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A Very Full First Day of Being 32


I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 32.

I opened my box from my parents this morning, and uncovered some chapstick, coupons, a Reader’s Digest, two crisp one-dollar bills, among some cookies and candy, most of which were promptly eaten. I managed to get to the post office and a not-too-terrible parking spot despite insane campus traffic. I shared my birthday cookies with my office floor mates before class. After class, I had sushi on the terrace and shared a cupcake and chat with Rini. 3 out of 4 students showed up for meetings today, and I got to see my APO brothers at meeting and go to dance class. Just found a geocache and now I’m at home, in bed, where I belong. Only a little more lesson planning to do before tomorrow, then off to bed.

Happy birthday to me

And yes, I did watch my favorite YouTube videos, and sang the Maude theme.

This post first appeared on That’s So Jacob | Random Thoughts 'n Things From, please read the originial post: here

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A Very Full First Day of Being 32
