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Patriots Support President Trump for the Long Haul! (Vibe check!)

"Vibe check!"

Since November 3rd, you see this term all over social media. It's Patriots' way of expressing care for each others' emotional well-being during this unbelievably long emotional roller coaster ever since Fake Biden stole the election and was Fake Inaugurated and is Fake Governing.

In the midst of every emotionally traumatic event in life, sometimes you have to step aside for a moment, contemplate where you've been, blow off pent up emotional steam and then figure out how to maintain emotional equilibrium so you arrive at "Happily Ever After" in one piece!

And this is going to be a longer haul than any Patriot, including Donald Trump, ever expected.

If you don't take care of your heart, those pent-up emotions will find a way out and it won't be good. Sooner or later, you'll melt down. By that time, all those raw toxic emotions will have damaged your physical health.

This article is We the Patriots taking a much-needed break. Here, take my hand and let's stroll down Memory Lane together. We'll re-emerge refreshed and re-energized to support President Trump for the long haul.

September 2020: "I Want to Write About America"

That's what I told Michael: "I want to write about America." And so I did.

Inspired by the palpable patriotism of President Trump's Make America Great Again Again rallies, I was high on Patriotism. I wanted to write about how America makes me feel. Her great men, great history and great quotes. America's high-minded ideals. Her spirit. What it means to be an American. What it feels like to be high on Freedom.

I reckon that's how we all felt last September. We were riding a tidal wave of love of country, realizing yet again that we true red-blooded American patriots outnumber the Libtards thousands-to-one.

And it felt good. It felt damned good!

October 2020: Eat, Pray, Cry

Sometimes you don't realize how much you love someone until there's a chance of losing them.

When President Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19, grown men were breaking down in tears. There's never been a time quite like it in recent history.

A crowd spontaneously gathered outside Walter Reed with signs,  praying and singing together. RSBN rushed to the scene, providing non-stop live coverage. Ever the class act, President Trump sent his staff out with chocolates...and then the pizzas arrived. Boxes and boxes and boxes of pizza all paid for by President Trump. 

But he wasn't satisfied yet. It wasn't enough for him to just feed the crowd. Oh no! Climbing in The Beast, he buzzed the crowd, waving for all he was worth. Of course, the MSM had a shit fit, suddenly caring so, so much about the Secret Service.

And they weren't very nice to his physician, Dr. Sean Conley, either. To those of you who know something about oxygen therapy, the MSM's obsession with whether or not the President was on O2 was ridiculous. Who cares if he had a "short snort" or two. (That's what I call O2. A "short snort." Hey! If your husband had a terminal lung disease, you'd cope with humor too! When Michael coughs up protein, it's known as "Doc Holliday coughing up a furball.")

I've never prayed harder for anyone in my life. And when President Trump finally tweeted to us again, well! Suddenly you realized he wasn't merely your President. Somehow, when you weren't looking, the rich man with the funny yellow hair had waltzed straight into your heart and become a beloved part of your family. A grandfatherly figure.

When Marine One lifted off from Walter Reed to bring him safely back to the White House where he belongs, the crowd was ecstatic.

When the chips were down, for the first time we realized how much we loved him. So when he hit the campaign trail again, the chant at the MAGA rallies had changed from "Four More Years!" to "We love you."

"You're gonna make me cry," he responded and I think he really meant it.

As my Michael said with awe as the Likes on Trump's tweet from Walter Reed spun upward like a combination lock, "Reagan was liked, but Trump is loved."

That's when AMERICA: The Blog changed focus. I wasn't merely writing about America anymore. I was determined to use my little venue to win as many votes for Donald J. Trump as I possibly could.

So I wrote my flippin' giblets out. I wrote about Ashley Biden so much if you Googled "Ashley Biden"...hit #2 was my blog! (Google quickly caught on and buried me.)

I wrote about Hunter Biden.

I wrote about  the debates.

I wrote about Bobulinski. (Remember him!?!)

I wrote about ballot harvesting at nursing homes...and triggered my ol' bleeding heart liberal boss who came to the defense of the old people..I Jest! I jest! She came to the defense of the caregivers cheating the elderly out of their right to vote. So much for your smooshy bleeding heart, Pam!

Perhaps my stuff didn't change anyone's mind to vote for Donald Trump but at least I tried. Oh, how I tried!

November 2020: Living History

History is awesome...until you have to live it. Then it really sucks!

We became conscious that we weren't just living our lives anymore in the wee hours of November 4th when the Biden Fake Vote Dump started. That's when we realized we were living History and it really, really sucks.

We knew President Trump won.

The (almost) 2 million people who marched in DC knew he won.

President Trump knew President Trump won.

Hell! Fake Biden knew President Trump won.

I can't believe this needs to be said but a piece of paper does not a real ballot make. The Libtards acted like naughty children. They worked and worked and worked until the fake election numbers added up for Fake Joe. Then they patted themselves on the back for a job well done like children who yell, "Just a minute, Mom. I'm not done yet" and their mother later discovers they were putting the finishing touches on a crayon mural on the Living Room walls.

That's not art. It's a mess. And so was the election.

We knew there'd be voter fraud. Fake Biden told us so. But we never anticipated how shamelessly and blatantly they would every every way. They piled cheating on their cheating and they weren't even careful nor subtle nor scientific about it. They shot the works and went for broke! The more, the merrier!

But here's the kicker: Thousands of people were  recruited and involved in the fraud in every state and to this day, as far as I know, only one person ever broke ranks to admit what they did...and that one whistleblower was a newbie who didn't quite realize what she was being told to do, bless her heart.

Hope came in the form of a video posted on Twitter by @tom2badcat (where is he? is he okay?) from Dr. Charlie Ward who claimed he could confirm that Trump had won in a landslide and the true results of the election were collected in a SCIF. I still trust what Dr. Ward said about the election but I'm not sure he's reliable about other things since then.

And there were a lot of other little clues and stories and whispers leading to one conclusion: Donald Trump was gathering all the evidence he needed to challenge the election.

Remember Trump's Sting Operation??? (And it's not his first time planning a sting operation!)

Remember Scytl Scuttled!?!

Remember Block Chain???

Remember Richard Hopkins the USPS Whistleblower?

Remember Kelly Clarkson of Maricopa County Infamy??? ("Switch to Sharpies for Election Day," should feature at her trial!)

That's when AMERICA: The Blog changed yet again. "I've got the to keep up the spirits of the Patriots," I told Michael.

I tried. Oh, how I've tried.

December 2020: All Hopes on the Electoral College

To tell you the truth, I don't remember very much about the latter part of November and first part of December. My step-daughter, Caitlin, passed away on 11/20 and all my energies went into trying to figure out what happened...with her Wisconsin family fighting me all the way. When I returned to the blog, I discovered Google was onto me and my site hits tanked.

Ever since November 3rd, all my hopes had been pinned on the Electoral College.  This is what they're there for. A 2nd line of defense if the popular vote goes cattywampus. In December, we learned they weren't going to do their job and more traitors were revealed.

Then we learned SCOTUS didn't intend to do their job either.

Well! The Deep State had everything and everyone tied up with the Big Black Bow of Blackmail! And if Lin Wood's allegations of pedophilia are not true, why haven't Mike Pence and John Roberts issued statements and/or sued Wood for defamation??? Just sayin'.

Meanwhile, the United State military re-doubled their air and sea presence while President Trump climbed in Marine One to buzz the crowd at the Jericho Rally. Remember the challenge to the clergy to stand up and lead!?! Damn straight. I loath these "Christians have no place in politics" people. If our Founding Fathers had taken that cowardly position, there wouldn't be an America and we'd all be goose-stepping and heiling der Vaterland.

Then on Christmas morning shots were fired and they blew up Nashville (from the tunnels underneath, most likely) to destroy the Emergency Broadcasting System and swept it under the carpet in a cover-up that was as shoddy as it was speedy.

Bah! Humbug!

January 2021: The Month that Will Live in Infamy

I don't think I'll ever get over what happened in January of 2021. Will you?

For one blazing, glorious moment We the People felt our power. Yes, January 6th was a False Flag on us. Yes, it was a pre-planned. They got caught...and what about those 20 confiscated laptops! Had you forgotten?

But for once We the People inhabited our institutions of power and got to watch our elected "Representatives" run and cower from us...and we had no weapons except our ideas and our voices. That's when we realized our awesome power.

That is how it should be. As Thomas Jefferson said, "When the government fears the people, there is freedom."

For one shining fleeting moment, we had Freedom.

Then something weird happened. The Congressmen who could and should have objected to the Electoral College vote had a sudden and inexplicable change of heart whilst hiding from us. Even the usually true-blue Rand Paul adopted a too casual laa-dee-da approach to the vote. It was weird and wrong.

And surely we haven't forgotten Mike Pence being palmed a Challenge Coin after the vote was completed, again, in the wee hours of the morning. I wish I knew who handed him that coin!

Leading up to January 20th, all the foremost patriots began to say the unthinkable: Fake Joe Biden will be allowed to be "inaugurated." Everyone was pretty clear on that point.

And he was...before January 20th. The timing was all wrong.  The military uniforms and salute were all wrong. The weather was all wrong. The shadow of the sun was all wrong. Pelosi was taking orders from her minders. Jill's shoes suddenly changed color during the walkabout. The list goes on and on. It was obviously pre-recorded well before noon of January 20th and so badly done, from beginning to end, that it fairly screamed,  "Not a real inauguration. Not a real president."

We, the Patriots, were desperate for hope, studying everything, watching live cams, looking for the clues that Fake Biden was not being treated as a Real President. Some we got right, some we got wrong. (Me too!) Some unscrupulous people began to shovel shitty hopium, leading Patriots down the primrose path, writing fake Conservative Good News. I fell for some of it myself, to my shame. But to this day, there are enough anomalies in Fake Biden's Regime to continue that lovely feeling that it's all a Big Charade.

The mistake we made was falling for every wild hopeful theory that came along, reading too much into Q posts. Stuff like that. Made ourselves slightly ridiculous, in my view but hey! At least we didn't abandon President Trump as so many others did.

Five months ago, if the Liberty Daily featured my article, I was assured 20-50,000 site hits...up to 185,000 hits. Now I barely get 5,000. Fair weather patriots went back to their normal lives, choosing the peace of accepting a rigged election over fighting like Hell for Trump and America. "Good match, fellas. Better luck next time." Helluva shame. They are what is wrong with this country!

No! This is not over. This will never be over. As President Trump said, "The future is important but the past must be litigated." In the meantime, we have to listen to that constantly angry pseething piece of pshit, Jen Psaki, prevaricate her ass off! Oh the horror! I miss Kayleigh!

February 2021: Watching and Waiting

By February, the elation of the campaign and the devastation of the steal had both passed. A new theory was on the block. No one quite knows where it came from. Some said President Trump would be inaugurated on March 4th.

We Patriots continued to be the Watchers on the Wall. Studying everything, scrutinizing everything. And what we found was fascinating.

First of all, there were no longer Secret Service on the roof of the White House. A house that appeared curiously devoid of life.

Secondly, on Valentine's Day, Fake Biden and Mrs. Jill did a walkabout on the wrong side of the White House. The side that is overlooked and indefensible. The side the Secret Service would never sanction for a casual promenade by a real POTUS.

Thirdly, we discovered that He-Who-Plays-Biden sometimes wears a mask.

When Ghost Ezra on Telegram first postulated the mask theory, I thought he was cuckoo for cocoa puffs. And sometimes his theories are bizarre and incorrect. But not this one.

When an eye behind the Biden mask blinked...freaked the Hell outta me! The skin around his eye did not move. I noticed it again in other videos. It's a good mask. A very good mask but still a thick it casts a shadow on his pupils and probably contributed to his triple fall(predicted by Q!!!) because he simply couldn't clearly see the stairs.


This means nothing he signs nor says means diddly shit.

And President Trump knows it! He's alluded to it on at least two occasions.

That's why Fake Biden wouldn't agree to a drug test before the debates. Blood = DNA...and it'd be easy to prove he's not Biden.

No, the fella masquerading as POTUS only has authority if we give it to him. Why would we!?! He's certain not the real Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

Does anyone know who's playing Biden today!?! (And no, it's not James Wood.)

Real Biden

Fake Biden

But it sure was good to see our real,  duly elected President again at CPAC. We missed him. Oh! How we missed him! Listen to any video of him nowadays and you'll hear a constant chorus of, "We love you, Mr. President!" Very heart warming.

March 2021: Buckling Down

By March we realized this wasn't going to end swiftly with military justice as we'd hoped. Myanmar tried it. It's not going well for them.

We Patriots realized the process is going to take longer than we expected or wanted. Every civil recourse has not been exhausted. The election is still being litigated.

The strategy of President Trump and his team seems to be to irritate the Fake Biden Regime like a mosquito.Constant comms. Tweets. Facebook posts. Don Jr Videos. Interviews. Dinners. Speeches. Fundraisers. Endorsements. Statements from the Office of the President. Nag, nag, nag. Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz.

Yes, the process is infuriatingly slow. It's not the shock-and-awe we wanted. But President Trump insists on doing everything legally and peacefully. It's not satisfying but it's good.

Fake Biden must find it irritating.

I find it charming.

Meanwhile, We the People are rising. Just as Q said, we are the cure. Slowly, the governors and legislatures are going the right thing. They've found their voice and their power.

Like a flash mob, it only takes one courageous person with a Will of Iron to start the ball rolling.  Trump was our training wheels. We learned from him how to guide the Ship of State for ourselves.

Meanwhile, Tiffany Dover, the nurse who died on camera after receiving the vaccine, suddenly broke months of Instagram silence to post, "Meet me on the other side of paradise" with plenty of skiing photos...that never show her full face. Took 'em that long to hack her Instagram. Close...but no cigar.

Oh yeah and wasn't there something about an impeachment?  An impeachment, by the by, that Q also predicted.

April 2021: In It For the Long Haul

And so we finally arrive in the NOW. Almost May. I never thought Fake Biden would be "in office" this long.

Do I believe we have to wait until 2024 for this cockeyed situation to be resolved? No. Not on your tintype.

But I do think it's going to take longer than any of us want. And along the way, the nation (nay, the world!) is being red-pilled. Wow! Are they ever being red-pilled!!!

History is being written. Our elections are being safeguarded. New ground will be broken when the November 2020 fake election is overturned. Life and politics will never be the same. They'll be better after this.

And there are still anomolies. Fences in DC come; fences in DC go. Suddenly, the Secret Service is again on the roof of the White House. The Fake Biden who played golf last weekend had a different nose than the other Fake Biden. Flights continue to go and come from Gitmo. The Trump loyalists in government that Fake Biden should have fired he has not fired. It's all just...weird!

But we are in it for the long haul. We've been through the emotional wringer, but we survived and we're stronger and wiser for having lived through this yucky patch in history. We're not fair weather Patriots. We love America and President Trump too much for that.

We know who our President is and continue to support him with our thoughts, our prayers, our words and our love. President Trump isn't a quitter and neither are we!

God bless President Trump and God bless these United States of America!

This post first appeared on Lenora Thompson, Writer Of Narcissism, please read the originial post: here

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Patriots Support President Trump for the Long Haul! (Vibe check!)


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