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Email Marketing Hacks for Boosting Conversions

Do you want to boost your conversion rate? 

Of course, you do! Every business owner wants more sales, and Email marketing is one of the best ways to get them. 

However, Email Marketing can also be time-consuming and complex—it’s not always clear what will lead to increased conversions. 

That’s why we’ve compiled these valuable tips and tricks on email marketing hacks for boosting conversions to get back to doing what matters most: selling!


Email marketing has been proven to be one of the most effective and cost-efficient methods of getting new customers, but it can also be one of the most difficult forms of marketing to get right. 

Without careful planning and execution, your email campaigns can come across as spammy, boring, or even unprofessional, which can lead to decreased click-through rates and fewer sales. 

To help you make sure that your email marketing doesn’t end up hurting your business’s bottom line, here are 10 ways to boost your conversion rate with email marketing.

A/B Test Your Subject Lines

We all know subject lines matter. It’s what gets people to open email messages in their overflowing inboxes, and it’s also one of the major Hacks to boost email conversions. 

But subject lines are not equal, and depending on your audience, one might do better than another. 

To find out what works best, set up an A/B test of your subject lines by sending two versions of each message to different segments of your list. 

For example, you could send one version with a question mark at the end of your subject line and another without it. 

Or you could send a long-form version to half your list and a short-form version to others. 

Then track which version performs better in terms of opens, clicks, or sales—or whatever metric is most important to you—and use that as your new standard going forward. 

You can also try testing multiple variations of headlines, calls-to-action, and even offers. The key is to keep testing until you find something that works well for your business and audience.

Make Emails Mobile-Friendly. 

Consider adjusting your email layouts so that they are responsive to mobile devices. 

People read Emails on their phones more than on any other device, and it’s important to make sure that your email message will reach them no matter where they are or what device they use. 

If your current template isn’t working well with mobile devices, look for a professional service like MailChimp or Campaign Monitor, which offer free templates designed specifically for mobile users. 

Just keep in mind that these templates may be too plain for many of your customers, so you may want to customize them a bit before sending out any messages.  

Include Actionable Links

Rather than simply linking to your website homepage, include some sort of call-to-action in each email that encourages recipients to visit a specific page on your site (such as Learn More About Our Services). 

This allows you to direct potential clients towards content about topics that interest them most—and gives them an easy way to get information about products or services they might need.

Personalize Them

Personalization is one of the biggest Email Marketing Hacks To Boost Conversions, and it’s also one of your biggest conversion drivers. And luckily, it’s super easy to do. 

All you have to do is add a bit of code to your website that pulls in information about each customer when they visit (if you don’t already have a way of doing so). 

Then, use that data in an email—for example, by addressing them by name or using their city in a subject line. 

It may seem like a small change, but research shows that personalized emails can increase clickthrough rates by as much as 30%. 

That’s why brands like Amazon and Airbnb are big fans of personalization. For example, Amazon uses dynamic product ads to display items that customers have previously viewed on its site. 

This helps boost sales because people are more likely to buy something if they feel it was created just for them. 

Similarly, Airbnb sends guests a postcard with suggestions for places to eat and things to do while they’re staying at their host’s place. 

The message isn’t overly promotional; instead, it feels like a friendly suggestion from someone who has local knowledge. 

By making these kinds of changes, you can keep your customers engaged and interested in what you have to offer. 

Plus, they’ll appreciate that you took the time to get to know them better.

Nurture Abandoned Leads With Drip Campaigns

According to a report by Monetate, if an abandoned cart email is sent to your customers within 5 minutes of them abandoning their carts, you can increase your sales by an impressive 26%. 

I love using Klaviyo because it’s a super easy email tool that makes writing and sending automated emails incredibly simple. It has awesome (and free) abandoned cart email templates that you can use as-is or as inspiration when writing your own. 

Another great thing about Klaviyo is that they have A/B testing built right in, so you can test different messages against each other to see which performs best. 

And here are some more creative ways to get people back into your funnel after they abandon their carts. 

  • Use Thank You Automation: When someone purchases from you, thank them via email with relevant offers or promotions. 
  • Offer upgrades: After someone purchases from you, send an offer for an upgrade related to what they just bought. 
  • Send discount codes: When someone purchases from you, include a code that will give them money off their next purchase from your store. 

Make sure to give them time limits on these codes though! Keep your promo messages short and sweet

Don’t forget to keep things short and sweet. As much as possible, avoid including any links in your promotional message unless necessary. This helps keep open rates high and increases click-through rates.

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The Best Time To Send New Subscribers Email

Use a Dynamic Welcome Series

The welcome series allows you to segment your subscribers based on how they interact with your welcome email. 

For example, if someone unsubscribes from a specific email, you can follow up with an automated message that targets only those subscribers who have unsubscribed. Segmentation is key to a successful email campaign. 

By using segments based on past actions (or inactions), you’ll be able to create campaigns that speak to your subscribers on an individual level, while also increasing engagement overall. 

That said, it’s important to keep these emails short and sweet; too much information can do more harm than good. When segmenting your lists, try creating at least two different segments: one where you ask questions and one where you give information. 

Send Thank You Emails After Purchase

One of the easiest ways to create a lasting relationship with your customers is through thank you emails. 

Even if you make it a habit to send them immediately after your customers have completed a purchase, it’s helpful to send post-purchase emails from time to time. 

When a customer receives one of these messages, he or she is reminded of you and your business. 

Automate Some Emails

Sending automated email sequences can be a great way to boost sales. 

However, don’t send mass emails to your entire database with little-to-no thought put into them, as you might find yourself hurting your brand in the process. 

Instead, get more out of your automated emails by putting more effort into creating them and segmenting certain lists so that different people receive unique content regularly. 

Nail the Preview Text

When you send an email to your subscribers, MailChimp will automatically include a small snippet of text at the top of your email. 

It’s usually a line or two about what you’re promoting, but it can be powerful in converting subscribers into buyers if it is used effectively.

Make sure you preview your email before sending and make sure that the text is enticing enough to click through and purchase! If not, update it until it is! You want to get people excited about whatever it is you are offering them. 

Don’t Overwhelm

The last thing you want to do is flood your subscribers with lots of emails that have too much information in them. 

You should send an email no more than once a week and it should contain a single call to action. 

Have something interesting or valuable to say in each email, but keep it short and sweet!

Your customers are busy and they don’t have time to read long-winded emails, so keep your subject lines brief. 

If you can’t fit what you need to say into just one line, then break it up into two! 

Make sure people know what they will get when they open your email and make sure there is a clear call to action at the end of every message.  

This will help you increase conversion rates and improve sales! 

Don’t Use Sales Words 

Using words like exclusive, hot, or rare in your email subject lines isn’t going to help your conversion rates. 

These words may seem harmless, but they are often seen as a ploy to get people to click through. 

If you want to increase sales, don’t sell your product in your email; rather try and offer people value. When people see that an email is offering them something valuable, they will be more likely to open it up! 

Don’t Shout; It’s Spammy

When writing subject lines, avoid multiple exclamation marks. 

It’s considered spammy and the only people who will want to read your email are those you know personally. 

Your subject line is the first impression you give your reader—make it one they will want to click on. 

Instead of shouting, use relevant action words or phrases in a relaxed tone and be as clear as possible about what you want from the recipient.  

Include Benefits; Not Features

Every time you appeal to potential customers, ask yourself What’s in it for them? 

Keep their needs top of mind at every stage of your copywriting process by always keeping that question at hand. If you can figure out how your product or service will benefit them specifically, chances are good that they’ll take notice and buy into whatever offer you have on hand. 

To some extent, you already know better than to write like a sleazy car salesman — but sometimes even professional writers fall back on old habits when sending emails. 

Know Your Audience

Knowing your target audience is essential when trying to understand how to craft better emails that’ll lead to more sales. However, understanding that target audience will only get you so far. 

It’s still important to know where they hang out online and what issues they care about most. 

If you don’t know those things, try doing some research on Google or surveying customers directly. 

You can also try using social media monitoring tools like Hootsuite or BuzzSumo to see what people are talking about your product or service—and who they’re talking with. 

By doing these things, you can get a clearer picture of who exactly you should be targeting with your email campaigns. Once you have an idea of who that person is, think about their pain points and concerns; then, create content tailored specifically to them. 

That way, they’ll feel like they have a personal connection with your brand. In turn, it makes them more likely to buy from you over competitors because it feels less transactional than an ad would. 

Let Readers Get to Know You

The key to successful email marketing is familiarity, which means putting a personal face on your business. 

Start by sending a simple note with every purchase thanking your customer. This small, friendly gesture can make a big difference in establishing rapport and trust. 

You might also send periodic newsletter updates sharing what’s going on behind the scenes at your shop. 

If you sell custom products, such as paintings or handcrafted jewelry, explain why they take so long to produce and show photographs of previous jobs that have already been completed.  

For example, if you specialize in restoring old furniture, share before-and-after photos of past projects. Finally, don’t forget to ask for feedback from time to time—not only will it help you improve your product offerings and services, but it will allow customers to feel like their opinions matter to you.

Align Everything

Before you send an email that promotes a new product or service, think about how to prime your audience with content that aligns with what they’re interested in. 

Create an email that addresses problems and questions your recipients have about purchasing your product or using your service. 

For example, if you own a landscaping company and want to get clients in December, send out an email with gardening tips on creating Christmas centerpieces. 

Include links to products such as flower seeds, tools, and supplies—and even coupons for discounted services. 

You can also offer discounts or promotions on seasonal products such as mulch and tree wraps. By helping customers find solutions to their problems before you make a sales pitch, you’ll increase trust and credibility—and boost conversion rates.   

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How To Succeed With Multi-Level Marketing

Reward Your Readers

The art of capturing leads and converting them into sales is an arduous task that requires a well-designed strategy. 

 Many businesses end up failing because they lack conversion. This can be made possible only with strong Email Marketing Hacks To Boost Conversion using best practices in email outreach that can yield great results. 

People love free stuff, especially if it’s useful! And when you give something away for free, it shows customers that you appreciate their business and value their loyalty. You’ll also get more people signing up on your list, who will likely buy from you later on. 

Use Urgency

Urgency is one of those things that makes people act fast without thinking too much about it. If you want someone to take action now, tell them why there’s a limited time frame for doing so. For example, Order before midnight tonight and get 20% off your purchase! 

Ask questions

Asking questions can work wonders in terms of getting people interested in what you have to offer. 

It creates curiosity and encourages readers to respond or comment. Plus, asking questions gives you valuable insight into what your audience wants or needs—information that could help shape future products or services.

Email Your Newsletter On Schedule

Keeping subscribers up-to-date is crucial for building long-term relationships with them. 

If you send out a monthly newsletter, make sure to send it out at an appropriate time. 

People appreciate knowing what’s going on and will appreciate you keeping them in the know. 

It also helps keep you organized so that you don’t forget to send it out each month. 

Include a Call to Action: 

Don’t just tell people what you want them to do—tell them why they should do it! 

Tell them how their lives will be better if they buy from you or sign up for your service. 

Make it clear how taking action now can help them solve their problems or achieve their goals. 

Be Consistent

Consistency goes hand-in-hand with sending out newsletters on schedule, but it deserves its mention because consistency is key when trying to build trust and credibility. 

If you promise something once, follow through every single time.

Promote Action

Good CTAs can boost your click-through rate by a huge margin. 

Including words like Free or Bonus in your button text will do well to encourage users to take action and will, in turn, boost your conversion rate. 

Remember that good marketing isn’t just about getting people to visit; it’s about getting them to act once they’re there. 

Use Videos in Your Emails

According to HubSpot, a whopping 55% of people say they’re more likely to buy from brands that include video in their emails. Put yourself in your email recipients’ shoes: 

If you found an interesting product, wouldn’t you want to watch a video about it? And if you are planning on making sales via email marketing, then include videos. 

They do work! 

Make the Signup Process as Easy as Possible

A less-than-ideal signup process can be one of the killer Hacks to boost email conversions. Since email marketing is essential for your business’s success, make sure that you take some time to streamline your signup process and make it as painless as possible. 

If people don’t bother signing up, then they won’t hear from you—and they definitely won’t buy anything from you! 

Use simple layouts in emails

The first step to boosting your conversion rate is making sure your emails are easy on viewers’ eyes. Too much text and clutter make it harder for readers to find important information quickly. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t include a lot of information in an email—just make sure that it’s scannable and easy on readers. Look at other emails from companies you respect and see what elements they use well.

Send Emails at Different Times of the Day

Research suggests that sending emails at certain times of day will increase your chances of having your emails opened. 

For example, Radicati Group found that emails sent between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. were more likely to be opened, as well as messages sent between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. 

Sending an email at 6 p.m, on the other hand, is usually a bad idea—and it’s not just because you’re tired; research shows that people are less likely to open an email at night because they’re preoccupied with other tasks or winding down for bedtime.

Take full advantage of autoresponders

One email marketing tool that every business owner should be using is an autoresponder. Autoresponders automatically send a series of emails to customers as they shop your site or interact with your brand. 

Test calls-to-action (CTAs)

Call-to-action buttons are a vital part of your email marketing campaign. The CTA is what tells your customers what you want them to do, and it should be as clear and effective as possible. 

Try changing up or removing your CTA buttons for different emails; see which ones drive more clicks, replies, and purchases. 

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to CTAs—but don’t fall into that trap! Changing things up can lead to increased conversions and better engagement rates.

What’s a Good Email Conversion Rate?

Email experts often say that a 2% conversion rate is pretty good. If you’re getting less than 1%, it might be time to reevaluate your approach and try something new. 

Even if you have a higher conversion rate than 2%, there’s always room for improvement, so don’t get complacent—even small changes can lead to big improvements.

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If you want to boost your sales, email marketing should be one of your top priorities. By designing and sending the right messages to the right people at the right time, you can successfully increase conversions on your site. 

This post first appeared on Mss Resource, please read the originial post: here

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Email Marketing Hacks for Boosting Conversions


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