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High-quality projects have sprung up in Jinan Start-up Area , China, with the ‘magnetic attraction’ effect

High-quality Projects Have Sprung Up In Jinan Start-up Area , China, With The ‘magnetic Attraction’ Effect

Zhongke New Economy Science and Technology Park, Yellow River Digital Economy Industrial Park and other parks have taken shape, and State Power Investment Corporation has started construction of hydrogen energy industrial base in the Yellow River Basin, new energy passenger car parts industrial park and other projects.

With the Jinan Start-up Area for Growth Drivers Transformation, more and more high-quality projects have been settled. By doing a good job of service guarantees around the contracted projects and building industrial policy gathering places around the industrial layout, Jinan Start-up Area is making great efforts to create a world-class business environment and strengthen the ‘magnetic attraction’ effect of high-quality projects.

Ensure the smooth implementation of key projects.

On the morning of July 4th, the construction site of the new energy passenger car parts industrial park project on the north side of Zhangxianzhai Road, Cuizhai Group, Jinan Start-up Area, was busy with the roar of construction equipment.

The project started on March 15th, and it has been less than four months since then. In the past, a large area of open space has now become a construction site. According to reports, the project covers a total area of about 3,623 mu, with a total construction area of about 1.85 million square meters. It is one of the major projects with an investment of over 10 billion yuan in the Jinan Start-up Area.

Efficient construction of such a large-scale project is inseparable from all-around services and guarantees. ‘By setting up a special class to promote the relocation work and organizing various professional pipeline units to work on-site, it took only one week to sort out the current situation of various pipelines and formulate the relocation plan, and started the relocation construction.’ According to the relevant person in charge of the construction management department of Jinan Start-up Area, in order to ensure the implementation of the project as soon as possible, the pipeline migration and reconstruction work was efficiently completed before the project applied for land.

At the same time, the traffic and water garden department of Jinan Start-up Area Construction Management Department communicated with the power supply department and the project unit in advance and studied the construction electricity access scheme and time sequence of the project according to the commencement plan.

Around November 2021, 9 power box transformers with a total of 4,500 kVA were connected one after another, which met the demand for temporary power use of the project and ensured the smooth start of the project.

At the same time as the new energy passenger car parts industrial park project started, Jinan Start-up Area also started the supporting facilities of the industrial park simultaneously. In the first phase of the project, four roads were newly built and one road was rebuilt, and all kinds of pipelines and sewage treatment facilities were implemented to provide good infrastructure guarantees for the industrial park. In order to do a good job in logistics support during the construction of the project, the social undertakings department of Jinan Start-up Area also solved the early employment needs of nearly 100 people for the project. According to reports, after the project is completed, it will produce core components such as motors, electronic control and powertrain of new energy vehicles, attracting high-end talents in the new energy passenger car industry and driving direct employment of more than 20,000 people.

Create an industrial policy gathering place

The smooth introduction of high-quality industries is inseparable from the continuous optimization of the business environment. Recently, Jinan Start-up Area Management Committee has publicized the list of subsidized enterprises to help enterprises bailout, and dozens of enterprises have received subsidies. In addition, the Ministry of Investment Promotion organized foreign-funded enterprises to actively declare the city’s incentive policy for utilizing foreign capital. At present, a total of more than 7.7 million yuan of incentive funds for foreign capital have been allocated.

In order to increase the attraction of high-quality industrial projects, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, promote the gathering of high-end industrial elements and resources, and create a gathering place of industrial policies and a highland for enterprise services, Jinan Start-up Area has issued policies to benefit enterprises many times. Several Policies on Promoting Enterprise Development in Jinan Start-up Area for Growth Drivers Transformation (for Trial Implementation) are currently being implemented. In order to simplify the enterprise application process, the government service hall has set up the first ‘one-stop acceptance’ window for enterprise policy applications, and at the same time, it has introduced the free-to-apply method.

The policy of ‘one-stop acceptance’ for enterprises, the establishment of ‘special windows for enterprises’ for real estate registration, the implementation of ‘handling across cities’ and ‘handling in the Shandong province’ for commercial registration. The ‘Ten Measures for Further Improving the Business Environment in Jinan City’proposes to implement the mechanism of ‘special handling in new districts’ in Jinan Start-up Area, which will decentralize the economic management authority for the Jinan Start-up Area and effectively break the rigid constraints of the original business environment. As the only substantive new area in the major national strategy of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, Jinan Start-up Area enjoys the experience and policy dividend of replicating the ‘four areas in one’ of the Pilot Free Trade Zone, the National New Area, the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone and the Comprehensive Innovation and Reform Experimental Zone. Jinan Start-up Area will speed up the implementation of a number of ‘four areas in one’ innovation policies, deepen the mechanism of a ‘special office system in the new district’ and create a distinctive examination and approval system. Promote accurate investment in the industrial chain. In March of this year, the SPIC Yellow River Basin hydrogen energy industry base project started in Jinan Start-up Area. At present, the hydrogen energy innovation center, pilot production line and industrial park in the first phase of the project are being accelerated.

The relevant person in charge of Jinan Start-up Area Investment Promotion Department introduced that with the unique development advantages of the hydrogen energy industry with outstanding location advantages and rich application scenarios, Jinan Start-up Area has accelerated the construction of the industrial chain and industrial ecology.

SPIC Yellow River Basin Hydrogen Energy Industrial Base is one of the four fuel cell industrial bases and five hydrogen energy industrial bases deployed by SPIC in China. It is also an industrial base facing North China and Central Plains, radiating the Yellow River Basin, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Bohai Economic Circle.

In order to fully build the ecology of the hydrogen energy industry, Jinan Start-up Area has set up ‘one operation platform and one research institute’, and is actively promoting industrial chain construction, demonstration and promotion of hydrogen energy and other related work. With strategic emerging industries as the guide, advanced manufacturing as the main body, modern service industry as the support, and cultural industry as the important content, Jinan Start-up Area focuses on the development of new generation information technology, high-end equipment and intelligent manufacturing, new energy and new materials, three leading industries and high-end service industries, and builds a ‘3+1’ modern industrial system and an industrial cluster with the characteristics of Jinan Start-up Area. And the Start-up Area focuses on the future industrial development direction, implements the ‘Five Ones’ precise investment promotion strategy of compiling an investment promotion map, setting up a special investment promotion class, sorting out a set of investment promotion policies, hiring an industrial consultant and developing a group of investment promotion partners, carries out investment promotion accurately, establishes and improves the upstream and downstream enterprise catalogue database based on the implemented projects, actively carries out business promotion and industrial chain investment promotion, and fully promotes the introduction of upstream and downstream supporting industries to achieve industrial chain extension and value chain jump.


Construct a new pattern of investment promotion service

By the end of June, Jinan Start-up Area had introduced 131 new kinetic energy projects, including 38 projects of Fortune 500 companies such as Johnson Controls, Inc of the United States and EDF of France, with a total investment of about 305.1 billion yuan. Behind the introduction of many high-quality projects, ‘new investment’ is playing a role in attracting investment. In order to speed up the transformation of contracted projects, the ‘Implementation Measures for Promoting the Whole Process Service of Investment Promotion Projects in Jinan Start-up Area’ has been formulated, and 22 promotion processes in six major links have been defined. The investment promotion project management system, which integrates project information analysis, promotion tracking and full scene map display, has been innovated to improve the quality and efficiency of project management.

A professional investment team is indispensable for attracting investment. For this reason, the Investment Promotion Department has invited experts in the industry to give ‘online+offline’ lectures many times and focused on special training in skills such as information gathering, data analysis and project evaluation, and strengthening the construction of ‘learning departments’ by making professional journals and organizing seminars on industrial development analysis, so as to form a strong atmosphere in which everyone is responsible for indicators and takes the initiative. In addition, the Investment Promotion Department has also explored and implemented the expert evaluation system for attracting investment, and introduced the implementation measures for expert evaluation of attracting investment projects, comprehensively evaluated the projects to be settled, strictly checked the newly introduced projects, and objectively judged the project benefits. At present, with the introduction of the project, Jinan Start-up Area has initially formed professional parks such as Shandong Yellow River Digital Economy Industrial Park, Zhongke New Economy Science and Technology Park, and Jinan Start-up Area Jinan International Standard Investment Industrial Park. The industrial agglomeration effect has appeared, and the investment promotion planning scheme of headquarters economic start-up area and urban balcony area has been formed, which has laid a good foundation for the overall development of investment promotion in Jinan Start-up Area.

Hu Lei   Li Xiaotong   Wei Tianyi

This post first appeared on Timesnewswire, please read the originial post: here

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High-quality projects have sprung up in Jinan Start-up Area , China, with the ‘magnetic attraction’ effect
