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33 Fascinating Black and White Photos of London in the Early 1970s

33 Fascinating Black And White Photos Of London In The Early 1970s

London-based photographer Norman Craig took these fascinating photos that show street scenes of London in the early 1970s.

“I worked in a lot of different buildings in the City from the 1970s to the 1990s. It’s likely I took some snaps in those years. I’ll look through my old negs from time to time to see if there’s anything worth uploading.”
Looking downriver towards Tower Bridge and HMS Belfast, London, March 1972

Looking upriver towards Tate Modern from the Monument, London, March 1972

Monument erected after the Great Fire of London. That's Pudding Lane on the right, where the fire started in 1666, March 1972

Party of Japanese tourists waits for a late coach, London, 1972

A kiss in the rush hour, London, March 1973

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33 Fascinating Black and White Photos of London in the Early 1970s
