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Netherim Is NOT Innocent
By now, a reasonably large part of the League of Legends community heard about the 51 page document talking about Netherim’s Manipulation, Financial Irresponsibility, and Sociopathic t… Read More
Every time I launched a blog in the past, it started with a post titled “Turn The Page”. “Here I am, on the road again!” And now, I find myself on the road agai… Read More
Regardless of whether you want to write a novel, a book, or you work as a freelance content writer, you quickly learn that writing is not that easy. Several factors affect it and the process… Read More
I know many freelancers and although this does not mean it is a rule, they are all annoyed when they hear these questions: How much money do you make? – You should never ask anyone how… Read More
There are countless debates in SEO. Professionals debate everything. Which is as it should be since we will never know the coding behind the Google ranking algorithm. Out of all debates, one… Read More
Marketing is used by every single business in the world right now. This means that the career potential you have when you study marketing is practically unlimited. You can choose various dif… Read More
I keep asking myself this question for a really long time now. His “Piers Morgan Live” on CNN is a frequent source of articles about racism and misogyny. News after news, scandal… Read More
So many marketing articles tell you that people buy something because of two reasons, a need or a want. This is correct but it is also incredibly simple. If you want to figure out why someon… Read More

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