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Will Intelligent Technology Ever Rule the World?

Intelligent technology: the mere mention of these words excites and fascinates a large part of human civilization.

Technological innovation has transcended barriers to reach a stage where machines can be programmed to make autonomous decisions and possess artificial intelligence. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become the hottest technology on the planet right now.

From aviation to banking, travel to everyday lives, artificial intelligence has become an important part of everyone’s life.

We interact with chatbots for getting answers for our queries and personal assistants have become an essential part of our homes. Even smartphones are equipped with AI technology nowadays.

It would not be wrong to say that AI has penetrated every aspect of human life. 

The growing use of intelligent technology in different industries has raised serious ethical concerns among the human race.

Despite the advantages AI offers, people are sceptical about technology and several believe that AI might replace them in their routine jobs. 

AI Replacing Humans: What People Believe?

Respondents that believe AI will replace humans in different jobs in the next five years

Source: PwC Artificial Intelligence

Though entrepreneurs are eager to play with AI, several groups have started asking questions regarding the responsibility of AI.

Such groups increasingly ask that if autonomous technologies are given decision-making powers, who will be responsible for the loss.

For example, who will be responsible for an accident caused by two autonomous cars? What will be the implications of robots taking human jobs? What if AI evolves to rule the human world, altogether? 

Intelligent Technology: Is it Ethical to Build Autonomous Capabilities?

Scientists and moral groups are always debating about the implications of artificial intelligence. Intelligent technologies are not limited to a specific technological breakthrough.  

They are a set of systems, algorithms and technologies capable of working together and simulating human-like intelligence. 

Intelligent technologies like AI and ML are capable of processing large amounts of data, speed up complex processes and make a smart decision without any manual intervention.  

At the same time, such technologies learn and self-develop from their past behaviours to improve their capabilities. It’s just like a human child learning as he/she grows. 

Despite growing concerns by several groups worldwide, Artificial Intelligence is here to stay and is rapidly evolving. Will it rule the world? Maybe, maybe not.

Currently, people are more concerned about the capabilities of intelligent technology. This brings us to our next question – is the present technology capable enough to build a strong AI? 

Overcoming the Technological Barrier for Building a Powerful AI

The development of AI and smart technologies are moving ahead at a rapid pace.

Though tech companies and other players have built several prototypes and use cases of AI technology, comparing current versions to actual human intelligence is not right, at present. 

The ‘criteria of intelligence’ is going through an evolutionary stage when it comes to machines, currently.

Though there are several AI-based tools and solutions that might have overcome human processing capabilities, there is still a vast ground to cover. 

We have AI-based processing solutions that can defeat humans at chess, detect spam, answer pre-defined questions, but technology has not been able to create a sound and logical solution with the flawless thought process and an understanding of actions. 

The current stage of intelligent technologies can be related to the ‘Weak AI’ concept that stands for algorithms which can perform logical operations. 

In the world domination discussion, such AIs have no or very less place.

Artificial Intelligence needs to be in a strong position where they can evolve into superintelligence.

This concept is abstract and just in theory because current innovations cannot build such intelligent technology

Theoretically, if AI is to dominate the human race, it has to surpass human intelligence, which doesn’t seem feasible right now.  

Several schools of thought have a different take towards this technological marvel.

What will happen to humans if AI supersedes human intelligence? Will it enslave humans or will help humans evolve themselves?

This thought is the core of all the negatives associated with intelligent technologies and world domination. 

This question will be solved only when intelligent technology reaches that level. Till then, it is for humans to harness artificial intelligence solutions for better living. 

The Future is Here: AI in our Everyday Lives

Ruling us or not, intelligent technologies are constantly improving our standards of living.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms have brought significant improvements to the way we travel, learn, heal and complete our routine tasks. 

Several studies have been conducted over the years that aim to understand the impact of AI on our lives.

Almost all the studies have predicted key changes to our lifestyles, the glimpses of which are not evident in the following ways: 

1. Autonomous vehicles powered by intelligent technologies

Autonomous vehicles have started gaining tractions and are becoming safer and more reliant with each passing day.

Technology companies, automobile brands and independent researchers are continuously testing self-driving cars, trucks, buses and other vehicles. 

Recently, Google and Tesla have been successful at testing self-driving vehicles for hundreds of kilometres without an incident. 

Logistics companies and cab-hailing startups are eager to try out smart vehicles without drivers in the real world.

As soon as regulations are rolled out, we will see an influx of commercially viable autonomous vehicles on roads. 

2. Smart robots aiding in routine household tasks

One of the most tedious tasks in a human’s life is taking care of the household.

Smart technologies are now revolutionizing this sphere too. Robots can be programmed to clean houses, take care of security and do a lot more. 

Technological marvels like Roomba and some new age robots are helping humans live in peace while intelligent technologies manage all the tasks in the background. 

From automated grocery ordering to cleaner homes and smart waste management, there are a lot of implications we see in our everyday lives when it comes to AI. 

3. Smart medical aid

Artificial Intelligence is making significant breakthroughs in the field of healthcare and medicine. 

Smart devices for diagnosis and monitoring are helping doctors make better medical decisions. Real-time patient monitoring has helped raise red flags in time.

AI-based monitoring solutions are designed to analyze patterns in patient’s health, predict and intimate medical professionals well in time. 

Also, AI can be used for the prediction of health disorders in healthy humans.

Worldwide, AI and robotic monitoring are helping doctors, taking up workload off the shoulders of medical staff to improve the quality of care delivery. 

4. Better Education Processes

Educators around the globe are harnessing smart technologies to make learning more interactive.

Digital innovations such as smart classes powered by VR/AI and monitored by AI will help students visualize concepts in a better way. 

Moreover, AI is being used to identify patterns in the learning graph of an individual.

AI-based prediction, examination/performance analysis and behavioural alignment of educational topics will help improve education standards. 

Speech recognition, simulation systems and several other innovations in the field of AI will also have a direct impact on the way how things are taught in schools, colleges and universities. 

Wrapping Up: Will Smart Technologies Really Rule Us?

The process of innovation is as old as human civilization and cannot stop.

Instead of thinking about the perils of technological innovation, the focus should be on harnessing technologies such as AI.

Though the concerns are not invalid, it is better to define a framework for development. At the same time, there is a growing need for boosting awareness related to AI at the global stage. 

AI is a powerful weapon that humans can use to solve problems they cannot have imagined solving, earlier.

Systematic and strategic AI development will surely make AI a companion instead of a predator.

So, instead of planning to stop AI development in your organization or around, it is better to think of smart ways you can harness AI technologies for simplifying your lives and your work processes.

The post Will Intelligent Technology Ever Rule the World? appeared first on Technology Moon.

This post first appeared on Technology Moon, please read the originial post: here

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Will Intelligent Technology Ever Rule the World?


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