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35 Husband And Wife Love Quotes – Time To Put Words To Good Use

35 Husband And Wife Love Quotes – Time To Put Words To Good Use

When was the last time you dedicated a song, poem or a quote to your husband/wife? Being married doesn’t mean that you stop doing all the cute things that you used to do for each other when you both were still dating. It is the little things that you do that truly bring happiness. Dedicating a love quote for your husband/wife can be a good start. Here are some beautiful husband and wife love quotes that you will like. Scroll down…

1.Being married brings stability to your life. It teaches you to stay grounded and work towards the small things in life that give you happiness instead of focusing just on the big aspects.


Being married means knowing that someone has your back. Marriage gives you the faith that you’re never alone.


We all have our own assets and liabilities, profits and losses. Marriage adds value to your assets also makes life seem profitable on the chart of ‘life quality.’


Life is filled with struggles and problems, but knowing that you’re loved by someone is always a positive reinforcement towards life.


When you marry someone, you grow out of the lust phase and begin to understand relationships on higher emotional levels.


Best marriages are those in which the love between the husband and wife is still intact no matter how many years it has been.


A perfect relationship is one where the qualities of both the partners complement each other while maintaining a balance between the highs and lows.


Your priorities and definitions of ‘morning kick’ change after marriage. What was once your necessity now gets replaced by your partner’s presence.


It is said that perfection is an illusion. But actually, perfect is what perfect means to you. For some, it may be just someone’s existence in their life while for others it may mean all about that special someone.


And when you have a perfect husband by your side, you feel like the luckiest woman in the world, don’t you?


Sometimes, only knowing that someone is there for you is enough for a happy life. The fact that they wish the best for you gives you a certain satisfaction that nothing else can.


The one who fulfils all relations with equal importance is the perfect man. A woman looks up to her man if he respects all before demanding respect.


Isn’t this the cutest and funniest way to tell them how much you love them? This proves that love goes way beyond the physical attributes of a person.


Every task in life seems easier when you have someone’s support to guide you through the dark.


A perfect relationship is one where you are able to see a happy future way beyond the present scenario.


It opens your eyes to the greatness of love, to the kindness of heart and to the strength of the marital bond.


Being in love and being married to the one you love is probably one of the best feelings ever. It brings a warm smile on your face as you know that you’re going to be happy like that forever.


Being ready to move on by getting over the past mistakes is what makes a partner a true lover.


Loving someone deeply means never getting over with it. You go on loving them more and more each day.


Love gives you the support system you need. It helps you overcome stress and live life with a happy and light mind.


Marriage isn’t just the coming together of two people. It is the coming together of two lives into one to take journey together and make the best of it.


When you know that you and your husband are perfect way beyond the definition of it, then you’ve got to flaunt it!


The day you get married, you leave all the negativity of your past life behind. You start all over again as you embark on a new journey with your partner for life.


When you’re in love, it doesn’t matter even if he’s a frog. Love is blind, but truly impactful.


Love is often sparked off at the first moment of intimacy – be it physical or emotional. From there on, it only keeps on increasing.


‘Till death do us apart,’ but you want to defeat death to be able to be with the one you love forever.


Years may pass but if your love is true, it will always shine bright always.


Differences make people grow fonder as it brings out the variations in them that makes them unique and interested in each other’s lives till the very end.


Loneliness often scares people, but when you have the most perfect partner, you begin to focus on the moments you spend each day looking forward to many more in your future.


Busy schedules and having different priorities always bring a relationship to a stand-still. You begin to feel like you’re not loved any more. But true love is like the loving hand of God, which you may not see but is always there.


It is the way you face troubles together despite all your personal differences which makes your married life a happy one.


The day you get married is indeed a fairytale moment in your life, isn’t it? With a swish and flick, all your dreams come true the moment you hold each other’s hand for life.


Your partner becomes your idea of a relaxed life. Their presence in your life is what gets you excited to rush back home after a tiring a day.


Love brings you the strength you need to get by in life whenever you feel down and out.


Love, love, love. This is all what married life is about. Loving life and living life for love.

Go ahead and share the ones you liked with your husband/wife and spread some love and smiles. It is all about growing up and growing old together, isn’t it?


The post 35 Husband And Wife Love Quotes – Time To Put Words To Good Use appeared first on The Bridal Box.

This post first appeared on The Bridal Box - All Your Wedding Needs @ One Place, please read the originial post: here

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35 Husband And Wife Love Quotes – Time To Put Words To Good Use
