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14 Best Email Signature Design Examples for 2022

Good email signatures help us build our business, and make a good lasting impression on clients.

Since email signature is the last thing people see in emails, we should make them creative and memorable.

Let's examine the best email signature examples and their appropriate use in personal emails and newsletters.

Please be advised that all types of businesses require different professional email signatures with detailed contact information.

Use this email signature template to design your own email signature faster
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This email signature is a good fit for legal consulting, banking, etc. Designers, photographers, cooks, etc., however, may use creative and unusual.

Professional email signatures are a great way to passively promote your business. They’re also a good way to remind your recipient who you are and what you do, in case your email conversation goes on for a while.

You can use email signatures to drive people to read the content on your website or to get them to follow you on social media. Check out our best practices for business email signatures below.

Best email signature designs for business emails

When we say “Business” here, we mean banking, financial consulting, and legal services. 

Example 1. Legal services

Let us start with these serious business emails.

What you could learn from this email signature design:

A photo of a trustworthy cheerful woman.

It was said long ago that cheerful, smiling people evoke trust. Even the justices of the US Supreme Court, including its Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., are smiling in their profile photos.

This email signature includes the site address, contact number, postal address, and — my favorite part — a map. 

Example 2. Consulting and Real Estate

It seems like this is a very serious type of business, and there is no room for creativity. But you are welcome to spice up your emails with some colors.

(Source: Email signature built with Stripo)

What you could learn from this email signature design:

A background image that actually mirrors the type of business. Also, you may add a number of photos of the recently-sold apartments, or the ones that are currently available.

And of course, social icons that take us to realtor Thomas’ Facebook and LinkedIn Accounts.

Speaking of which...

Easy way to add social media icons in your email signature with Stripo:

Did you know that you do not need to work on the design and content of your social media every time when composing a new email?

You configure them just once in your Stripo account. Next time when you decide to use your email signature template in a new email campaign, you just pull the Social block into your template, and voila your signature already contains all the necessary social icons with respective links.

Use this option to save time on email production
Fill out your profile

Example 3. ESPs 

When you are announcing serious changes that you are going to make to your business that will affect your business' customers, it's always best when the CEO of your company does it. Such emails look way more professional and are perceived by recipients better.

(Source: Email from Iterable)

What you could learn from this email signature example:

The CEO of Iterable greets customers on his own. And also offers them to schedule a demo where he is going to present new features of his ESP. A nice example of a call to action in signature.

Best email signature designs for the fashion and beauty industries

When it comes to fashion and beauty, we expect to dive into the world of creativity and non-traditional approaches to everything they do and produce.  

Example 4. The Beauty industry

Even for medicine, it is possible to make signatures beautiful. Especially, when you are a nutritionist.

(Source: Email signature built with Stripo)

What you could learn from this email signature design:

A perfect color combination that is associated with new life and health.

Example 5. The Fashion industry

From those who work in the fashion or beauty industry, we expect to see bright, colorful, and unusual email newsletters, email signatures, and, of course, professional cosmetics and services.

(Source: Email signature built with Stripo)

What you could learn from this email signature design:

Pale, violet colors, italic typography, and a sophisticated woman are associated with femininity. This is what a female client needs.

You might want to check out these creative email signature examples to make a perfect email footer for your fashion business.

Best email signature designs for the food industry

Even though in this block we are about to share only one good email signature, we are sure that you can implement and enrich these types of messages with your bold ideas.

Example 6. Restaurant business

Who typically sends out emails to customers? Email marketers.

But as a true gourmet, you may wish to finally hear from the Chef or say “thank you” to him or her, unless you don’t like the food.

Most people have their fav restaurants and cafes. Then why not let your chef reach out to the most loyal visitors or even personally inform the people about new meals on the menu.

(Source: Email signature built with Stripo)

What you could learn from this email signature design: 

What I loved most about this professional email signature is the photo of him and his cell phone number. To my mind, this is the pattern of the best email signature design.

Definitely, it should be his “corporate” cell phone number. Even the best visitors are not supposed to disturb the Chef whenever they want to.

Best email signature designs for news media

Today, even mass media try to reach out to the readers via marketing newsletters.

Example 7. Mass media

Especially, online magazines.

We've entered the era of people, not brands.

If people read/listen to reports, and breaking news on your channel, they want to know who is that person they agree or disagree with on certain things. Let them see this person. Let them even reach out to this person. Or people...

(Source: Email from CNN Reliable Sources)

What you could learn from this email signature example:

It's bright and colorful. All the links are red.

And the photos of two correspondents also added some spice to the email.

Example 8. Email digests

Recipients always want to know who curated an email newsletter they are reading. It makes newsletters more personal. 

This email signature example is a perfect fit for bloggers and those who send email digests on a regular basis
Pick it

What you could learn from this email signature design:

I loved the color combination. And I also loved that from now on I can follow this person on Instagram. Quite often bloggers on their social media notify when to expect a new email.

Example 9. Educational newsletters

Many people are thirsty for knowledge. But now due to being extremely busy, we lack time to read entire books. And that is why we need to find proper education courses with relevant information. And Hubspot is one of them.

I wait for the news from them with anticipation, as I know I am about to learn something new.

(Source: Email from HubSpot)

What you could learn from this email signature design: 

Once again, this is the photo of the manager and her job title under the image in the signature.

Example 10. Blog email digest

And here I am about to talk about Hubspot again. As they are skilled and professional at email digests.

(Source: Email from HubSpot)

What you could learn from this email signature design:

Yes, it does not contain any photos. But their kind “Cheers!” makes me smile.

In this email signature example, they mentioned that I was reading their “Sales Blog”, I know who is the manager, and I wanna thank them for the “Motivational Song”. This is pretty unusual for an official email signature. But I guess, this is what helps them stand out.

But most of all I liked that they asked me, "What do you think of this email?" — I can rate it.

How to add a feedback form in emails with Stripo

You can either build an AMP form on your own to collect users' feedback in the emails.

Or just use one of our "prebuilt" NPS AMP Modules. 

We've prepared a number of them.

How do you find one?

  • open the "Modules" tab in the editor;

  • go to the "pre-built" tab;

  • click the "Filter" control;

  • search for "NPS AMP Modules".

Drag an NPS module of your choice into your email signature template. Each of them works well on any mobile device.

Each module contains a User Manual where we in detail explain how to customize it. You will be able to easily remove this guide from your email.

Use an NPS AMP module for your future campaigns to measure users' satisfaction with your services/email digests
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Best email signature designs for the Hotel business industry

We do hope that the HORECA industry will recover from all the pain it is experiencing now and will get back on track when COVID's finally gone. 

Example 11. Hotel business — a standard signature

The standard hotel signature/email footer contains the following important details:

  • a phone number;

  • postal address;

  • a map.

(Source: Email signature built with Stripo)

What you could learn from this email signature design:

The map and zip code, and the hotel name. Your guests may take a screenshot of this useful information. They will definitely need it in case they lose internet connection.

Easy way of adding a map to emails with Stripo:

Did we ever show you how to add maps to your emails? No? Our bad... Then here it is:

  • you pull an Image block into your template;

  • then upload a screenshot of a map with your location;

  • add a link to this screenshot — the link that will take recipients to Google Maps so that they can build direction from their current location to their destination —your hotel;

  • be sure to enter Alt text. In case images do not load in your user's inbox (some people just block them), users will still get a clue that they need to click a link to enter Google Map.

Make your email signatures more useful by adding maps to them
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Example 12. VIP club

It has become a normal practice for hotels to "create" VIP clubs. Only those guests who spent a certain amount of money, or those who spent a certain number of days/weeks at a hotel get to join the VIP club.

At this stage, you need to make communication with clients more personal. Emails sent by a personal manager will do.

(Source: Stripo email signature template)

What you could learn from this email signature design:

Clients feel more valuable when they know they have a personal manager and that they can reach out to this person when necessary.

Example 13. Hotel business — a personal signature

Event-triggered emails are all similar, with only relevant yet a little bit boring information.

But when it comes to holiday or welcome emails, you can create personalized messages and add a customized email signature.

(Source: Email from Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts)

What you could learn from this email signature example:

The personal e-signature of a Chief executive officer.

By providing such emails in your newsletters, you build closer relations with the guests and make them feel special.

Best email signature designs for the Nonprofit organizations

This is the last type of business we are going to discuss now.

Example 14. Charity organizations

Charity organizations typically ask for help. People can help them by donating certain amounts of money, they can also "donate" their time by helping charity organizations take care of the pets in the shelter, etc.

Anyway, people might need a person they contact at any time to ask questions. If they donate the money, they might want to know who is in charge of it.

Make it easy for subscribers to contact you at any time via any communication channel of their choice
Use it

What you could learn from this email signature design:

Big photo in the middle column (center) of the row. And also there's lots of "air" in this signature. 


We've just discussed the designs and content of the HTML email signature. If you are looking for a signature for your personal correspondence, below we'll show you how to add one to your email client.

Design tips to make your email signature professional

Looking at all the email signature examples above, we can make a conclusion that there are no strict rules regarding email signature design. But here are some very important rules to follow:

1. Stick to a certain length of the signature

Make your signature 3-6 lines long. Not any longer.

Share only essential information in your email signature.

2. Use only legible fonts for your signature

Of course, you should apply only email-safe ones. Do not use bold typography. Use thin or regular ones. Because using bold typography makes your signature look longer.

Pay close attention to the font size of your professional email signature. It should vary from 12 px to 16 px.

3. Stay on-brand

It is recommended to apply on-brand colors, of course, if you have them.

Our new option Brand Guidelines will help you find colors, fonts (font size, font type, and font color), indents, and other design elements that totally comply with your brand identity. Please find more information in our “Brand Guidelines” blog post.

4. Add photos 

Always use only high quality images. And, certainly, of cheerful happy people, even if lawyers.

5. Add your company logo

Until recently, it was not OK to add a logo to an email signature. However, today it is a regular practice to place your company logo either under your photo or next to your job title.

6. Wrap legal disclaimers in a different font

To make those disclaimers less or more noticeable in your email signature, be sure to wrap them in a smaller or larger font. Don’t make them italic out of email accessibility reasons.

7. Optimize your email signature for mobile devices

To make your email signature block fully legible on any mobile device, be sure to optimize them for mobile devices.

In the “Mobile-friendly email design” blog post, we showed in detail how to do that. 

Adding email signatures to your personal accounts in major email clients: Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo! Mail

In this section, we will show how to add a custom email signature to personal correspondence and plain-text emails.

Email signature in Gmail

How to create a professional signature for your Gmail account:

  • go to settings;

  • then click the “setting” again;

  • at the page bottom you will see “Signature”;

  • insert image;

  • choose the “small” size;

  • upload images of the social media icons;

  • add links to them;

  • at the bottom of the page, click Save Changes;

  • done.

I tested my email signature: Sent out messages to different email clients and opened them on various desktop and mobile devices. It worked!

Now your email signatures will be creative and beautiful!

You may also create signatures for your personal or personal correspondence with an external email signature designer.

Email signature in

How to create a professional signature in your Outlook account:

  • go to the "Settings";

  • then choose "View all Outlook settings";

  • then go to the "Mail" tab;

  • open the "Compose and reply" tab;

  • in a new window, search for the "Email signature" section;

  • enter necessary text;

  • to add social media, upload their icons as regular images;

  • highlight each icon and insert respective links;

  • if you want to automatically include this signature in your emails, be sure to click both checkboxes as shown below;

  • choose "HTML" as message format, or else will only include the textual part of your signature with no icons and links;

  • click "Save".

Please be advised that you can add a number of custom signatures in this email client. If you do, you will need to select a signature when sending your personal email.

Email signature in Apple Mail

You can add only textual elements to your email signature in Apple. And of course, you can add a link to it.

How to create an email signature in Apple Mail:

  • click Mail in the top left corner;

  • then Preferences;

  • enter the Signatures tab;

  • if you want to add a link to your email signature in Apple Mail, please highlight a necessary piece of text;

  • right-click on it and paste your link.

Please be advised that you can add a number of signatures in this email client. If you do, you will need to select signature when sending your personal email.

If necessary, you can also edit signature before you send an email.

Email signature in Yahoo

Currently, you cannot add photos and images to your email signature in Yahoo. Consequently, no social media icons either are allowed to be used either.

However, you can a add link to your own signature in Yahoo Mail.

How to create a custom signature in Yahoo Mail:

  • click the Settings menu icon;

  • enter the Writing email tab;

  • toggle the Signature button;

  • enter your custom signature text;

  • paste links.

You can add as many links to your custom email signature as you want.

(Source: Email from the Point)

You can edit signature at any time.

How to create an email signature for newsletter emails

In this section, we will show how to create email signatures, aka footers, for HTML newsletter emails.

There are three easy ways to do that with Stripo:

Way 1. Using Stripo's prebuilt Modules

Stripo has prepared a number of ready-to-use Email Signature Modules. 

Choose any, easily customize it down, and your signature is ready to go.

Use our prebuilt Modules with email signatures to save time on email production
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Way 2. Using professional email signature templates

For your convenience, we’ve built a number of templates with various email signature examples.

Pick the best email signature format in our templates to create your one right away   

Choose a necessary email signature format, use it in your HTML emails or use it for inspiration and create a new signature from scratch.

Way 3. Building a professional email signature from scratch using Stripo as a signature generator

If none of the signatures, built by us, does not meet your requirements, you can create one from scratch.

We'll show to build a signature, similar to the one given below.

To build this email signature, you need to:

  • drag a two-column structure in your template;

  • drag the Image block;

  • upload your image of a necessary shape;

  • into the second container, you add the Image block for the photo of your handwritten signature;

  • below, you pull in a Text block to enter your name. Be sure to set necessary styles in the toolbar;

  • to add a phone number and site name with icons to your email signature template, you need to drag a Menu block, and set the "Icons and Links" menu type;

  • upload your custom icons;

  • in the "Item" fields, enter your site name, phone number, etc.;

  • now to add links to social media accounts, pull the "Social" block in your template;

  • design it according to your needs;

  • add a link to your social profile;

  • to add the horizontal divider, click the left container with your photo;

  • enable "Border" in the side settings panel;

  • set necessary border style for the "Left" side of this container.

You can also add your company logo if you like.

Save your entire signature for further use

Be sure to save this Module to your personal Modules library to use across future campaigns.

You’ll just have to pull this email signature into your template and slightly edit it if necessary.

Save and reuse content modules to speed up email production
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Final thoughts

An email signature is not optional, it is a mandatory element for every email we send out. Follow the rules that we’ve shared to build your flawless one.

Create your professional email signature for powerful email newsletters
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This post first appeared on, please read the originial post: here

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14 Best Email Signature Design Examples for 2022


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