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Positivity in professional and personal life

Life is a roller coaster of ups and downs. In our life, we will have good and bad days. When things don’t go as planned, we must remember that roadblocks and stumbling blocks are unavoidable, but only for a short time.

Anyone known, what do we do when we hit a roadblock? We reverse our vehicle and take another route. Same way, we should allow for a fresh start and a makeover. Learn from mistakes and it won’t be easy, but the effort will be well worth it.

Someone says “Life is going to throw you some blocks. You will decide if they are going to be your stumbling blocks or your building blocks”. If we are having positive attitude then we can easily convert stumbling block into stepping stones towards success but if our mind concentrate on negativity then it depends how we use them.

Sunshine is incomplete without a sprinkling of rain. Same way we should not loose focus on positive attitude even in worst situation our mind should be quiet with patience, same like sunshine and rain connectivity.

So today I’d like to share some things which will help to promote Positivity in the Professional life as well as in Personal life.

1) The habit of reading books

Here comes question in mind, how reading book can positively affect our life? Reading is a form of communication.

MegaMinds Technologies Private Limited, the IT company, they always repeat this quote “Every book has a voice”, I have hear that in this company there is rules of reading book at least 5 min and by reading 5 min it boost our mind and it help us to come up with better ideas, better thought process, reduce stress and even develops Analytical skills with good communication power.

2) Meditation

Meditation isn’t about coming up with yet another new self-help approach, it’s about giving oneself a framework in which to perceive yourself more clearly, and when the mind is quiet, there’s no room for anger.

From anger word, I remember one of my experience, let me share with you. In workplace many time my mind get frustrate due to some work or some personal reason and that frustration is getting out on others. Whenever mind get full with no words to handle I mediate at least 2-3 min to calm mind. So that’s the power of mediation on positivity.

3) Value time

There is old saying, “Time and Tide wait for none”. Tide cannot control, as it is such inevitable natural phenomena or facts of life. Same way time is not in our hand. We need to use them wisely. If we set our mind that I will do work at 8.00 in morning, then at sharp 8.00 we should start work. But if our mind is lazy then at 8.00 our mind force us that I will start work after half an hour. And that half an hour spoil our full schedule and due to that we stuck at some point and we realize the real value of time.

4) Smile

If we don’t use our smile, we’re like a millionaire without a cheque book. We all know the well known thing about our parents especially dad. Many time parents are in worry or having lots of responsibility on their back and due to that they forget to smile because of tensions. But when they saw their children smiling or doing funny things, smile automatic come on their faces. So Smile is the way to bring spark in life by putting all stuff aside and live life independently with positive behavior.

5) Practice thankfulness

We all want to be acknowledged or praised for our work. A little “thank you” can make a big difference. We should make a habit to thank someone for their hard work at least once a day, but be sincere.

6) Appreciate the little wins

It’s simple to appreciate a huge achievement, but it’s more difficult to remember to honor the small wins along the way.

7) Use positive messaging

Keep in mind how powerful words are. Using words infused with optimism is known as positive messaging. Your listeners will respond to your feedback differently if you communicate in a positive and constructive manner.

8) Make time to think

Devoting our time and effort to potential consideration will never be in vain, and each day will bring its own set of benefits. If we take the current situation as an example, people make decisions very rapidly, but we need to take twice as much time to think, and then we should reach a resolution on any topic.

9) Spend time with nature

However, we like to spend much of our time outside. We can hear the birds chirping, see the light reflected on the water’s surface as we look out toward the ocean, and occasionally feel a pleasant breeze blowing, and it turns out that being outside and spending time in nature is beneficial for us to keep our minds fresh with happy vibes.

10) Listen twice as much as you speak

Listening is the most important talent to have in order to be successful in life. However, when listening to the other person, it is equally necessary to show empathy.

11) Develop relationships

When it comes to building business relationships, be careful not to have tunnel vision. You want to build trust and respect for all levels of superiority within your company to create the most favorable work environment possible.

Positivity is significant because it helps others to promote a strong mindset. Positive thought has a significant amount of power.

The post Positivity in professional and personal life appeared first on MegaMinds Technologies.

This post first appeared on MegaMinds Technologies, please read the originial post: here

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Positivity in professional and personal life


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