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The Nineties are recalled in Sebastian Barry’s Old God’s Time, they are times that seem now so long ago and so different that they belong to a different age. The story descr… Read More
An overwhelming majority on the basis of less than 40% of the vote.  It would cause a shortage of soup. On 10th October 1974, the day of the general election, the second to be held in B… Read More
Sitting in a Liverpool cafe, my companion reflected on his youth in Belfast.  From a Protestant working class family, he believed his community had been misled by the unionist politicia… Read More
“Other boats were with him”. Mark 4:36 The Gospel reading is a familiar story. The calming of the storm from Saint Mark’s Gospel Chapter 4 is a story that many people will… Read More
“Other boats were with him”. Mark 4:36 The Gospel reading is a familiar story. The calming of the storm from Saint Mark’s Gospel Chapter 4 is a story that many people will… Read More
“The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground” Mark 4:26 It is a little early in the year to sing hymns for harvest thanksgiving, the fields are still gre… Read More
The Barfleur, it seems it is only thirty years old, it seems older. Google says it once snapped the chain of the Sandbanks ferry, today Poole Harbour is exited without incident. Awarene… Read More
“Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother” Mark 3:35 Today’s Gospel reading can be though about with four questions about being lord. The first ques… Read More
ITV 3 had yet another old episode of Heartbeat. The police sergeant’s wife had developed a severe psychosis and the backing music used was Behind Blue Eyes by The Who. The song was the… Read More
A farmer I knew in rural Ulster was once challenged about haymaking on a Sunday. “Better the day, the better the deed,” he said, enigmatically, as he set off to return to the fie… Read More
There’s a story about a science teacher who was trying teach a group of fourth year boys. He stood at the front of the classroom explaining the subject when he noticed there was a boy… Read More
” . . . suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind” Acts 2:2 In Acts Chapter 2, Saint Luke describes that first day of Pentecost, that day on which… Read More
Yosser died yesterday. Well, Bernard Hill who embodied Yosser in Alan Bleasdale’s Boys from the Blackstuff died yesterday. Yosser would have died long ago, prematurely, in poor he… Read More
‘This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. ‘ John 15:12 I remember a morning more in the late 1990s, travelling by train from Larne on the Co Antrim… Read More
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine-grower” John 15:1 What can we learn from Jesus when he talks about him being the vine and his followers being the branches? What ab… Read More
The Good Shepherd is imagined by each of us in a different way. Growing up in the pasturelands of the English West Country, a shepherd was a farmer who kept sheep. They grazed in fields, lam… Read More
Being 64 next birthday, there is little to be spending money on.  A rather battered thirteen year old Peugeot required €1,000 of expenditure in recent weeks, but otherwise a modest… Read More
Popcorn by Hot Butter. I spent forty years not knowing what that piece of music was. For years I had imagined that it was something from the BBC Radiophonics workshop output in the 1970s bec… Read More
‘So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to any one, for they were afraid.’ Mark 16:8 With those words, the Gospe… Read More
It was dipping my arms into the sink of hot water that recalled the memories. We were a blue collar family.  We lived in a semi-detached council house with an outside toilet.  Ther… Read More
‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ John 3:16 Mothering Sunday, a friend used to… Read More
‘US Moon Mission runs into technical hitch’ says a BBC headline this evening. To be honest, the entire space exploration enterprise seems to have hit the buffers fifty years ago… Read More
“And a voice came from heaven” Mark 1:11 The placenames Saint Mark uses in the story of the baptism of Jesus would have meant much more to the people of his time than they do to… Read More
Driving northward on the M5 motorway, the Mendip hills are passed on the right hand side.  Visible to the east, there is a deep cut in the steep ridge of the hills, Cheddar Gorge. … Read More
‘Poached.’ I assume it is Hiberno-English, or perhaps just part of the vernacular of farming life in rural Ireland. ‘Poached,’ describes the areas around gateways to… Read More
The Gospel reading for today is the familiar story of the sheep and the goats. It is one of the stories that Jesus told during his final days in Jerusalem. I never fully understood the story… Read More
It used to be said that one could judge a man by the company he kept. If that is so then the Prime Minister of Israel is possibly delusional for there is no doubt that the extreme religious… Read More
Does one drink tea in the way that one might eat chocolate? As a comfort, as a distraction? Perhaps. Sitting drinking a mug of tea, slow, reflective music played on the radio. It seems that… Read More
Teaching religious education to secondary school students is a happy experience. There is a willingness to engage among the students, a preparedness to throw ideas into the discussion. When… Read More
‘Do you know that the Pharisees took offence when they heard what you said?’ Matthew 15:12 Did you ever think about what makes bad tempered people the way they are? Did you ever… Read More
‘Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him.’ Matthew 14:31 A former colleague died on Friday. Memories of him are plentiful but the one that remains strongest does no… Read More
‘He directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.’  Matthew 14:19 Bein… Read More
Visiting Ypres last month, the list of places to be visited included Artillery Wood cemetery. It is a location that blends into the agricultural land around. Down a side road, it is a place… Read More
‘The kingdom of heaven may be compared to someone who sowed good seed in his field.’ Matthew 13:24 Did you ever try to imagine what the parables meant for those to whom they were… Read More
‘You have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants’. Matthew 11:25 Teaching religious education to secondary school students has be… Read More
“Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.” Saint Matthew Chapter 10 Verse 40 I recently had the privilege of visiting a prominent J… Read More
Thirty-four years ago, tonight, an Elisha moment. In the Second Book of Kings in the Hebrew Scriptures, Elijah has been teaching Elisha and the time has come for Elisha to start out on his o… Read More
“Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28 Do we believe in Hell? Drawing on the bo… Read More
Sitting on a bench in the park at Auvers-sur-Oise yesterday, I pondered the face of the statue of Vincent van Gogh. Walking through Giverny this afternoon, there was a sense of how different… Read More
“He saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him”. Matthew 9:9 It is odd to think that it is tw… Read More
Yesterday, it was the 106th anniversary of the Battle of Messines. Together with the former Irish army officer with whom I am tourin the Western Front, I went to the grave of Major Willie Re… Read More
‘Where are you from?’ asked the man beside me on the bus. ‘Somerset,’ I said. ‘I thought I could hear it,’ he said. ‘A great cricketing county.&rsqu… Read More
A friend told me that he had been at the Church of Ireland General Synod. I had forgotten such things even took place. I could no longer name the bishops who sit on the platform, splendid in… Read More
‘So now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had in your presence before the world existed.’ John 17:5 Saint John’s Gospel is a favourite for peop… Read More
There is no more cheering sight in springtime than the racks filled with packets of garden seeds that appear in shops. The seedsmen know the value of colour and the seed packets are a bright… Read More
It was warm today, perhaps for the first time this year. In the bright evening sunshine, he walked unsteadily towards me. A man who looked as though he would once have been fit, time and sub… Read More
BBC Somerset carried pictures of flash flooding in the county. Turning to the Flood Information Service, the area threatened seemed extensive. From Yeovil, which lies on the border with Dors… Read More
‘VE Day was not the end of the war,’ led one article today. Indeed, it was not, the war in Asia continued. It was not even the end of the violence in Europe. Across Europe, hundr… Read More
‘In my Father’s house,’ John 14:2 In one of the episodes from American writer Garrison Keillor’s News from Lake Wobegon, there is a story of a church service in which… Read More
‘Sir, you are looking very bright today.’ ‘It’s summer,’ I said, ‘I have switched to summer uniform.’ Linen jackets have been procured in various ch… Read More
The unrest in Paris reported on the evening news is nothing new, it would perhaps be more newsworthy if Paris were to be passive on May Day. It is some seven years since I was last in Paris… Read More
‘Jesus used this figure of speech with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to them’. John 10:6 The failure to understand Jesus was a matter of choice. It was not… Read More
Sitting in an empty classroom, I took out my lunch. Brown bread, tomatoes, a tin of sardines and an apple. (There is something oddly reassuring in peeling back the lid of the sardine tin and… Read More
One of the blinds in my classroom does not fully roll up, it jams about 30 centimetres from the top. It is not a problem. It is a large room with windows on two sides. There are six blinds o… Read More
‘Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.’ It always seemed a pity that today’s Gospel reading is left until two weeks after Easter for there is a wonderful hu… Read More
On Facebook, my number of ‘friends’ numbers no more than a few dozens, most of whom are family members scattered across various parts of England. However, as well as keeping in c… Read More
‘Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.’ John 20:25 There is no priest in my hom… Read More
it has been unseasonably cold, hard to believe it is the Easter holidays. In the clear coldness of the spring evening, the red lights marking the transmitting station on the Mendips were sha… Read More
The April sunshine fades quickly, the shadows stretch long along the road. There are memories come of childhood games of trying stepping on the shadows of others and imagining, Peter Pan-lik… Read More
Second Lieutenant Edward Thomas of the Artists’ Rifles died at the Battle of Arras 106 years ago today. The account of his death said that on Easter Monday, 9th April 1917, a shell had… Read More
‘And suddenly there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, came and rolled back the stone and sat on it’. Matthew 28:2 It is some six years sin… Read More
Walking to the church in the village, I found I had arrived on the wrong evening for the Holy Week service. There being no incumbent, a retired priest tries to cover miles of the area. Walki… Read More
Spy Wednesday, the day when Judas Iscariot is said to have agreed to betray Jesus of Nazareth. I remember as a child that I couldn’t quite understand this bit of the story. Last week… Read More
John McGahern’s letters speak of a different time. A present at the Christmas before last, the collection illuminates the world of his novels. There was a time when I would have doubte… Read More
Listening to The Brothers Karamazov, there seem words in Dostoevsky’s novel that capture the spirit of Palm Sunday. A story is told by Ivan Karamazov: “And behold, He deigned to… Read More

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For the Fainthearted
