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SPEX Blockchain Digital Currency Bank: Every Project Could Become a ‘Unicorn’

SPEX Blockchain Digital Currency Bank: Every Project Could Become A ‘Unicorn’

Today, traditional centralized banks are becoming less and less popular. Because of their high barriers to entry, bottlenecks in user growth, and market saturation. On the other hand, traditional banks have been digitalized in terms of financial efficiency, and so the banks are overwhelmed. The popular blockchain digital banks relies on distributed systems and smart contracts to isolate artificial interference and central hegemony, and that can effectively lower the investment and financing threshold, which is widely welcomed by current investors and enterprises. SPEX is one of the best among them, with unparalleled leading edge and strong competitiveness in the field of digital banking.

SPEX: Safe Digital Currency Bank

SPEX:  Digital Currency Bank With Safe

As we all know, “investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market.” Investors’ primary concern not only pure yield, but also the safety of products and platforms. SPEX is a new generation of blockchain digital asset trading platform built under multiple cutting-edge security technology systems.Strictly protect the security of users’ personal information and assets in the process of fiat currency exchange, OTC, currency transactions, contract transactions, etc., as well as the entire process of managing and storing digital assets.

With the unremitting efforts of SPEX’s excellent global technical team, security technologies such as address pool obfuscation strategy, unlimited massive addresses, and hot and cold wallet mechanisms are perfectly applied to platform construction, enabling users to prevent digital assets from being tracked without real-name authentication, and enjoy the ultimate safety.

SPEX’s rich investment products and services

In traditional banks, the investment and wealth management products that individual users have access to are extremely limited, usually with low yields and unable to beat inflation. Faced with the loss of continuous depreciation of assets, SPEX provides all users with a wealth of products and services with extremely low thresholds, and due to the rapid growth of digital assets in recent years, it can achieve yields far exceeding those of general funds, stocks and bonds.  Even for stability-seeking users who do not pursue high yields, SPEX can improve their convenience of deposit and withdrawal, exchange, reduce handling fees, and elevate banking services to an unprecedented new level..

In SPEX, users can easily and quickly perform fiat currency exchange. With just a mobile phone, the fiat currency exchange can be completed quickly with one click, allowing you to travel around the world anytime, anywhere. Due to the development of stablecoins and OTC transactions, it is possible to cancel centralized exchange and cross-border clearing and settlement institutions. What SPEX needs to do is to provide such a legal currency exchange platform with lower rates and more convenient operation for global users. At the same time, SPEX’s OTC service is completely anonymous. Officially certified merchants provide exclusive OTC service security to ensure user transaction and privacy security without worrying about real-name issues. In addition, SPEX’s rich financial product system also includes fixed deposit, currency trading, contract trading, etc., all in one place, to meet the diverse needs of investors and depositors.

SPEX: an incubator that empowers high quality projects

On the one hand, investors are sniffing out high-quality projects with investment prospects. On the other hand, good projects also require the participation of more investors and multiple rounds of financing to grow. As a platform for the docking of the two, SPEX acts as a project incubator. SPEX’s professional team and financial consultants carefully select high-quality digital technology projects for investors from tens of thousands of projects, and provide channels, marketing, capital, team and other resources and one-stop solutions for new projects that need financing.

With the empowerment of SPEX, every project may become a unicorn. Investors and SPEX users who participate in it will harvest wealth from SPEX, change their destiny, and even create legends!

This post first appeared on Timesnewswire, please read the originial post: here

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SPEX Blockchain Digital Currency Bank: Every Project Could Become a ‘Unicorn’
