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I am once again amazed by the beauty and the enduring hardiness of ‘the host of golden daffodils’ blooming again in front of my house at Cathedral Drive Farm. That’s especi… Read More
On my morning walk at sunrise I noticed a few well-placed clouds and the sun had combined to offer this momentary gentle, and to my eye, lovely image. And as I happened to have my camera… Read More
The lead article in the Washington Post’s ‘Todays Worldview’ about the earth-shattering disaster under way in the world’s greatest democracy should be read and unders… Read More
In the spring of 2022, I finally put two and two together and decided the time had come to work up the ground in part of the old barnyard to see if that might be a better place to grow veget… Read More
How long is a moment? I think the assumption has been that it’s not very long at all, a brief and passing thing that comes and goes in little more than the blinking of an eye; and… Read More
Here, just south of the 45th Parallel (halfway to the North Pole) in the upper Great Lakes area of Ontario, Canada, the appearance of rows of little green sprouts of sweet corn in the first… Read More
The garden, May 2018 On a scale of one to ten this perplexing spring so far in Hope Ness and the rest of southern Ontario isn’t much to complain about when Putin’s bombs and m… Read More
The Lies That Brought Us To The Brink
Donald Trump (DT), the well-known pathological liar and former President of the U.S.A. who tried but failed to overthrow its democracy has blamed President Joe Biden for Russian dictator Vla… Read More
A Lament For The Proud, Canadian Dream
Readers of this blog may recall that I have often written proudly about Canada as a wonderful example to a troubled world of a country where a great diversity of people of many cultural back… Read More
Hope is the most precious … I was going to say ‘commodity.’ But that primarily refers to a raw material or agricultural product that is ‘bought and sold.’ I… Read More
Morning Thoughts (1)
Morning walks down Cathedral Drive had become routine; something I had to give myself a little push to keep doing, because the dogs needed a walk, and so did I. And because the touchstone, t… Read More
What a perfectly glorious autumn morning it was as we, the dogs and I, left the house for our after-breakfast walk down Cathedral Drive to the Touchstone: The air was still, barely a… Read More
Just when things were starting to look dark and dreary, I was called to go over to the raspberry batch and receive a rare treat and a blessing: late season raspberries in Hope Ness, Onta… Read More
When Tchaikovsky Sang The Blues
Ah, there’s nothing like listening to the last movement of Tchaikovsky’s 6th Symphony, the Pathetique, to remind me that the tragic sense of life has always been with me. That… Read More
Aussie contemplates his next move.It’s taken me a long time, way too long, considering how little time we have to live on this precious little jewel of a planet, to fully appreciate th… Read More
Morning Thoughts
Distant thunder rumbling, Approaching, ominous and foreboding, Rain falling, wave after wave. On such a morning Some would call this Not a good day. But others, myself incl… Read More
“Can You Take Me Home?”
(Author’s note: This is a chapter from a work in progress, about an very old man who undertakes an extraordinary journey home to the pioneer farm where he was born, and lived, until a… Read More
Speaking Of This Brilliant Morning
Speaking plainly of this brilliant morning, The sun rising in a clear sky, The lingering snow yearning, I fancy, for its melting touch, We walk Cathedral Drive to the rock Whe… Read More
There was a profound stillness in the air this sunrise, mid-March morning as we walked to my prayerful touchstone beside Cathedral Drive, the dogs and I, doing what we do every morning of ev… Read More
As the headline suggests, I soon had a welcoming, friendly, attitude toward the mating pair of ravens who found a home in my 125-year-old bank barn a couple of years ago. The barn was… Read More
Though it’s late in coming, there’s nothing like the onset of something that resembles a good, old-fashioned Canada winter to test the myths and realities of growing old. Let&rs… Read More
Twenty years ago, when I was still a staff reporter at the local, daily newspaper, I interviewed a professor of agriculture at the University of Guelph. At the end of the interview about… Read More
(Not much has changed since I first published this two years ago in a lot of ways. Old age continues to creep up on me, but I give myself a push and go outside to plant some garlic, or othe… Read More
The Hawk Is Watching
I saw it again this morning as the dogs and I came back from our after-breakfast walk. Had it been watching us from above, I wonder only now? We had just turned down into our long driveway a… Read More
Speak to me of Love, And I will tell you a story that never ends. Speak to me of Love, And I will tell you how it doesn’t matter, How much you say she has aged, And her beauty faded… Read More
And Now For Some Good News
Far be it from me to traffic in dangerously unrealistic comments and other false hopes about the current Coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis. But for what it’s worth, regarding the lifting… Read More
The Earth Quakes In Hope Ness
In the 40 years since I first came to live in Hope Ness I’ve seen, heard, and felt a lot of memorable natural occurrences: a few specially intense, zero-visibility blizzards; the sky t… Read More
Two Smallish-type Poems
“The man who invented time was a fool.” Dan, circa 1961, the village cafe, Toronto Waiting A few dark grapes, some cheese, a bit of bread; An ear, or more, of just-picked sweet c… Read More
This old apple tree has seen better days, but none better than this, if one takes into consideration its defiant struggle to stay alive, and much, much more. I call it heroic, glorious, the… Read More
April 15, 2019: This Is Not Normal
For a lot of years I’ve been growing vegetables at several locations on the peninsula between Lake Huron and Georgian Bay in southern Ontario, Canada. I’ve grown accustomed to b… Read More
I Do (gardening); Therefore, I Am
I look out my window and watch the winter storm blow in and get steadily worse. I don’t have to go on-line to check if the roads are closed: that’s obvious enough. The line of th… Read More
A stoat, or ermine, caught in my live trap, soon to be released back into nature I got quite a surprise when I checked the live-trap this morning in the basement cold room where I store prod… Read More
After Sunset, 5:00 pm, in Hope Ness, Canada, December 15, 2018 Sunset comes early in Hope Ness, Canada a week away from the winter solstice. If I don’t feed and walk the dogs before su… Read More
Tracks In The Snow
Buddy woke me up early this morning with barking that tells me he’s picked up on something around or near the farm. My thoughts were of critters from the woods come to feast on the co… Read More
Another cloudy day in late October with the front field to cultivate before it starts to rain, as forecast. I’m out beside Mr. Massey Too, checking his fluid levels before connecting… Read More
With the sun now fallen below the equator, the mornings have come later with seeming haste over the past several weeks, as if anxious to move the season along toward winter. It will come so… Read More
How well I remember my first sweet corn experience. I was a young boy of the inner city, invited out on a picnic by a country friend and his family. Two fresh-picked, unhusked cobs of sweet… Read More

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Finding Hope Ness | discovering the wonder that’s in a moment
