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Importance of Hashtag in Digital Marketing 2020

Importance Of Hashtag In Digital Marketing 2020


The Importance of Hashtag is not a new strategy, It is all come in social media for a long time since 2007.

What is Hashtag and why it is Important on Social Media? 

 The hashtag is an octothorpe symbol followed by a word without any space, mainly used as a metadata tag in social media. Users can apply this in social media where other users can easily tie with a similar theme or content in social media.

Hashtags really matter in Social Media, when we use it in the limit. Various hashtag strategies are worksout in different social media such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and so on. Using Hashtags in a post makes your audience to understand the categories of your post. So that they can easily interact with your post. It reaches a wide audience.

Hashtags are now becoming important on social media. They allow users to promote their content by targeting their interests. When we see a hashtag that we liked, we click on the hashtag and it takes us to content related to the same hashtag.
On Instagram and LinkedIn we can even follow hashtags we like. Even if a person has not connected with our post before. we can put our brand in front of them by using the correct hashtag and increase our reach. In short, hashtags help us to improve the reach of our posts on social media.

How to create a Hashtag?

Creating and applying hashtags is simple and easy. Type the octothorpe symbol i.e hash sign and type any word you want to use without any spaces. An example of Hashtag is given Below.

Examples of Hashtag:

#ipcsdigital #digitalmarketing #seo #sem #Digitalmarketingcourseincoimbatore #DigitalMarketingTraining are some of the examples of the hashtag. By using the right hashtags you can reach the right people.

Importance of hashtag for business:

Hashtags used in Social Media makes more engagement from the audience, so it reaches what you expected for your business. One can Regularly use the hashtag to attract new customers for their business. Mostly Business uses their brand name in their hashtag, so whenever people using social media, they can easily identify your business and interact with it. Businesses can use hashtags in their brand names and hashtags related to their business. Analyze for the top trending hashtags and what people are searching for, and use those hashtags related to your business.

Importance of Hashtag on Social media in 2020

About 3.5 million active social media users in that around 1 billion users don’t know the importance and actual technique of using the hashtag in their post. In this blog, we are going to know some of the 9 basic importance and Techniques of using the hashtag.

How to use Hashtag on Instagram

When we are posting on our business account or personal account, hashtags can help us or hurt us. So we should use hashtags that are similar to the post we are using to draw in people who are interested in that hashtags. We all have used hashtags. But on Instagram, we should avoid using hashtags in the description of the Photo. We should put them in the comments section to make them reach. Hashtags are a more powerful marketing tool if we use them correctly. These are the importance of hashtags on Instagram

how many hashtags should we use on Instagram?

we can use up to 30 Hashtags on Instagram and anything after that won’t show up in search.

Only our first 30 Hashtags are used for reaching our post. Should we use 30? I recommend you to use at least 15 to 20 Hashtags. If you use the hashtags, there’s a chance of getting found in search. If don’t, there will be no chance of getting found.

As per me, more is better. Go for all 30 if you can do them well. Include as many hashtags as you can use them while staying relevant to our brand. But I also do recommend about 15 to 20 as the minimum. Now we are already up to 12 to 15 hashtags even without trying, now we can easily get to that 15 to 20 total hashtag number.


Here I discussed the Importance of Hashtag in various mediums. Don’t Stop here by reading the blog. Try to use hashtags in Social Media and evaluate their effectiveness. If you want to learn more about Digital Marketing Course, Contact IPCS Digital, Coimbatore

The post Importance of Hashtag in Digital Marketing 2020 appeared first on IPCS Digital.

This post first appeared on Digital Marketing Services In Kerala, please read the originial post: here

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Importance of Hashtag in Digital Marketing 2020
