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Celebrate Bye-Bye to 2016

Celebrate Bye-Bye To 2016

In life, you will realize there is a purpose for every person you meet. Some are there to test you, some will use you, some will teach you, and some will bring out the worst in you, while others bring out the best.
~ Unknown Author ~

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
~ Romans 8:28 ~

Hello friends. (smile) Welcome Lexa and co-hosts, L.G. Keltner @Writing Off The Edge and Tonja Drecker @Kidbits Blog, to another blessed Friday to celebrate the small things.

Hope all is well in your world. This week, I celebrate bye-bye to 2016.

I’m smiling as I reminisce about God’s faithfulness through the joy and pain, the ebb and flow, the good and not so good experiences in 2016.

To be honest, this was a rough year. Thank God for his mercy and grace that walked me through all things. (smile)

There are moments that healing comes through all things.

There are situations that promote discipline through all things.

There are environments that develop courage and inner strength through all things.

There are times, it is, what it is through all things.

Bottom line, still standing, faith stronger than ever, loved and protected by the King through all things.

Praise the Lord, all things work together for our good. All things.

Abundant blessings, my friends, as we say bye-bye 2016 and hello to a faithful and hopeful new year. (wink)

Happy New Year!

©afriendofjesus2013Blog, Aug 2013

Filed under: Life Moments Tagged: Celebrate Bye-Bye to 2016, Celebrate The Small Things, Romans 8:28

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Celebrate Bye-Bye to 2016
