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Rising Inflation in Pakistan and the Urge to Leave the Country


Pakistan seems to be returning to the Stone Age due to the rising inflation and shortage of resources. These factors have become a nightmare for all Pakistanis as they affect their lives. The entire country is drowning in crises while the leaders fight over power and seats. Furthermore, no specific measures are taken to reduce inflation. Instead, we can only see an increase in it with every passing day.

Due to the increasing inflation, numerous other aspects have been taking a devastating turn in Pakistan for a few years, making the situation worse. The Pakistani people are bound to attempt suicide as they have no other option. However, even this heartbreaking factor of suicides is not convincing the government to take serious action against inflation. Most people have concluded that their immigration abroad is the only solution to escape from this dark reality of Pakistan.

Let’s discuss how inflation is rising and affecting Pakistanis daily and why an enormous population is urged to leave this country.

Rising inflation in Pakistan

Inflation itself means increasing the general prices of goods and other services within a country. A sudden and extreme rise in inflation started around 2018 in Pakistan, which is consistently rising and does not seem to be decreasing any time soon. Not one, but a variety of circumstances have taken birth that all the citizens are facing in Pakistan. Here are the difficulties Pakistani people are facing due to inflation:

  1. Cost of Living Challenges

One of the major difficulties caused by inflation is the cost of living. The increasing cost of the necessities of life, including food, cooking oil, and fuel, have been reaching the heights, and people are barely affording them. In fact, some people put everything they own at stake to fulfil their basic needs.

  1. Food inflation

Food is also a basic necessity of life, which people struggle to have in Pakistan. The mandatory items, like sugar, milk, flour, cooking oil, and eggs, are very expensive, leaving no choice for poor people and leading them to food insecurity.

  1. Currency Devaluation & Rise of the US Dollar

The worth of the US Dollar has been rapidly increasing, which resulted in the devaluation of Pakistani currency and rising inflation. The rising Dollar rate has reached Rs. 307.79, which is terrifying for Pakistanis. Due to the change in currency rate, the economic environment has become even more unpredictable.

  1. Unemployment

Inflation is also causing unemployment in Pakistan as the local companies offer limited opportunities due to the weakening of the currency. The majority of literate and highly skilled individuals are sitting at home, waiting for an interview call from numerous companies they applied to. This factor also leads people to severe mental health issues, like panic attacks, anxiety, and depression.

  1. Increasing Crime Rates

Increased crime rates are one of the most alarming impacts of rising inflation in Pakistan. People of Pakistan, specifically in Karachi, have become helpless and started to earn by forcefully snatching money and other belongings of the citizens. It has also catalyzed their aggression, killing innocent people for money.

The Urge to Leave the Country

Due to all these challenges and their after-effects, most Pakistanis, especially the youth, have decided to leave the country. People are trying to leave Pakistan for many reasons, with inflation at the top. They have accepted that your income will never be enough due to this rising inflation in Pakistan, no matter how well you earn.

Here are some factors for which individuals desire to live a dream life abroad, which inflation has made impossible to live in Pakistan:

  1. Economic Stability

The main reason to leave Pakistan for most of Pakistani youth is inflation. They desire to move to a country with relatively less inflation and stronger currency so they can live with economic stability.

  1. Career Opportunities

Another prominent reason individuals move abroad from Pakistan is to seek career opportunities. Various educational institutes offer better career prospects, eventually enabling students to have better jobs with higher salaries. As a result, many students choose to stay abroad to enhance their career.

  1. Valuable Lifestyle

Since the lifestyle in Pakistan is only worsening, people desire to live a carefree life where they feel relieved from inconveniences like inflation, crimes, and politics. Better healthcare, education, and other higher qualities of life compel Pakistanis to live abroad.

  1. Social and Political Stability

Social and political stability is another significant reason many Pakistanis live abroad. People are tired of Pakistan’s unfair political system and societal pressures, so the thought of living abroad attracts them to live a secure life free from all social and political inconveniences.

  1. Safety and Security

Pakistan has become an unsafe country for its own citizens in many ways. The increasing crimes, including harassment, murders, oppression, rapes, and corruption, have forced people to decide to live abroad.

  1. Future Prospects

Pakistanis’ long-term planning for their future has also attracted them to live outside the country. They dream about growing their families, educating their children, and achieving other prospects abroad for a secure and better living.

Ending Statement

The constant rise in inflation has undoubtedly created a tremendous mess in many different ways, due to which people are suffering in Pakistan. The increasing consequences of inflation are causing people to leave the country for a peaceful life. Their urge to leave the country for a better lifestyle is understandable, and it is obviously their personal decision. However, the youth must also understand that it is not the solution.

Living far away from your hometown and leaving your culture, people, and families behind is a decision not to be taken emotionally. Moreover, our country needs its youth, policymakers, and the global community the most at this critical moment to bring change. Pakistan can strive for a better and prosperous future by coordinated efforts to deal with economic difficulties and implement new policies. We can collectively utilize our abilities to enhance the lifestyle in Pakistan, fight inflation, and keep our country safe from evils.

The post Rising Inflation in Pakistan and the Urge to Leave the Country appeared first on LocalWriter PK.

This post first appeared on Seo Services Companies In Pakistan, please read the originial post: here

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Rising Inflation in Pakistan and the Urge to Leave the Country
