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That’s So Jacob | Random Thoughts 'n Things From Blog

random thoughts 'n things from the life of jacob
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I realized the other day that I hadn’t blogged for a while, and though I normally don’t like to post a lot of real-life stuff in here, it’s… Read More
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 32. I opened my box from my parents this morning, and uncovered some chapstick, coupons, a Reader’s Digest, two crisp one-dollar… Read More
It’s my last few hours of being 31 years old. At the moment of my birth tomorrow, I will be sitting in class. Not teaching, but at least I’ll be surrounded by…uh&hellip… Read More
It’s been a busy month, but now that I have a moment to breathe, I would like to take this opportunity to record an observation. Not really a rant, if you will, but more of a “wh… Read More
It’s not my blogiversary, but it’s my life-iversary. Today, I spent some time alone, and some time not alone. I picked apples, found a geocache, did a crossword puzzle, talked wi… Read More
This might just be among the weirdest posts I’ve ever made, but I’m wondering what it is that makes you feel human. Call me materialistic, but for me, there’s something abo… Read More
(in case you doesn’t get that joke, just listen to the bonus track on the [title of show] album) HI. So. I actually finished a book the other day. Despite today being the las… Read More
Oh, What A Lovely War
Has it really been almost a whole month since I’ve posted? It seems like That’s So Jacob is turning into something akin to a monthly blog, judging my summer posting pattern&helli… Read More
A And B C The Coast
I’ve actually been rocking and rolling through books this summer, and this one’s a good one. I actually sat at the Hubbard Avenue Diner for over two hours finishing it, and was n… Read More
So, one of my secret/not-so-secret obsessions (secret in the fact that no one in America knows what it is or cares about it, but not so secret in the fact that if you ask me about I can go o… Read More
So many coffee drinks, so little time. If at Olive Garden, “when you’re here, you’re family,” a) why do you have to pay, and b) why don’t you have to wash the d… Read More
Carry On, My Wayward Daughter
A minor spoiler, but then again, wasn’t everything about this book a minor spoiler? I finally finished a book after a long time of reading bits and pieces, and this one was Don&rs… Read More
This past weekend was exhausting, but so much fun; I decided to head to Iowa City, IA for the APO Section 21 Conference, hosted by the University of Iowa. I had offered to do my theatre work… Read More
Over the past 24 hours… My iPhone battery life keeps evaporating quicker and quicker in the cold. I walked up Bascom Hill at 65% and by the time I got to the top it was 17%. A piece o… Read More
So, last week, my red pajama pants split down the middle one night, so I decided I needed new ones. I went to Target yesterday to pick up some new ones, and found…myself in a pickle… Read More
Always Fresh, Never From Concentrate
Flip the Script….will be back soon (I know, everyone’s favorite), but I’ve been doing a lot of reading and have not posted a book review for awhile, so here goes. Forget V… Read More
So this year’s been off to some kind of start, on the blogging front…anyway, greetings from Milwaukee, where I just went to an APO meeting at Marquette University and am now pro… Read More
Today, I was driving past the middle school I always pass when I head into town, and I noticed that the crossing guard’s vest said “traffic whisperer.” As I drove… Read More
Happy new year, y’all! After spending the day at Kalahari Water Park in Wisconsin Dells, I’ve realized that this year has been 100% fun. What more can I say? Read More
Some people describe others as the type that could “throw on a trash bag and look like a million dollars.” While I don’t look like a million dollars, that first part is kin… Read More
Raise your hand if you snack when you shop. Anyone? Everyone? I’ve heard talk of eating a meal before you shop to sate your hunger and control your impulse to buy snacks while shopping… Read More
Hey what’s up you guys that’s not my line it’s Jenna marbles the slide and sorry I’m blogging from my phone so apologies advance I shouldn’t apologize or whatev… Read More
There is something that is easily the most annoying thing about this time of year. It’s not the ever-present Christmas music despite the fact that it’s not even December, and it… Read More
There’s been omething that’s been reverberating in my head for the past few days. It happened a few months ago, but for some reason, it’s come back and I can’t get it… Read More
I’ve been feeling super stressed and uninspired lately, so inspire me by asking me a question in the comments section.  Whatever you want. Whatever’s on your… Read More
What a crazy, incredible weekend. My internal schedule is all messed up and I ate way too much, but it was the annual APO Region IX conference, and for the first time in several years, it wa… Read More
Yes, I say what, and not who. You’ll understand by the end of this post. Hello from Memorial Library, by the way. There’s something about blogging from a desktop that is way more… Read More
So, it’s officially the end of the season. Pumpkin Spice season, that is. The weather in Madison has dropped thirty degrees this week, and despite not liking Pumpkin Spice Lattes, I do… Read More
Yeah, no idea what to write. I’ve had this weird feeling lately, really ever since my birthday, that something strange is about to happen. I don’t know if it’s political, o… Read More
It’s official…I am thirty years old. I spent most of my day at the ballroom dance competition. I met my partner last night, and even though we didn’t place, we managed to… Read More
One of my guilty-ish pleasures is cozy mystery novels; you know, the pocket-sized ones with themes like cats, or sewing, or in this case, tea. I haven’t picked up one of Laura Chi… Read More
Today, I had the good fortune to step into World Market, and the first thing I saw? A container of black and orange fortune cookies labeled “misfortune cookies.” Naturally, I had… Read More
Last week, I finished a book that I’d encountered after reading an article on the Internet. More on that article later, but for now, a brief review of said book, You Are One of Th… Read More
So, the big news of the day, other than it being the International Day of the Girl and National Coming Out Day, is that the Boy Scouts of America, aka the BSA, has announced that it will now… Read More
Most of the past week of my life or so has consisted of sleeping (horribly, I might add), staying in bed until the afternoon, feeding myself, thinking about doing work, frantically running a… Read More
One of the questions asked at tonight’s APO meeting was about the most interesting thing that happened today. Normally, I don’t find my days that interesting, especially today, w… Read More
According to the Buzzfeed machine, the newest Twitter hashtag going around is #ConfessToSomethingStupid. Even though I don’t have Twitter, despise hashtags, and only use them ironicall… Read More
Hey now, I actually finished the book! No, not Moby Dick, but A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, about the Sierra Leonean civil war Read More
So, tonight I went out to HopCat with the dance team. I arrived about a half hour into dinner, so everyone had already ordered and was still waiting for their meals. I got a seat on the end… Read More
Ex’s And Y’s
I’ve actually been getting quite a lot of reading done lately, and the two latest books I’ve finished, I’ve realized, have quite a few similarities other than the facts tha… Read More
Nope, not a post about Meghan Trainor, but about the fact that I finally live in a home with a bathtub after 4 years, and tonight I used it for the first time. This might not be the most sci… Read More
Holidays That Should Exist
It seems like my blog is turning into a weekly blog rather than a daily blog. Yikes. Also, I’ve been saying “yikes” a lot for no real reason. Rather than a life update like… Read More
Since apparently nothing can go right today at all, I’m once again blogging from a device other than my laptop (last time it was my phone, today it’s my iPad, at least) because W… Read More
And two weeks later here I am updating my blog from Las Vegas at the moment I’m sitting in the lobby at the MGM Grand and ordering what should probably be a really good plate of salmon… Read More
Not so much about the song, but about a book I finished today. Maybe it’s all the stress, but I’m burning through books these days. But I ain’t complaining. Today’s a… Read More
It’s been a long week so far, and I haven’t been too inspired to write…well, much of anything. I don’t really know why. But I need to be writing more, in general, so… Read More

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That’s So Jacob | random thoughts 'n things from
