders.

Read on

3. Thank you for attending emails

Yep, it’s very important to thank everyone for their time.

(Source: Email from Litmus)

In this email, you may also ask recipients to participate in your short post-webinar survey.

4. Sharing a recording

Send a recording of the webinar to those who made it and those who couldn’t make it to your webinar.

(Source: Email from Email on Acid)

Like we said above, doing so will be appreciated by all recipients. Make sure you send the recording only to those who registered for your event or requested a recording.

Best webinar invitation examples

We’ve put together a bunch of our favorite webinar invitation emails from our inbox.

1. Duplicated CTA buttons

(Source: Email from the dotdigital team)

It’s a good practice to add two or even three CTA buttons in your emails. One goes at the beginning of your email — you may even put it on a banner next to the webinar title — and the second one should be placed at the end of your email after all the details and benefits.

Important to note:

Like we said above, you can set button size and color in the Appearance tab before building your webinar email so the button design stays consistent. 

Also, you can just copy the button you’ve just designed and move it to a necessary part of your email. Do this to any element of your email.

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2. Two options: To attend, or to watch the recording later  

In my opinion, this is just great. Interested in your webinar recipients will for sure watch when they have time.

(Source: Email from Practical Ecommerce)

Be sure to not send the webinar reminder to those people.

3. Video with details of a webinar

For sure, you will share the ideas and goals of your webinar in a written form.

(Source: Email from Mailerlite)

However, let the speaker introduces him/herself. Besides, personal communication like this drives more attendees.

4. Highlighted key features as a summary of invitation

This webinar invitation email sample by Restaurant Business shows how to “end” your email effectively — they add key features just as a summary of the entire invitation to the bottom of their emails

(Source: Email from Restaurant Business)

Be sure to add a CTA button below this box.

5. Webinar invite template with all necessary data

This email was designed by our coders and email marketers. It contains fields for data, agenda, banner, logo, two CTA buttons, places for the photos of panelists.

Use this webinar invite template right away — just replace existing content with your data
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Final thoughts

To sum it up, I'd like to share the recommendations to follow when building a webinar invitation template:

  • write a concise webinar invitation subject line;

  • specify the date, timezone, and duration of the webinar;

  • create bright CTA button;

  • add the “Add to calendar” button;

  • introduce speakers to the target audience;

  • add your individual features. Be creative;

  • include your personal signature.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.

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This post first appeared on, please read the originial post: here

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20 Webinar Invitation Emails Examples & Best Practices


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