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3 Ways To Be Generous
Do you want your people to take notice of you as a leader? Nothing goes further or speaks more to your people than how generous you are toward them. People think about financial generosity w… Read More
Why You Should Encourage Your Team
In his book The Maxwell Daily Reader, John Maxwell argues that leaders should encourage their people. He starts by stating that many leaders expect people to encourage themselves.  We s… Read More
5 Tips To Be More Intentional
You’ve seen the leaders who are distracted by every shiny object. They chase after anything and everything that catches their eye. These leaders are willing to drop everything to… Read More
4 Ways To Lead Up
There are very few of us who are at the top of an organization. We all find ourselves in various positions of authority. There are people below us. Then, there are people above us. There&rsq… Read More
Start Small
We’ve all heard about the myth of the bull in a China shop. It’s not true (bulls in a China shop are actually very careful not to damage things -check out the video at the end of… Read More
That’s Not Nice
Recently, I listened to Martha Stout’s book The Sociopath Next Door. It discusses how we can recognize the traits of sociopaths in our lives. Once we identify them, we can begin to act… Read More
Relentless Forward Motion
What does it take to be a great leader? It’s something that I’ve thought a lot about lately, with more and more leaders failing and a seeming dirth of new leaders to take their p… Read More
4 Ways To Unplug And Recharge
Being in the IT world, I know a thing about unplugging (or shutting down) systems and restarting them. It’s one of the first things I ask users: Have you restarted your computer? It&rs… Read More
Why Following Your Core Values Matter
Every organization should have a set of core values. Core Values are the values your organization believes in, follows, and believes will take it to the next level. The values organizations… Read More
10 Things To Say Yes To
Guarding our time is important. We only have 24 hours to the day, with a third of those hours devoted to sleep. We then have to consider what to do with the remaining 16 hours of our day. Th… Read More
5 Leadership Books To Read In May 2024
Margaret Fuller once said: Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. Mary Ann Shaffer said: That’s what I love about reading: one tiny thing will interest you in a book, and that tiny thing w… Read More
Are You Missing The Plank In Your Eye?
Every time someone subscribes to receive updates from my blog, they should receive an email asking them what the biggest struggle they’re facing today is. I recently had a subscriber r… Read More
5 Tips For Leading Effective Meetings
What do you think of when you think of a business meeting? Is it a time to be productive? Or is it a time and money waster?  There are valid arguments for both ideas.  Photo by Map… Read More
What A Swan Taught Me About Leadership
On a warmer February afternoon, Pamela and I walked through our neighborhood. We walked over a creek, which is a hotbed of activity during the summer. In the winter months, there’s not… Read More
When you look at your life, do you see a life of blessings? Do you see how much you’ve been given? You should. According to Longview Philanthropy, if you make $60,000 per year and have… Read More
5 Ways To Lead With Empathy
Empathy sounds like one of those touchy-feely words. It’s what those woo-woo leaders do. But it’s not. Leading with empathy is something every leader should do. It not only endea… Read More
20 Quotes On Innovation And Leadership
It’s the new year and the new year always brings about the thoughts of advancement, growth, and innovation. Plenty has been said about these things. In this post, I want to bring you 2… Read More

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Joseph Lalonde - Empowering Young Leaders To Thriv
