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31 Hidden Email Tactics Proven to Arrest Spam Filters

Email Marketing Tactics  …

…If you’re seriously committed to creating and growing your email database… this Post is for You!

Here we’ve listed 31 Ways to  Help you Easily Evade the Email Spam Police

I’m sure you’ve probably heard the horse choking email marketing ROI… Yep, it’s true; for every $1 spent, $51 is EARNED!!!… and it’s on the upswing~

However, like everything, there are landmines that you’ll want to avoid.  One misstep and the powers that be can Ban and Deny you from sending future emails. Derailing the whole process.

So, if you want to Drive Ridiculous sales, boost business and create outrageous leads?… Stick and Stay…we got you!

Read carefully as we walk you through thirty-one preventable email marketing Boo-Boo’s.  Of course, you don’t want to miss any. Similar to Kool-aid the sugar is at the bottom. ( Stay woke to the end)

Once ingested you will come out the other side, with laser-like clarity and crystal-clear email marketing 20-20 vision.

Let’s Jump in….




1.   Resist the Urge to use FREE Email Addresses:


Abstain from a free email address as an example: [email protected]. Instead, use [email protected]. The latter will transmit a more professional vibe to your subscribers.

Try to avoid Gmail, Hotmail, etc. Your subscriber won’t take your business seriously, more importantly, those extensions trigger spam filters and can decrease your deliverability rate!

This article may contain affiliate links. Please read our full disclosure at the bottom of the page.  

2. Refrain from Buying a Large Email List.

We’ve all been tempted to purchase that email list of 200,000 for $129. That seems like a Killer deal.  But Sherlock here’s what’s at stake:

What many people don’t know. Email providers set security thresholds.  In fact, internet service providers, spam monitors, and email security services all benchmark what constitutes an acceptable email campaign.

These standards track your undelivered email, your spam complaints, and unsubscribes. The total metric must remain at a predetermined level.

Moreover, sending unsolicited emails can result in penalties, account suspensions, or fines.

Unfortunately, when purchasing an email list, you have no way of knowing if the listing provider followed the US CAN-SPAM Act, and “I didn’t know” … isn’t a Pass-on Penalty!

3. Don’t Evade SSL Certifications

The SSL certifications are a security component. It denotes that the forwarding site has received an SSL certificate and is encrypting the data it sends you and the data you send back using HTTPS. Typically, visitors don’t click on sites that lack the little lock in the address bar.  Hence, can lower your email metrics.

This is especially important when you’re sending promotional links. You Don’t want to lose sales because of neglected security factors.

You can save and or download all 31 email marketing Here!

4. Adhere To the CAN-SPAM Act

THE U.S. CAN-SPAM Act regulates commercial and non-commercial emails. According to the law, all email messages must offer the recipient an opt-out or unsubscribe option. Further, it must contain the sender’s valid physical postal address. Each separate email violation is subject to penalties up to $46,517.

5. Avoid Bait and Switch or Gimmicks

While you might see a quick boost in open rates from a subject line that says “Re: Your Order #2095642”, you’ll lose Subscribers’ trust. Your audience will lose trust and mark future messages as spam. Avoid quick tricks to boost engagement. Because it could lead to a lower deliverability rate.

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? If you’re looking for the perfect all-in-one tool to manage your email list and deliver high-converting campaigns, join Getresponse FREE forEver …  Get started today

6. Never Hold Subscriber’s Hostage

The latest laws require us to easily allow our subscribers a way to unsubscribe. If you don’t, visitors will report you as a spammer. This will hurt your deliverable metrics and business. In the real world, it’s called kidnapping! To hold a person against their Will!

Listed are more Stats: Check out these Staggering marketing Facts:

I KNOW we’ve all heard these stats a trillion times but they’re worth RepeatinG:

  •       Email marketing is 40X more effective at acquiring customers, than social media.

  •       69% of web customers make a purchase from their iPhone through an email campaign.

  •       Email users check their email 2.5 x daily.

  •       Email marketing ROI, for every $1 spent, $51 is EARNED!

7. Retain a High IP Reputation

Undervaluing the benefits of maintaining a stellar email reputation.

Your email reputation is everything. This determines if your email gets delivered or not. Basically, it protects your deliverability rate and avoids getting labeled as spam.

 8. Not Deleting Dormant Contacts

On average 50% of all email contacts are inactive. These are called dormant contacts. This type of contact can affect your email deliverability rate. Therefore every 5-12 months you should clean your email subscriber list.


9. Omit Checking your Spam Report

There are several reasons you will want to check your spam report.  #1 reason, is to see if you’ve been blacklisted.

If a high number of your subscriber mark your email as spam, this can cause you to get blacklisted. Sending emails on a regular schedule, email segmentation and automation can significantly help to keep you off the blacklist!

*Tip: The easiest way to fix these is through email marketing automation!

10. Don’t Buy and Send Bulk Emails

Yesterday you sent an email blast to 2000 subscribers.  The next day you’re sending 20,000 emails. (Red Flag). Unless there’s an email lottery, which I’m unaware of, that smells very fishy!

Watch yourself because you can get banned, blocked, and may unknowingly violate the CAN-SPAM Act, which you can get severely fined.

11. Reframe from Whitelisting your Email Address


The whitelist informs your subscriber’s email provider that they want and welcomes your incoming emails. It’s always better to be a welcome guest than an unwanted intruder.

12. Not Honoring Subscribers Opt-out Promptly

The law gives email senders 10 days to remove a recipient from their email database. After which it’s regarded as spam. Which can be identified as unsolicited communications and subject to violations.

13. Avoid Sending Overly Salesy Content

Pay close attention to your content. Content that looks overly promotional or uses a lot of urgencies can alert and trigger spam filters.

14. Don’t Inundate your Subscribers with Emails

How often should you send emails? 

This isn’t a one answer fits all question. However, 59% of people unsubscribe because they receive too many emails too frequently…Your analytics is your best friend on this one!

15. Don’t Allow Single Opt-In

Avoid the FOMO; the fear of subscribers not signing up.

Single opt-in is like leaving your front door unlocked all the time. Sure, your friends can walk right in, but so can the nosey neighbor.  Who noticed the furniture truck that showed up at your house, to see what you Brought!

16. Accepting Quantity over Quality

Poor quality email addresses can result in above-average bounce and unsubscribe rates. Hence negatively affect your email metric score. It’s better to walk with one than drag 100.

17. Not Electing Double Opt-In

Double opt-in protects against fake subscribers, spammers, and bots designed to attack your deliverability. (That’s a real thing.) Also, it’s a way to keep your list clean and up to date with fresh leads.

18. Avoid Spamming Emails with Large Images

Image-to-text ratio:

There’s no magic number here, but the best guideline to follow is to have enough text in your email so that if images failed to load, you’d still have a great email that communicates your message.

19. Steer Clear of Spammy Words and Phrases

The biggest error marketers make is using communication that’s overly promotional and/or urgent. Even if you are promoting a product or service, try to write your email so that it sounds natural and relaxed.

20. Thinking your Reputation Doesn’t Matter

Keep your list highly clean and engaged to prevent automatic bot clicks. A bad email list keeper will produce a bad reputation hence, high bounce rates, low CTA, and open rates.

21. Requiring Double Opt-in Forms and Landing Pages

This encourages authentic leads. If your subscribers say Yes, twice, chances are they meant it! In essence, a higher quality lead.

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? If you’re looking for the perfect all-in-one tool to run your email list and deliver high-converting campaigns, join ActiveCampaign for free.

Get started today 


22. Ignoring Email List Buying Due Diligence 

When purchasing email lists chances are you won’t know where your list provider retrieved the email addresses from. If there is flakiness, this doesn’t excuse you from Potential Penalties.

Sending email blasts to ill-gotten recipients could cost you more than you spent.  Basically, if the blast results in higher than usual spam reports, this will trigger your IP provider. On the contrary, if you trust the source, Go for IT!!!!

     23. Not Using Link Shorteners

Link shorteners are used so often by spammers, that they can raise a red flag or turn on spam filters. Transparency is key for good deliverability. When adding a link to your emails, link directly to the website you’re sending subscribers to.

  24. Securing Forms with ReCaptcha

Secure your Form with a captcha. If not, there’s a good chance, you’ll start to see bots abusing it. ReCAPTCHA protects against fake subscribers, spammers, and bots designed to attack your deliverability.

25. Overstepping Opt-in Subscribers

Only import subscribers who’ve given you direct permission to email them. Quality is much more important than quantity when it comes to email marketing. You don’t want anyone on your list who doesn’t want to be there. For best results, be sure everyone on your list knows exactly what type of content to expect.

26. Having a low Sender Score

Your internet service provider assigns sender scores. Naturally, the goal is to retain an approvable score. There are several reasons for low scores. Such as high bounce rates, lack of subscriber engagement, and too many erroneous email addresses.

27. Creating Lack-Luster Email Subject Headlines 

Keep in mind nothing happens until your subscriber clicks on your email. The key is to focus on constructing an attention-Grabbing email subject line.

This problem doesn’t seem that obvious. However, if your subscribers don’t click on your sent emails, then your IP provider will reduce your deliverability rate and score. 

Of course, they won’t know why you’re not getting clicks, so to protect their business your email address goes on red alert.

Regardless of how well-written or dynamic your message is, it could be all that and a Bag of Chips.  Unfortunately,  if they never click they’ll NEVER KNOW!  Here’s an article that can help, 50 Email Subject Titles

  28. Only Import Permission-Given Subscribers

Quality is much more important than quantity when it comes to email marketing. You don’t want people on your list who don’t want to be there.  Yep, the number looks accomplishing but the reality is faulty. For better deliverability, be sure everyone on your list gives you permission.

29. Denying the Segmentation Rule

Top marketers have proven segmentation rules in email marketing. Many list builders choose to use the one-size-fits-all approach. Why is segmentation important and what does it have to do with spam?

If you send enough of the wrong types of emails to the wrong persons…

(1) They will either ignore your emails or (2) report them as spam. Although they signed up initially. Segmenting your list is vital.  Our subscribers expect a more personalized email experience.

Learn more about how to segment your email list.

30. Using Inappropriate Email Service Providers and Addresses

When Gmail, Yahoo, or other mailbox providers see salesy content, strong promotional offers, and urgency. they will assume the message is unwanted or unsolicited.

…This can damage reputations and cause, emails to land in the spam folder, bounce, or wind up in the email cemetery. Worse yet, your email service provider trusts those providers less, which affects your deliverability.

31. Don’t Quit!!!

This is the most important email marketing tip you’ll ever read.

Quitting too soon is the #1 reason people fail at anything. To gain your visitors’ trust you have to stay in the game. Eventually, you will attract those who know, like, and trust you. Addedly, this is another reason email marketing automation is absolutely CRITICAL TO YOUR EMAIL MARKETING SUCCESS.

It takes the emotions out of the process! According to research those who automate their email marketing process have a much higher ROI.

Here are 3 companies you can check out for automation services.

GetResponse: Has a Free Ever plan

Convertkit: Free up to 2000 subscribers

ActiveCampaign:  A more robust, free trial

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? If you’re looking for the ideal all-in-one tool to handle your email list and deliver high-converting campaigns, join GetResponse for free

Get started today

Conclusion for our email marketing Tips:

Implementing these super-easy email marketing tactics is a must. You can use the above thirty-one tips as a checklist. Side-stepping the blunders will help you master email marketing, hence gaining email credibility and authority.

However, do still expect some unpaved roads on your way to email marketing paradise. But learning the tips will help dramatically and place you on the fast track

Helpful Stats:

  • Email marketing ROI, for every $1 spent, $51 is EARNED!
  • Segmentation increases conversions and open rates dramatically
  • Keep your email subject line short and concise
  • 69% of web customers buy through email marketing
  • Email marketing is 40X more effective at acquiring customers than SMM

If you found these email marketing guidelines helpful, please share them with like-minded individuals like yourself.

Let us know if you have any questions. If we missed any key pointers, we’re all ears. We welcome feedback and will address your questions…please comment. Again feel free to download the pin to use as a guideline.



Related Email Marketing Articles:

  • 7 Amazing Ways to Grow your Email List
  • Why is Email Marketing the King of Marketing
  • How to Segment your Email List
  • How to Build a Targeted Email List that Get Read 
  • Email Marketing Strategies-The Most Underrated Weapon

P.S. “We Care About your Business

Grab these Email Marketing Tactics to Quick -Start your Email Marketing List

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This post first appeared on Py Talk Biz, please read the originial post: here

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31 Hidden Email Tactics Proven to Arrest Spam Filters


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