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Rodrigo Duterte - the first Filipino president from Mindanao


MANILA, Philippines – Rodrigo Duterte, presumptive president and expected winner of the 2016 elections, has given so much color to the Philippine presidential race.

The Davao City mayor is such a character that he made many sit at the edge of their seats each time he spoke. He made headlines in both local and international media.

The popularity of the tough-talking Duterte cuts across socio-economic classes. The overwhelming support became evident on election day as Duterte's lead became insurmountable.

The battle cry of Duterte's supporters throughout the campaign period, "#ChangeIsComing" may or may not come true. His anticipated presidency sets many firsts in the history of Philippine presidents.

Read more ➤  The many firsts of president-elect Duterte

This post first appeared on First Filipino, please read the originial post: here

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Rodrigo Duterte - the first Filipino president from Mindanao
